
Violation of an individual's rights. Examples from different countries

Human rights today are very well protected by law. International covenants apply, and in most states guarantees and rights are enshrined in constitutions and individual laws. But it is worth noting that quite often violation of an individual's rights. Examples will be given below.

The main causes of oppression of man and citizen

Today, the level of development of political thought and legal culture in a global format allows us to see those ideals of protection and realization of all types of human rights that we should strive for. But we are well aware that there can be no absolute social paradise on Earth. There are several reasons for this:

  • The political regime in the state. As experience shows, most people are protected in conditions of political democracy, when every member of society has equal rights. Now, in many countries of the world, anti-democratic and, in some cases, anti-people regimes are in power. In this case, there can be no question of any guarantee of the political and economic rights of the population.
  • Religious moments. In many Asian countries, religion has a major impact on society. Radical and moderately radical religious movements often oppress the rights of women as a gender (wearing a burqa, etc.).
  • Economic problems in the country. Any systemic crisis leads to a decrease in the standard of living of the population, therefore it is no longer possible to observe certain human rights, for example, on decent wages.

human rights violations examples

Violation of human and civil rights in the USSR

Soviet camps in 1930-1950 were crowded. It was very easy to get there. I hope you understand which camps are in question. Such a state system was built when a person as a person absolutely did not exist. The system of denunciations, the cult of personality, generated such distortions that no one, not even a major party leader, was immune from getting into the camp for many years or even being shot. The KGB worked to identify "anti-Soviet" groups and organizations. For example, take the famous "case of doctors." In 1930, a criminal case was fabricated, according to which among the medics, the state security agencies identified an anti-Soviet organization whose task was to overthrow the current regime. All the "figures" of this fictional organization were shot.

The right to live

The violation of human rights (examples will be given in this section) has already occurred in modern times, and in different countries of the world. For example, take the refugee problem. Many of them find themselves in special camps for some time. According to UN official information, 1,500 people die from their homes every week in Uganda camps. This is natural, because the authorities of this country do not have the financial ability to establish normal life in the territory of temporary settlements, there are famines, epidemics, and unsanitary conditions.

Unfortunately, cases of human rights violations often arise due to unlawful activities of law enforcement agencies. You can take official information from the Brazilian police and just be horrified! For example, 2007. Police killed 1260 people. How can this be in a civilized country? The servants of order were not responsible for this, since all these facts were framed as necessary self-defense.

violation of human and civil rights

Unfortunately, the massacre of people today still remains a serious problem for humanity, which the international community has yet to cope with.

The problem of slavery

Who said slavery cannot be in the 21st century? Unfortunately, it still exists in many countries.Even in Europe there is a violation of human rights. Examples can be given elementarily. There are still harems in Turkey that provide sexual services. In some magical way, some of the girls in these harems are from Ukraine. The scheme is simple. Newspapers or over the Internet advertise highly paid work abroad. Departure is formalized, there is a visa, everything is legal. But then the situation turns out to be rather deplorable.

human rights violations

Responsibility for Human Rights Violations

For every violation of human rights there must be a punishment. This is an axiom. But the reality and inevitability of this punishment depends on so many factors. It is easiest to punish one person or group of people. Criminal proceedings begin, evidence is collected for each specific episode, information is summarized and a sentence is imposed. But often human rights are violated by the state. Here everything happens a little more complicated, because the international community should punish. The most common method is sanctions. They can be both political and economic. Of course, the effect of sanctions is not always achieved positive. On the one hand, the likelihood of overthrowing the political regime is increasing, and on the other, the standard of living of the population may fall even further.

liability for human rights violations

No one thought that in the 21st century we will observe an almost universal violation of human rights. The examples speak for themselves, however ...

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