
Addresses of Rosbank in Moscow and the Moscow Region

In the Russian economy, there are several financial institutions that can safely be called backbone. These are banking institutions that have a great influence on the entire sphere of finance. These are the largest banks, stock exchanges, insurance companies. Among them is Rosbank, among others.



It should be noted that this institution is included in the Forbes list, consisting of 10 the most reliable banks in Russia. There is nothing surprising in this, given that this institution is part of the large financial group Societe Generale, which operates in the European market. More than 450 branches across the country operate under the sign of Rosbank (we are primarily interested in Rosbank addresses in Moscow under this article). They serve more than 3.6 million private customers. This is a huge share of the entire banking market of the Russian Federation - people who have their own account and use banking services.

In addition to four and a half hundred branches, the institution serves more than 2.6 thousand Rosbank self-service machines (ATMs). In Moscow, the addresses of each of them are listed in a special base, which we will discuss a little further. In total, the bank is represented in 71 regions of the country, and this really can be called the closest contact with customers.

Set of services

Traditionally, the package of services provided by Rosbank includes those options that are in demand by customers of any other banking institution. In particular, for individuals it is the issuance of bank cards, obtaining loans, deposit accounts, insurance, making transfers and payments, renting a safe deposit box, operations with currencies and securities.

Legal entities contacting Rosbank’s offices in Moscow (the addresses of some of them will be presented later) can also apply for a loan (commercial mortgage, enterprise loan, overdraft), apply for bank settlement and cash services for businesses, and sign up for remote services as well as put money on deposit, run salary project and other. All this information is presented, in particular, on the official website of the bank. You can also find it by contacting Rosbank directly (addresses in Moscow of the largest branches are available here on the website).

Customer support

In addition to the reliability of the bank, which is mentioned on the website of this structure, the service plays a significant role. This refers primarily to the bank’s treatment of the client, how employees behave in a particular bank office. Indeed, this is why most often a person who has applied to such an institution has an impression of the structure as a whole.

As we see on the website of the described bank, the addresses of Rosbank (in Moscow and not only) are represented by a fairly wide list - more than four hundred branches are created in order to be closer to the client, to be able to help him if necessary. In this regard, one can even note on a positive side the desire of the board to expand the network of representative offices and recruit competent employees in them who can help the person understand the matter of interest to him.

As you can see, Rosbank acts in this way: as of the time of this writing, more than 11 thousand employees are working in the company's offices. This is not only a higher quality of work, but also new jobs for specialists.

Remote assistance

However, if the addresses of Rosbank in Moscow indicate a wide network branches it does not mean that they are abandoning advanced technologies that can significantly save time.On the contrary, the structure is constantly working on new solutions that can help the client remotely. Traditionally, the hotline has become such an instrument (in Moscow it is number 8-800-200-54-34). It can be used to contact the central call center, where your call will be received by competent operators. They, in turn, can either suggest information of interest to you on a particular issue, or send a call to another specialized branch of the bank.


In addition to the classic phone support, there is also the possibility of communication using an online form. A special menu is provided on the bank’s official website in which each client can write a message. So, it can be a gratitude, an interesting idea, a complaint and any other request. Each of them will be reviewed in the prescribed manner and processed by the customer communication center.

Live appeal

In addition to remote services, the institution provides direct communication. For this, Rosbank’s addresses in Moscow are provided, indicated by a list on the institution’s official website. A client who needs to perform a live operation (for example, apply for a card) can and must do this at the bank’s branch itself. To do this, of course, he will need to know which office is located closer to him. This will help a special card with the flags indicated on it - these are the branches of Rosbank in Moscow. Their addresses, as well as working hours and contact phone number can be seen by directly clicking on the designation.

In order to contact a consultant, the client does not need to pre-register. All offices accept stakeholders during business hours. You will need to have a package of documents with you, mandatory for those operations that you want to order. For example, to open a bank account, it is enough to have a passport of a citizen and a taxpayer identification code.

Queues and Waiting

Many users who find addresses where Rosbank is located (addresses in Moscow mean) are embarrassed by the need to personally be present in the office. This is understandable: no one wants to spend personal time visiting a bank branch, given how much free time this visit can take. Now we have in mind such common troubles as queues, which entail the obligatory waiting for the onset of the opportunity to solve your problem with a consultant.

As noted by representatives of the management of Rosbank, they quickly respond to customer complaints related to the low speed of service, as a result of which the quality of service is constantly growing. This is also noted by customer reviews of this structure. Rosbank is constantly introducing some new solutions that can speed up the circulation process in the branches. For example, in all large offices a special system of electronic queues was installed, which can significantly reduce the process of waiting for an individual client.

Branch Addresses

So, for a user who needs to come to the office under the Rosbank sign, the addresses in Moscow (near the metro and not only) of each of the representative offices are written out on one page. It was created in an interactive form, in the form of a map. If you need, for example, to find out which branch is located near the Nakhimovsky Prospekt metro station, just click on the corresponding field on the map and you will see that here (at the address: 11 Nakhimovsky Prospekt - right next to the subway exit) is located one of the branches. By the way, an ATM is installed next to it, it can be seen on another, separate, visual card arranged according to a similar principle.

Rosbank bank addresses in Moscow

By clicking on the name of the department, you can also see its work schedule, the possibility of self-service in a 24-hour format, as well as the services provided to the client. For example, the branch on Nakhimovsky Prospekt works for both individuals and legal entities, providing the opportunity to use ATM services around the clock.In order to get inside the building, you will need to use your bank card.

Other addresses provided on the Rosbank website:

  • Kashirskoye highway, 122;
  • st. Ilyinka, d. 3/8;
  • st. Kakhovka, 27;
  • Izmailovsky Square, 1;
  • Mozhayskoye highway, 19;
  • Leningradsky Prospect, 57;
  • st. Krasnokazarmennaya, 19;
  • st. Malaya Ordynka 50/72;
  • st. Martenovskaya 11/12;
  • st. Novoslobodskaya, 23;
  • Paveletskaya Square, 2;
  • st. May Day, 77 and many others.

These institutions operate in the capital itself. As for the branches in the Moscow region, they can be attributed to those that operate at the address:

  • Dubna, Bogolyubov Avenue, 31;
  • Zheleznodorozhny, Savvinskoe shosse, 10;
  • 201 Zhukovka village;
  • Zelenograd, Pine Alley 601;
  • Kolomna, 15A Kirova Avenue;
  • Korolev, st. 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, 4g;
  • Krasnogorsk, st. Tsiolkovsky, 6 and others.

Rosbank head office Moscow

Ratings and reviews

It should be noted that on the institution’s website, those Rosbank branches in Moscow whose addresses you can find on the map can also be evaluated in terms of the level of service. For example, if you were unhappy with the way a particular employee served you, you have a unique opportunity to inform his management about this. In addition, choosing which department to go to next time, you can use the reviews of other customers as a guide showing the quality of service.

In practice, it has been proven that this form of feedback and the ability to hear the client always improves the quality of service, makes the service really better and more comfortable for people.

ATM Addresses


Similar to how the form for searching the addresses of branches is arranged on the Rosbank website, the ability to find ATMs of the specified structure is also connected here. Of course, in them the number of services provided is much less than in the departments, here you can only withdraw money in cash. Nevertheless, if you suddenly need ATMs operating under the Rosbank logo in Moscow, their addresses can also be found on the interactive map.

For example, ATMs are located at:

  • st. Academician Korolev, 12;
  • 65th MKAD;
  • st. Zemlyanoy Val, 23 and so on.

All this information in the most current form is presented on the site. Here, unfortunately, it is not possible to list all the addresses of branches and ATMs of the institution due to the large amount of such information.

head office

In addition to ordinary branches with a standard set of services, the head office also operates in the structure of Rosbank. Address: 34 Mashi Poryvaeva Street, Moscow. It is located in a building that is located near the Komsomolskaya metro station. You can contact specialists serving private clients using the contact phone: (495) -921-01-01.

From the simple branches of Rosbank, the central office in Moscow, the address of which is given above, has a wider range of services. For example, some operations with a special status can be carried out exclusively in this department. Also, the signing of some particularly important documents, unlike the territorial branches, is in charge of the central office. Again, here you can be sure that they will help you with any question and problem.

Internet bank

Once again, we can repeat that visiting a real office of a company can be inconvenient for many customers. Someone, for example, cannot come here during working hours, while after him there is simply no desire to spend free time on a formal procedure, such as drawing up a card or signing a deposit agreement. Therefore, some of these problems can be solved by the innovation that has arisen in banks in the past few years. This is an electronic office system, or online cabinet, for each client. She is responsible for part of the tasks that the user faces during his visit to the representative office of the institution called Rosbank. Addresses in Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as in any other city, will not be required to you if you perform your task using the online account.All that is needed for this is access to the Web and the ability to go to the page of their site.

According to the information on the official portal of Rosbank, individuals can manage their current accounts, record payments, make transfers, open deposits, repay loans, and learn more detailed information about cards. All that is required from the user to create an account in Internet banking is the presence of a bank card and a mobile phone number. Legal entities can also keep an online record of all their accounts and perform operations provided by the banking functionality.


The management of each bank seeks to create the most developed, widely distributed in the territorial plan infrastructure, serving to satisfy all the needs of customers. Rosbank, which occupies a fairly high position in the market, is no exception. Therefore, if you need to contact here, you can always find a branch or representative office located as comfortable as possible for you.

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