
Resellers: what is, advantages and disadvantages

Real estate has been and remains the main indicator of wealth and the method of investing money. We are surrounded by elite skyscrapers and Soviet typical five-story buildings. Despite the different ages of these houses, most of the apartments in them are occupied by residents. The market is full of offers for the acquisition of real estate. Everyone chooses the most optimal option for himself, but in order to determine correctly, you should ask yourself the question: “Primary, secondary housing - what is it?”. In the article, we consider their differences, and dwell on the secondary market.

Characteristics of housing types

There are two main methods of real estate acquisition: by participation in shared construction or conclusion of a contract of sale with the owner. In the first case, the house in which the apartment is located has not yet been built and has not been commissioned. In other words, this type of property does not have an owner. Many often confuse the proposals of the primary and secondary markets, suggesting that the primary is new buildings, and the secondary is well-maintained older homes. The last statement is closer to the truth.

secondary housing what is

The primary market is an offer of participation in shared construction. Housing of this type exists only documented - in the estimate. An agreement is drawn up, on the basis of which, after completion of construction and all necessary communications, the developer transfers housing rights to the interest holder.

In cases where the house is built, and the apartments are not sold out completely, the owner of the land plot draws up a right of ownership for himself. Here it is appropriate to apply the concept of “secondary housing”. What does it mean? It's simple: the owner has appeared at the apartment. She passed into someone else's possession and is now considered an element of the secondary market.

The difference in prices for primary and secondary housing

Carefully consider and analyze the situation for different types of apartments makes the difference in their value. The primary market usually offers better deals than the secondary. In large cities, several developers are working on a project of new buildings. By comparing their conditions, you can save a lot. The cost will depend on the area, transport interchange and, of course, the construction phase. At the “foundation pit” stage, buying an apartment will cost almost two times cheaper than in a new building already commissioned.

secondary housing in Moscow

Resellers are usually more expensive than still unfinished apartments. This is quite understandable by the fact that, compared with the primary market, a really existing apartment has advantages: you can see it and move pretty soon. The risks of such transactions are minimal. Everything changes exactly the opposite at the moment when the primary real estate is acquired by the owner or the apartments are sold at the last stages of construction.

What affects the pricing of secondary housing?

In Russia, the percentage is still large direct sales apartments, without the use of intermediary services. Often this leads to unreasonable prices, which are "taken from the ceiling" on the basis of how much the neighbor asks for such an apartment. Not everyone is able to calculate the objective amount of the transaction. In general, this significantly distorts reality and affects the market. In European countries, for example, in 90% of cases, realtors are engaged in the sale of real estate. In addition, they are only familiar with the only concept - “secondary housing”. What is the “primary” Europeans do not know, because the sale of apartments with them begins only after registration of ownership.

apartments secondary housing

The convenience factor is also seriously overpriced.For example, secondary housing in Moscow differs significantly in price, depending on the area, the distance from the metro. In addition, sellers of the secondary are rarely in a hurry and are not interested in much inferior in value. While the builder needs to receive funds in order to continue construction and is ready to provide a good discount that covers all the inconveniences associated with anticipation and possible risks.

Varieties of secondary housing

One of the qualities that attract future owners to consider the offers of the secondary housing market is the variety of choices. There are many apartment options for every taste: with a chic repair or bare walls, in the city center or on the outskirts. Some owners sell fully equipped housing, which is very convenient for those who buy it for the first time.

apartments secondary housing Moscow

Depending on what the quality of the apartment is, secondary housing is conditionally divided into the following categories:

  • low-quality or poorly maintained - there are no some usual conveniences in the form of heating, water supply and other;
  • standard - apartments in standard buildings with floors of up to 16, having adjacent rooms and small kitchens;
  • improved - characterized by isolated rooms, additional storage rooms, increased areas of the kitchen, number of storeys up to 16;
  • Elite - new buildings built according to their own projects, which have spacious isolated rooms and additional amenities in the form of security, parking and other things.

Benefits of Aftermarket Offerings

When considering buying a property, secondary housing is often put forward in a priority position. Why it happens? Is the apartment, which has changed with a dozen owners, nicer than a fresh, really new living space? It's simple: the “secondary” has many advantages, on the basis of which the decision to acquire it leads to the idea of ​​greater convenience and benefits:

  • a huge selection of apartments of different types, number of storeys, area of ​​residence;
  • quick paperwork and moving;
  • the opportunity to see the future apartment "live";
  • the presence of repair, and possibly even furniture and appliances;
  • lower mortgage rate.

real estate resale

According to many buyers, it is secondary housing that has more advantages. What is the purchase of a used apartment? Just re-issuing documents and transferring money, taking no more than two weeks of time. This is a quick and “transparent” option for acquiring real estate.

Disadvantages of secondary housing

Real estate is the best way to invest money that will 100% pay for itself and bring benefits. But this, unfortunately, is also a common weapon of fraudsters who carry out transactions illegally. Buyers usually do not even consider the “primary” due to the high risk of freezing the construction site. However, if you look at the problem sensibly, the purchase of secondary housing is sometimes associated with much more serious legal problems. Fraudsters may offer to buy an apartment at a lower price, making an illegal transaction. Becoming a participant in such an action, the buyer gives the money for nothing. In the end, he loses the property right, and remains on the street, also without funds. To avoid such problems, you should make sure that the apartment:

  • not subject to property disputes;
  • not pledged or under arrest;
  • none of the relatives has the right to inherit it;
  • really belongs to the person carrying out the transaction.

real estate resale

Legal "cleanliness" of secondary housing is the main and main problem of its acquisition. In addition to this significant negative point, the “secondary” may not show its best side in the following:

  • old communications;
  • unpleasant neighbors;
  • inflated cost;
  • rules established by long-term residence;
  • dilapidation of structures.

Where can one buy?

The need to purchase housing is especially acute in large cities and capitals, where it is very difficult to find good and affordable apartments. Resellers (Moscow, St. Petersburg) - sometimes the only way to choose the best option for yourself. Of course, in order to find a suitable apartment in these cities, you will have to review a lot of ads and meet with many owners. Particular attention should be paid to the legal side of the proposed transaction. Frauds with apartments in the capitals are much more common than in small towns.

Where to look for offers? Internet resources will become a convenient method of finding an apartment. Resellers on Avito offer a large number of options that can be selected by advanced search, including cost, area, area of ​​the living space, number of storeys, number of rooms and other indicators. Of course, the best method of acquisition will be to apply for the services of realtors of trusted companies. Professionals will not only independently select the most worthy options for viewing, but will also help in checking documents and drawing up a contract of sale.

Secondary housing over the years does not lose its relevance. It's easier for people to buy what they can see firsthand. The speed of the transaction also plays a role: registration within a few weeks adds confidence that the money will not be wasted.

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