
Sberbank salary project: instruction

It is possible to pay salaries to employees not only from the cash desk of the enterprise, but also by transferring funds to a bank account. Especially for these purposes, credit institutions offer their customers a separate service - a salary project. Its essence lies in the fact that the organization transfers funds in one payment, at the same time providing a statement to the bank, which indicates to whom and how much should be paid.

For whom

Bank salary projects are provided for any organizations that officially pay income to their employees. Today, credit institutions have changed their priorities. Previously, banks did not cooperate with small enterprises. Now any organization with a staff of ten or more can join the project.

 payroll project participant


Bank salary projects are served at preferential rates. Issue and maintenance of the card is free. The withdrawal of funds through the terminals of the home bank within the limit is carried out with zero commission. But the restrictions depend on the type of card on which the payroll project is served. Sberbank, for example, set a limit of 50 thousand rubles for Visa Electron, Maestro. and 1 million rubles. for Platinum cards. When withdrawing large amounts, an additional fee will be charged. The time limits for the limit are set according to Moscow time and are valid for all regions.

As part of the Sberbank salary project, an overdraft is provided (the amount of payment in excess of the balance on the card) with a 20% interest rate and 40% interest for violation of the terms of payment. The cost of monthly maintenance of cash settlement services for organizations is 3500 rubles. There is no monthly fee for an account.

Let us consider in more detail how to connect a salary project through Sberbank.

Instruction manual

To activate the service, you need to conclude a contract with a credit institution and provide all employees debit cards. If the organization was previously serviced by Sberbank (opened an account or transferred funds), then it is enough to submit an application for joining the project. Otherwise, you need to provide a full package of documents: an application, a copy of the charter, a certificate from the Federal Tax Service, PF, signature cards, etc.

Sberbank salary project instruction

Most often, the bank reserves the right to change or introduce new options without entering into additional agreements. But in practice, credit institutions at least inform the client in the form of SMS about changes in the terms of service.

Next, you need to get debit cards for all employees at the bank branch. Depending on the conditions of the program, the size of the organization and the position of the employee, both Visa Electron, Maestro, and Visa Gold, Platinum can be provided. Employees of small enterprises must independently apply to the bank for a card. Workers of large and medium enterprises are served by representatives of the bank directly at the place of work.


The accountant responsible for payroll conducts all calculations in his program (for example, 1C). Further, payroll sheets are sent to the bank through special equipment installed on the PC:

  • using an e-mail message with a file and electronic signature;
  • through the registry in the Sberbank Online system.

The credit institution is already independently transferring funds to the cards of employees.

as part of a salary project

Consumer loan

The participant of the salary project gets the opportunity to take advantage of a number of bonuses, one of which is a loan for up to 60 months. The maximum loan amount is calculated individually for each client, based on the size of the salary, length of service, amount of guarantee and other indicators.

Since the credit institution already owns basic information about the plastic holder, the applications are considered for several hours, and the loan itself can be issued directly at the place of work at a reduced rate.

Benefits for Employers

Sberbank salary project allows organizations:

  • Simplify the payout process. If the organization has connected a salary project, then the need to recalculate large amounts, transfer funds from the department to the office, and manually pay the salary automatically disappears.
  • Sberbank has developed a salary project in such a way that all the work of an accountant is reduced to sending a statement to the bank and transferring the total amount of payment.
  • Order a separate terminal and an ATM so that employees can not only withdraw funds, but also pay for services, make transfers right at the place of work.
  • The project is very convenient for organizations with a large number of employees. He eliminates the need to store huge amounts of money at the cash desk and line up the workers in line. Payment is made simultaneously to all employees immediately, regardless of their location.
  • For small organizations, a salary project allows you to save on cashier salaries.

bank salary projects

Employee Benefits

  1. Card holders can enjoy all the advantages of plastics of international payment systems: remotely manage an account via the Internet, participate in promotions and receive bonuses from a credit institution.
  2. Time saving. There is no need to stand in line for salaries. All funds can be withdrawn at any convenient time through any ATM in the country. Salary cards are serviced by all credit institutions in Russia without a commission.
  3. You can transfer money between accounts, through self-service terminals pay taxes, mobile communications, the Internet, television, housing and communal services, etc. without a commission.
  4. Cashless way to pay for goods.
  5. Activate the Mobile Bank or SberbankOnL @ yn service and track online account movements.
  6. Customers who have been serviced under the project for more than six months can:
  • draw up an additional card of the international payment system for relatives and connect it to your account;
  • use overdraft;
  • get a credit card;
  • apply for a mortgage at a reduced rate and with a minimum package of documents.

bank salary projects

What to do with cards of laid-off employees?

Plastic can be returned to the bank, including through an accountant at the enterprise, or continue to use it. In the second case, you will have to contact a credit institution and change the tariff plan to the standard one, since the card holder, and not the employer, will pay for the service.

Special services

Salary cards are used not only for their intended purpose. For example, plastic holders from Pacific State University not only keep funds in the account, but also use plastic as an electronic key. The PNU campus map automates the internal processes of the university. It is used as a pass to the university premises and as a library card.

Sberbank salary project

Market Offers

After the Russian president signed the law at the end of 2014, according to which employees of enterprises can choose a bank for transferring their salaries, credit institutions began to actively develop new programs to attract customers. The employer has no right to refuse this request. According to Art. 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can refuse service through a salary project chosen by the organization (Article 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Russian Agricultural Bank OJSC offers a salary overdraft. For registration of the service it is enough to provide a passport in any branch of the bank. Users of the service can at any time receive additional funds in the account in the amount of the average monthly earnings. The size of the limit is calculated in advance for each client and cannot exceed 1 million rubles.

VTB24 offers salary card holders preferential property insurance programs with a discount of 10% to 15%. In addition, there is a list of partners, when paying for goods with a cashless payment, the client receives bonuses on the card in the form of a refund of part of the funds. The number of assigned points also depends on the particular store and the amount of the purchase.

salary project

"RSB" accrues 10% on the balance of own funds on the salary card. In addition, money from a card without a commission can be withdrawn at all ATMs in Russia. Similar conditions are offered to its customers by Renaissance Credit OJSC.

Raiffeisenbank OJSC offers an individual salary project. Its essence lies in the fact that an employee of the company can apply to the bank for a card, provide the details of the payment instrument to the accounting department and after two transfers of funds from the organization’s account receive the status of a payroll project participant.

Clients of Tinkoff Bank OJSC get the opportunity to withdraw funds from an account at any ATM for 99 rubles without interest. per month. But OJSC “Aymanibank” set a limit on interest-free withdrawal of funds from the account within the amount of 3,000 rubles.

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