
Rosgosstrakh insurance claim statement: sample. The procedure for handling in the event of an accident

A car is one of the most dangerous vehicles. We usually don’t even think about it, too often and in large numbers see them on our streets. And we ourselves are car owners. Personal transportation is very convenient. No need to get up ahead of time, go to the most unpleasant weather to a public transport stop, wait for a bus or minibus, being in a fainting state of a mixture of lack of sleep and rush, jostling with other same people in clogged buses. Abstract danger seems to us a low price for convenience. But in the meantime, quite a few traffic accidents occur. And it’s good if they entail only financial expenses.

Both cash costs and health benefits can be covered by insurance. In this article, we are interested in Rosgosstrakh insurance. We will consider the features of the programs of this organization. In addition, we will learn how to draw up an application for insurance payment (Rosgosstrakh).

Company "Rosgosstrakh"

Rosgosstrakh insurance company is considered the largest of its segment in Russia. To date, the list of its products includes more than fifty items. Among them are the most popular insurance programs and highly individualized, for the smallest, but demanding customer.

In 2013, Rosgosstrakh once again confirmed its well-deserved place in the reliability rating of insurance companies. They currently have A ++ status, which means "an exceptionally high level of reliability." The company's credo is "insurance should not only be reliable, but also understandable." In each office, they will tell you transparently about the features of insurance products, they will select for you an individual option that is suitable only for you.

Communication with such a company is a pleasure, since it does not require special efforts and sacrifices. Numerous offices allow you not to wait in line among many of the same clients. Design is fast and high quality.

application for insurance payment of Rosgosstrakh

Insurance Products

The insurance company is engaged in many industries in this area. Among them life and health insurance voluntary and compulsory medical insurance, endowment insurance with interest payment on investment activities, property insurance, liability insurance of carriers to passengers, insurance of especially dangerous objects, business, reinsurance, programs for travelers and people traveling abroad on a business trip. Rosgosstrakh even opened a program for pet insurance, which in our country is still a peculiar curiosity and innovation.

In this article we will look at what the Rosgosstrakh policy looks like. Let's see what key entries it should contain. We will learn how to correctly fill out an application for an insured event. Consider what documents are required when applying for a payment package.

rosgosstrakh insurance

CTP from "Rosgosstrakh"

Compulsory motor third party liability insurance, or compulsory motor third-party liability insurance, is a necessary measure under the legislation of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that the Rosgosstrakh CTP policy insures your civil liability to other people. This means that if you became the culprit of a traffic accident, this policy will pay damages caused to the property and health of the victim through your fault.For you and your car insurance "Rosgosstrakh" CTP does not apply. To cover your personal expenses and damage, other insurance programs exist. And in this case, it is necessary to correctly fill out the application for insurance payment of Rosgosstrakh, collect the necessary documents and contact the specialized office of the company to resolve situations of this kind.

policy of Rosgosstrakh


CASCO is an insurance program that protects you and your car in the event of an accident if you are the culprit of a traffic accident or injured, but the culprit insurance did not cover all your expenses. In addition, CASCO insures against theft and damage to the car. That is, if the car was hacked, some parts or equipment disappeared from it, an unforeseen event of property damage occurred (for example, a vase of flowers fell from the floor of a residential building onto the car windshield and it crashed). CASCO payments are calculated based on the cost of new auto parts or the car as a whole. In the event of an insured event from the above, it is also necessary to write a statement on insurance payment (Rosgosstrakh).

rosgosstrakh reviews

Where to apply for clearance

When applying for a policy, you must contact one of the operating offices of the company. There are more than three and a half thousand of them throughout Russia. Usually in each district of the city (especially large) there is at least one office. This simplifies the task: you do not have to travel far, risking along the way to find an unpleasant story for your car, not yet having insurance.

In addition, the policy can be issued over the Internet online. To do this, go to the official website of "Rosgosstrakh", then go to the "CASCO" or "CTP" section, fill in the required registration fields. Through the Internet, you can get a policy in electronic form, signed by electronic signature (in this case, it will be sent to you by e-mail), and in paper form. In the second case, you can independently pick up the finished policy at one of the company’s branches or use free delivery to your home or place of work.

insurance claim application sample

Where to go when an insured event occurs

In Russia there are more than four hundred centers for the settlement of losses. However, it should be borne in mind that there are quite a lot of accidents in large cities every day. In these offices quite large queues accumulate. Some customers really have to spend several days to fill out a statement on the insurance payment of Rosgosstrakh. There are not enough pleasant things in this procedure. Before contacting the loss settlement center, collect all the necessary documents, make all photocopies so that it does not take much more time for these stationery trifles. There are more than twenty settlement points in Moscow, and only one point in Rostov-on-Don. So it is in many other cities: the company limited itself to several units of such centers and all. It is worth imagining how many people visit him daily in a multi-million city.

claim statement

Internet and telephone contact

In order not to waste precious time and not to expect the assignment of a case number in the stuffy office of the loss settlement center, it is worth contacting the company via the Internet or by phone. On the official website there is a button "Report the occurrence of an insured event." It is on it that it is worth clicking. After that, fill in the empty windows with details of the incident and get the case number. In telephone mode, everything happens in exactly the same way, only the information you enter into the database is not you, but the operator from your words. Having acquired the case number, you will be able to transfer the application for insurance compensation to a specialist much faster. Personal appearance and original documents will still have to be transmitted personally.

The procedure for completing an accident

A positive decision on the payment of insurance compensation implies the correct registration of the accident itself. If an accident occurs, you need to contact the traffic police. Subsequently, you will need a certificate from this state structure, so you cannot do without their participation. However, you have a choice: call the service at the scene of the incident or, having independently recorded the details of the collision on a photo or video camera, go to the nearest post of traffic inspectors and draw up a protocol. In addition, you must fill out the form attached to the insurance policy. It should also be marked with a traffic inspectorate.

Necessary documents in case of damage to property

In case of damage to property, the victim must contact the loss settlement center with the following set of documents: passport, car insurance policy, certificate of accident from the competent authorities (form No. 154), protocol on an administrative offense, notice of a traffic accident, determination of refusal in instituting an administrative offense (if any), the details of the recipient of the insurance payment. The car must be in the same condition as after the accident before contacting the insurance company. The insurer will have to inspect and assess the damage received, then issue a document confirming this inspection. Then, an application form for insurance payment is filled out with a fixed case number.

insurance claim application

Documents for causing harm to health

To compensate for the damage caused to health, a person must provide the following package of documents to the insurance organization: the same passport for identification of the victim, a certificate of a traffic accident form No. 154, an offense report, a court order, a certificate of administrative offense, certificates from the medical organization conducting the examination of the victim (emergency team report, outpatient card the conclusion of the attending physicians, discharge epicrisis).

If damage to life has been caused, then it is necessary to provide a death certificate from the registry office and a medical certificate of death. If the victim has dependents, it is necessary to provide documents for them. For children under the age of 14 years - a birth certificate, from 14 to 18 - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Spouse who is on parental leave for children up to three years old - certificates from the social security fund, disabled person - certificate of medical and social examination. In addition, you must fill out an application for insurance benefits. It will be issued to you at the organization’s office. However, for familiarization, we provide you with a copy of the application for insurance payment (sample).

Reviews about the company "Rosgosstrakh"

The company rightfully occupies the top ranks in the ranking of the most reliable insurers in Russia. All paperwork is carried out according to the legislation of the country, registration is transparent enough for customers, however, there are still some technical difficulties in the work. The Rosgosstrakh company has a variety of reviews. Cases on payments without burdening with various additional details go quite easily and quickly. Within twenty business days, insurance payments are received by the insured. The result is not in doubt or contention. But the process of registration is not liked by many. The company should have opened more loss settlement centers to reduce queues, waiting times and customer inconvenience. Rosgosstrakh received negative reviews for the number of documents that must be submitted. But here the legislation is more likely to blame, requiring so many confirmations from various authorities, and a huge number of fraudsters speculating on insurance payments.

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