
Earnings on Android. Money making apps

There are many ways to make money online. You can perform any tasks, do various work, create content in the form of text, video or audio materials. All this, subject to certain conditions, will be evaluated by the employer.

As a rule, money is received on the Internet using a computer. This is logical, because just sitting at a stationary PC or laptop, a user can create websites, record content, fill online resources and perform other tasks to the required extent.

However, technology has stepped forward. Today you can make money using mobile devices, and in this article we are going to prove it. In particular, we are interested in making money on android. This is the most popular mobile platform in the world (tens of millions of devices operate on it). And you can really earn on it!


earnings on downloading android applications

It should be noted that we are talking about such specific ways of generating income that are not available to owners of devices on other platforms. In particular, in this article, describing earnings on an android, we will not mention those options that may be relevant for Internet users, say, with an iOS device. The essence of earnings is to interact with the Android platform.

More specifically, each of us can receive income from our smartphone or tablet using various special applications. We will reveal more information about them a little further in the text. Virtually all earnings on android and based on them.


As an introduction, we note that users of the Android platform receive income through advertising. Or rather, they are paid for the fact that their job is to view sponsored materials: various videos, links to applications; as well as directly actions with other programs. For example, in most cases, making money on the Internet on an android is based on the fact that the user must download and run, comment on and evaluate certain applications. For each of these actions, he receives a certain reward, which, when repeating these actions, can become a good income. Again, we will describe this step by step later in the article. The main thing now is to understand that only at the expense of advertisers can you think about how to get money from your gadget.

Who pays?

earnings on android

In part, we answered the question of who can get money from if you are looking for money using the android. These are the advertisers. Therefore, if we are talking about sponsorship in the field of mobile devices, it is easy to guess that we are talking about the same developers of games or programs, as well as companies that are engaged in the promotion and release of the latter on the market (in particular, on Google Play).

Why do they need it? Everything is very simple: the fact that for a simple user - earning on an android, for the owner of an advertised application - the ability to get a positive rating in the program catalog and further growth in market positions. Obviously, developers are willing to pay for it.

Where do they pay?

Again, as you know, for the desired effect, such advertisers need a lot of downloads, comments or reviews. You can get the right amount only if you start cooperation with a wide range of users. This is done using special programs. They just offer to download Android applications for money.

android apps

Such “earning programs” are useful for both advertisers and ordinary owners of phones and tablets.The first ones are able to order the required number of downloads (after all, such programs have large user bases interested in such earnings). The latter can, on the contrary, work with several advertisers by downloading several programs and, accordingly, receive more or less constant income.

How to search?

The logical question for those who are looking for money on Android installations is how to find similar programs where advertisers are gathered. The answer is simple: on the same Google Play. It contains all the applications that bring together workers and those who pay for simple actions. In order to simplify the task a little, we note that we are talking about such applications as AppCoin, AppTrailers, MintCoins, CashPirate, AppNana and others (there are more than a dozen).

All of them have a similar structure and the same functionality: the user opens a list of tasks for which he receives a reward (most often it comes to downloading certain applications). Android, of course, is the main platform for many of them, although similar offers apply to the iOS device market.

earnings on android games

How to get started?

Everything is very simple: to receive money using your smartphone and tablet, just install the program, which contains the above-mentioned promotional offers. Naturally, the download should be on the device with which you would like to work in the future. Some applications (in individual cases) ask the user to create an account and connect it to a real account on social networks. Sometimes additional bonuses are awarded for this.

As a rule, after passing this procedure (which can actually take no more than 5-7 minutes), the first advertising offers are opened to the user. Remember that they are often available at a lower interest rate and in limited quantities. The advertising networks with which you collaborate often impose such limits for reasons of safety of advertisers: for example, to prevent any cheating that could damage the advertised application in the future. If you are just looking for money on the android (without investments), then such measures are not scary for you.

The next step is to start the user. He installs each of the presented applications, leaves feedback and ratings on them. In accordance with the working conditions, units of remuneration are charged for such actions (they differ, it all depends on the platform).


best earnings for android

When a user of a mobile device (who is interested in making money on an android) gains a certain amount set by the rules of the site, he will be paid out. The form in which it is carried out depends primarily on the settings of the program in which the tasks are performed. For example, many international applications prefer to pay for work through PayPal. It is a recognized electronic currency system available in dozens of countries.

Russian applications that offer earnings by downloading applications (android), most often pay in Webmoney. This is a more popular payment system on the Internet in the CIS countries. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that it is the most popular. More often, payments in such programs are sent to the mobile number indicated by the employee. Accordingly, the money received in such programs is used to pay for mobile services, which is also quite practical.


earnings using android

Do not think that using the method specified in this article, you can earn an unlimited number of times. There are a lot of restrictions that make the best money on Android (as you might think when reading the first part of the article) a little more modest. In fact, the procedure for downloading and commenting is limited by the user's IP address and country of origin.

As for the first - everything is simple. Program owners (essentially advertisers) need unique downloads.This means that you can receive money for the work done once, after which the application with which you have already worked ceases to be available. This, of course, is a huge minus for the employee, because in this case his incomes (potentially) fall sharply.

The second point is related to where a person lives, looking for an opportunity to earn. Let's just say: users who install applications are valued differently, depending on the country of origin. Users from the USA, Canada, UK and New Zealand are the most valuable. More expensive ads are shown to them, as visitors from these countries are considered the most solvent. This, in turn, increases the income of games and applications in the future. Thus, earnings on games (android) can be maximum if you live in these states.

For residents of Russia and other CIS countries, the situation is less rosy. Here, the cost of a click is ten times lower, while the number of offers with advertising here is also not so great. It turns out a kind of discrimination, depending on how rich the country from which the employee is registered.


earnings on android without investments

There are also some nuances that should also be remembered so as not to lose your time again. Many applications do not have unique offers to pay for downloading and commenting on other programs. Often they only combine what other ad networks offer. Therefore, if you download one game in two applications, payment will be charged only in one case, since the double will pass. It may well be that you are lucky and advertisers will not notice the hype, but then expect trouble in the future when your account is re-checked.


In fact, the Internet has a lot of information about how work is carried out on mobile devices in a particular advertising network. It often turns out that a company appears on the market that makes very profitable offers, luring employees of other agencies. In fact, often such applications close very quickly, without having to really check the market. Therefore, if you see such opportunities, do not rush. In our opinion, it is better to start earning income from those programs that have really great experience and a lot of reviews on the network.

However, for most of them, reviews note that a lot of money in this way will not work. Very often, promotional offers end faster than the user has time to complete them. Because of this, there is a shortage of advertising, competition among users who simply remain without employment. In this case, only the oldest sites with the maximum number of users and, accordingly, customers can offer the best option (maximum advertising).


Despite the fact that you can’t consider installing and evaluating applications as a permanent income, you can earn some money with it in order to have money to pay for mobile services. If you try and learn more about the paid software installation market, you can really create for yourself some minimal chance to earn extra money in your free time. The risk of a user who is interested in such earnings is minimal - after all, it only requires his device and a little free time. No cash costs are foreseen.

Getting started in this way is also very simple. Right now you can pick up your device, connect it to the network, install an interesting application and just get some compensation for it. As those who already earn in this way testify, there is nothing complicated in this, but you can get it stably and for a little bit. So why don't you try?

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