
Media Law: in simple terms, key points

Federal Media Law proclaims freedom of the media. The document indicates which activities of companies are not subject to restrictions. The Act also formulates the basic concepts in the media sphere, the rules for registering mass media, and the procedure for disseminating information. Consider the main changes to the media law. media law

Allowable Activities

Not subject to restrictions:

  1. Receiving, disseminating, searching the mass media.
  2. Ownership, disposal, establishment and use of the media.
  3. The acquisition, manufacture, operation and storage of technical equipment and devices, materials and raw materials that are intended for the distribution and production of media products.

changes to the media law

Key concepts

The Federal Media Law clarifies the main definitions used in the media field. Among them:

  1. Mass information. It includes audio, print, audiovisual and other materials and messages that are intended for an indefinite number of persons. Accordingly, the media is a periodical, video, television, radio or newsreel program or other form of dissemination of information.
  2. The product is the circulation (part of it) of a separate issue of a newspaper / magazine or video, audio recordings, a separate issue of a television, radio, and newsreel program.
  3. Distribution of products is called the sale (distribution, subscription, delivery) of information materials and messages.
  4. Specialized media refers to a media tool for which specific rules apply. They relate, in particular, to its registration and distribution of its products.
  5. A media editorial office is an institution, enterprise, citizen, or an association of several persons who produce and release a media product. The head is the chief editor.
  6. Journalist - a person who carries out the creation, editing, preparation, collection of materials and messages for the editors of a registered media outlet and related contractual (labor) relations with it (or engages in the specified activities for the granted powers).

Inadmissibility of Censorship

The Law on Mass Media (latest edition) prohibits officials, government bodies, institutions, organizations, public associations require media companies to pre-approve materials and communications. It is not allowed to prohibit the distribution of media products or parts thereof. The Media Law, however, provides one exception. Censorship may occur if the author or interviewee is an official. The normative act prohibits the financing and creation of institutions, bodies, organizations, the involvement of employees, which will require media companies to prior approval of materials and communications.

 media revisorro law


The Media Law prohibits the abuse of freedom of production and dissemination of information. This means that media products cannot be used to commit criminal offenses, disclose secrets protected by law, disseminate messages that publicly call for terrorist activities or encourage terrorism, other extremist materials, as well as propagandizing the cult of cruelty and violence, pornography.

The Media Law prohibits covert insertions, the use of techniques and methods for disseminating information in radio, video, television, film programs, feature films and documentaries, computer information files, word processing programs related to special media tools that may affect the subconscious of citizens or adversely affect their state of health.It is not allowed to cover the methods of manufacture and use, indicate the place of purchase of prohibited drugs (narcotic, psychotropic) and their analogues, promote any advantages of using certain compounds, provide other information that is not subject to disclosure in accordance with the Federal Law. laws on media in Russia

Controversial moment

On television, there are various programs whose topics relate to the exposure of various violations. Most of them are aimed, according to their authors, to protect consumer rights. In such programs, journalists verify the quality of products and services provided to the public. At the same time, shooting is far from always taking place without scandals. However, journalists, in carrying out their activities, refer to the law on the media. “Revizorro” is one of such programs that caused quite a lot of noise.

Currently, lawyers and representatives of various departments are arguing about the legality of the activities of journalists. Some experts say that leading programs violate the rights of the owner, while others, on the contrary, speak positively about actions. If you rely on the law on the media, then it does not establish any direct prohibitions. However, the actions of journalists can be considered in the framework of other normative acts, and in these cases a number of violations can be established that will entail all kinds of responsibility (up to criminal).

media law latest edition

Collection of information in counter-terrorism operations

The order of stay of journalists at the facility or territory of the CTO is established by its head. The Media Law prohibits the coverage of data on special means, tactics, and technical methods of conducting an operation if this could create serious obstacles to it or jeopardize people's health and life. Information about employees of units and persons assisting the CTO, the identification, prevention, suppression and disclosure of the terrorist attack, as well as about their relatives, can be made publicly disclosed in accordance with applicable laws on state secrets and personal information.

Media Laws

The regulatory framework governing media and products consists of the legal document under consideration, as well as acts adopted in accordance with it. If the interstate agreement concluded by the Russian Federation provides for other rules than those that establish laws on the media in Russia, the provisions of international agreements shall apply.

Regulatory application

The Media Law applies to media established in the Russian Federation. As for the activities of companies established outside the state, the provisions of the regulatory act apply only to the part that relates to the distribution of their products in the country. Foreigners, stateless persons, as well as foreign organizations exercise their rights and perform duties on a par with enterprises and citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by law.

laws governing the media

Media Registration

The editors of the media have the right to carry out their activities after passing the appropriate procedure. To register, the founder of the media submits an application. This is necessary if the products are intended for distribution mainly:

  1. Throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, beyond its borders, within the boundaries of some subjects of the country. The application in this case is sent to the service that oversees compliance with legislation in the field of communications and the protection of cultural heritage.
  2. In the territory of a certain region or municipality. In this case, the founder submits the application to the territorial structures of the above service.

Media will be considered registered after receiving the relevant certificate.

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