
Life and health insurance. Child Life and Health Insurance

Recently, the insurance market in the Russian Federation began to develop rapidly. Far from the last place in the list of services offered is life and health insurance. Citizens are increasingly beginning to think that modern life is quite dangerous and unpredictable, so you should take care of ways to solve possible health problems in advance.life and health insurance

Insurance programs

If you decide to take care of your health yourself and insure yourself from potential troubles, you should approach this with all responsibility. Insurance companies offer a fairly wide selection of programs - you can insure not only your body as a whole, but also its individual parts. You can also choose for yourself the so-called risk program, in which by paying not too large monthly payments, you can get quite substantial insurance compensation after the occurrence of an insured event (for example, you break your leg, arm, slip or an icicle falls on your head). For all citizens, regardless of whether they can pay for life and health insurance, the law also provides for compulsory medical insurance, which guarantees free medical care.

Compulsory insurance system

compulsory life and health insuranceThis type of insurance can protect you from almost all troubles - from a common cold to an accident. Of course, in this case you will not be able to get the insurance amount in your hands, but you have every right to demand the provision of full and free medical care. The MHI policy is issued to every citizen of the Russian Federation from the moment of birth and is valid indefinitely throughout the country, payments are made at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

Of course, compulsory life and health insurance has significant disadvantages:

  • you cannot apply for a service that is not provided for by the health insurance system;
  • the amount of insurance payment is also regulated by the state program;
  • The list of services guaranteed by the MHI policy is average and does not take into account individual human needs.

And you can voluntarily

life and health insuranceAll these contentious issues can be avoided by using the system. voluntary health insurance. As the name implies, this service is not social, but is designed for a single citizen. The life and health insurance contract is concluded for one year, any insurance events of your choice can be prescribed in it, respectively, and the contractual contributions will be different. Each more or less large insurance company will offer you a wide selection of programs - economy class, standard, sanatorium, dental, accident prevention and much more. The most expensive, of course, are VIP-class programs that provide for the provision of medical services at the highest level, up to the services of a plastic surgeon and organ donation.

What will be spelled out in the contract is up to you to decide, but in fact it is much more important to pay attention to the list of cases recognized as non-insurance. When concluding an agreement on voluntary medical insurance, it is very important to choose the right insurance company - it is best to contact an organization with a proven reputation and a confirmed amount of payments under contracts.

Insurance for children

life and health insuranceOne of the types of voluntary insurance is the life and health of the child.Many companies offer special "children's" policies, they are a little more expensive than usual, because children are usually sick more often than adults. The cost of a "children's" policy usually depends on the age of the child - the older he is, the less. Of course, if you do not have sufficient funds, then you can limit yourself to the possibilities of compulsory insurance of citizens.

Life and health insurance for a child can also be covered by a funded program. This type of insurance can be regarded as a kind of deposit. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Funded insurance

The difference between this type of service and other types of insurance is that the payment can be received even if the insured event has not occurred - simply at the end of the contract. This type of insurance is very convenient because under the terms of the contract part of the funds does not go to the Insurance Fund, but remains on your personal account. After the contract expires, you can receive the entire amount immediately, of course, if nothing happened to you during this time. Payments under this program can be timed to a certain date - the age of the child, retirement, some significant date. life and health insurance contractIn addition, life and health insurance through the funded system can be made targeted - this means that if something happens to you, the full payment of the insurance will be received by the person you choose. The cost of such a contract can be different - it all depends on the selected conditions, the age of the client, his living conditions, the list of insured events included in the contract and other circumstances.

Cons insurance coverage

It would seem that what negative aspects can life and health insurance of citizens have through the funded system - you just need to make regular payments on a regular basis. Happened insurance case - received payment, but did not happen - they returned the full amount to themselves at the end of the contract. But here lies the pitfall: monthly payments under such an agreement are quite large, far from everyone can afford them. In addition, in the context of today's realities, it is very difficult to predict what your income will be in a year or two. And if you can’t pay the agreed amount on a monthly basis, the contract will be terminated, and all amounts made earlier will be lost.

It is also quite difficult to predict the development of the insurance market. No one can guarantee that the organization with which you have concluded an accumulative insurance agreement, say, for 10 years, will last safely for this entire period, and not go broke in a year or two.

Insurance coverage for military personnel

life and health insurance for military personnelOne of the directions of the mandatory state program is life and health insurance for military personnel. Thus, the state helps at least partially restore the health of its citizens, whose duty is to protect the peace and territorial integrity of the country. The insurance starts from the first day of service and lasts until the moment of dismissal from the armed forces, and if death, injury or disability occurred during the period of service, the contract is extended for another year.

According to the legislation of Russia, in this case the insurer is the executive authorities that provide for military service - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Security Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and many others. Funds for insurance payments are allocated from the federal budget, and a special license is required to carry out this type of insurance.

Who will receive the money in case of death of a soldier

Unfortunately, the vast majority of citizens serving in the armed forces are completely unaware of their rights. Meanwhile, for "military insurance" you can get quite significant amounts for recovery and treatment.

In addition, the life and health insurance of a serviceman provides for the possibility of receiving funds in the event of the death of the insured. Beneficiaries in this case may be:

  • parents and adoptive parents of the insured;
  • stepmother (stepfather), if they kept and raised him for more than 5 years;
  • the military man's grandfather and grandfather, in the absence of parents, if they kept (raised) the insured for more than 3 years;
  • spouses of a soldier legally married at the time of death;
  • children under 18 years old;
  • children over 18 years old, if they received a disability before reaching adulthood;
  • adult children continuing their education in educational institutions of any level of accreditation until they reach 23 years of age or the moment of graduation;
  • wards of dependents who were on the maintenance of a military serviceman.

To whom insurance does not shine

Although life and human health insurance is a fairly profitable business, there are some categories of citizens with whom insurance companies are extremely reluctant. Employees of the companies are very attentive to the health of the potential client, the level of his income and the frequency of his receipt.

It will be very difficult for you to take out insurance if your earnings have increased only recently, and your previous incomes were very modest. Also, insurers may refuse to conclude a contract to people who often change jobs, because the risk that soon they can even fill up the category of unemployed is quite high.

life and health insurance lawMost likely, no insurance company will want to conclude a contract with a person who:

  • has an age older than 60 years;
  • suffers from cancer;
  • has chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • is a disabled person of I and II group;
  • infected with HIV / AIDS.

These categories of citizens will have to be content with the benefits of free medicine and medical care through special social support programs.

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