
In Altai, decided to improve the lives of thousands of Russians

In Altai Territory, eight thousand people plan to improve their living conditions. This is being done as part of the national project, Housing and Urban Environment. About 4 billion rubles will be sent to this region. These funds should be spent on improving the living conditions of this group of people.

A little about the Altai Territory

This region is located in the south of Siberia and is part of the Siberian Federal District. This is one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The region was formed on September 28, 1937. The administrative center is the city of Barnaul.

The climate there is quite severe, continental, but in different parts of the region it varies significantly, as is the relief.

The population of the region is slowly but steadily declining. This process has been going on since the mid-late 90s. The share of urban population is 57%.

In the Altai Territory, both industry and agriculture are developed. Engineering prevails in industry, and in agriculture, the production of grain, meat, milk, sunflower, sugar beets and some other crops.

The most important mode of transport is rail.

Being a region remote from the center, and not possessing a large number of strategically important resources, the Altai Territory may experience certain economic difficulties and real estate problems. Therefore, assistance to the population by local authorities is quite natural.

Details of the current program

Authorities plan to relocate 8 thousand people from emergency to new housing. This task is supposed to be implemented by 2025. The program will extend to 13 municipalities, namely, 6 cities and 7 rural areas.

Since the beginning of this year, 175 apartments have been resettled in Barnaul, Slavgorod and several rural regions, with a total area of ​​5.8 thousand square meters. km Additionally, homeowners were paid over 224 million rubles.

It should be noted that the national project “Housing and Urban Environment” includes 4 federal projects, including “Mortgage”, “Housing” and “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment”.

Within the framework of this program, it is planned, among other things, to increase the total area removed from the use of emergency housing to 9.54 million square meters. meters. At the same time, 531 thousand people living in unsuitable housing should be resettled. The program is planned to be fully implemented by 2024.

Comparison with Moscow

As you know, the largest project of this kind is being implemented in the city of Moscow. He has both his supporters and opponents. The arguments of both of these are quite substantial. However, the situation in Altai is somewhat different. There we are talking, obviously, about a completely dilapidated housing, which is no longer subject to major repairs.

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