
Do I need a medical certificate when replacing rights? A package of documents for replacing a driver’s license

Many citizens are wondering if a medical certificate is needed when replacing rights. This question often worries novice drivers who are not yet very familiar with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. What about the exchange of a driver’s license? How to cope with the task? Below will be told all about this process. Ultimately, even a schoolchild can handle a paper exchange.

What are the rights for?

For what purposes is a driver's license required?

The mentioned document allows citizens to drive vehicles, but only those categories that are open on the corresponding paper. In fact, without rights, the driver cannot drive.

This is an old help.

Current legislation obliges all drivers to carry the certificate they are studying with them. But what if it needs to be replaced? Do I need a medical certificate when replacing rights? And if so, how to arrange it?

Reasons to replace

The first step is to determine under what circumstances the driver must exchange the document being studied. Maybe this is not a mandatory procedure at all?

Unfortunately, an application for a replacement of rights sooner or later is submitted by all drivers. The thing is that the document will have to be exchanged if:

  • paper expired;
  • there was a change in the driver’s personal information;
  • typos and inaccuracies in paper are found;
  • the driver’s health condition has seriously changed (for example, a person now wears glasses);
  • The document has been lost or damaged;
  • a citizen receives a new category of driving;
  • rights are returned after the expiration of the established paper storage periods.

Remember all this is not difficult. Most often, the population is faced with the exchange of a document due to a change in name. But how to behave? Do I need a medical certificate when replacing rights? And how do you exchange the documentation under study?


First, a few words about how much the driver’s license really is. Everyone should know about this. Only then will it be possible in time and without problems to exchange the corresponding certificate.

This is a completed help

So, the rights of a national standard are valid for 10 years. When exchanging a driver’s license due to a change in name or personal data, the validity period of the paper is not canceled. That is, a certificate exchange will need to be carried out at least once every 10 years.

Where to go for help

Where does the replacement of rights occur after the expiration of the term? And in view of the loss of the document or its damage? Modern drivers are offered actual freedom of choice.

Applications for an exchange of driver's licenses are accepted:

  • in the traffic police;
  • on the portal "State Services";
  • in all multifunctional centers of the Russian Federation.

Where exactly to go? Everyone gives an answer to this question on their own. The fastest studied service is provided by the local traffic police. But even through the MFC or the Internet, the exchange of rights will be carried out rather quickly.

Service Duration

Many are interested in how long the replacement of rights takes place in Russia. This question worries the bulk of citizens. Indeed, without a paper being studied, a citizen will not be able to drive a vehicle. For some citizens, this scenario is critical.

If a citizen contacts the organization at the place of registration, then the exchange of rights is carried out within 30 days from the date of filing the application in the established form.This rule applies to both online applications and personal application for identification.

Medical examination at the ophthalmologist

Otherwise, the paper waiting time varies. Some say that a driver's license can issue up to 3 months. In fact, in most situations, citizens are issued certificates within a month.

The main package of documents

Now consider the process of registration of the studied paper in more detail. Let's start with a package of documents to replace rights.

The list of relevant documentation varies depending on the situation. Consider the general package of papers.

Mandatory citizen must have with him:

  • identification;
  • application for exchange of rights;
  • basis document for the implementation of the task;
  • certificate of registration;
  • photo (size 3 x 4);
  • a check on the payment of a fee in established amounts.

That's all. Replacement of rights after the validity period of the document being studied requires additional information. Which ones?

Other components

The thing is that by no means always citizens know what papers will be required in the traffic police in order to replace rights. We have already familiarized ourselves with the main package. But this is not an exhaustive list of components.

Additionally, a package of documents for replacing a driver’s license includes:

  • divorce / marriage certificate;
  • health report;
  • old driver's license;
  • certificate of the successful passing of exams for driving one or another category.

Accordingly, a medical commission is sometimes necessary. But in connection with the latest changes in Russian legislation, paperwork for the exchange of a driver’s license was greatly facilitated for drivers.

Service cost

But before considering the procedure for issuing a medical certificate for the traffic police to replace a driver’s license, you will have to find out how much the exchange of a document costs.

This is a driver’s license.

If we talk about a paper copy of the relevant extract (temporary w / u), you will need to pay only 500 rubles. But this option is extremely rare.

The state duty for the replacement of rights in Russia in 2017-2018 is only 2,000 rubles. But under certain circumstances, citizens may pay less by 30%.

When exactly? It is about ordering a document through the State Services. Until 2019, drivers are offered a discount on duties of up to 30%. Accordingly, only 1,400 rubles will have to be paid for a new driver’s license. And no more.

When do you need a commission

Do I need a medical certificate when replacing rights? As we have said, sometimes such a document is really needed. But for some time, the corresponding paper is rarely required.

The commission of the established form will have to go if:

  • rights are made for the first time;
  • when exchanging a document for health reasons;
  • if your driver’s license is no longer valid.

In all other situations, you do not have to do this. So, the majority of citizens can avoid additional paperwork.

Where to go for inspection

Now we will consider the process of obtaining a medical opinion of the established form in more detail. Not everyone knows how to behave to get help for the traffic police.

Inspections of drivers are carried out:

  • in state clinics;
  • in private medical centers.

Citizens themselves decide where to turn for help. Each technique has its pros and cons. We will deal with them further.


How much does a medical certificate for drivers cost to replace a license? Finding the answer to this question is problematic.

This is due to the fact that a lot depends on the region in which the citizen lives. Also significant is the way the commission passes.

Paid commission for the driver

Did the person decide to go to a state clinic for the implementation of the task? Then you will either have to pay a fee (up to 1.5 thousand rubles), or the inspection will be completely free.

Want to go to a private clinic? In this situation, the applicant will require significant expenses.Commission for a driver’s license costs on average 5-6 thousand rubles. But maybe more. Detailed information will have to be clarified at a specific medical center.

Validity of the Commission

Some are interested in the validity period of a medical certificate to replace rights. This is a normal occurrence, especially if a person exchanges the studied paper quite often.

To date, the results of a medical examination for the traffic police are valid for only 1 year from the date of issuance of the relevant documentation. After that, you will have to go through the inspection again and receive a new statement.

Documents for the commission

A certificate for the traffic police to replace a driver’s license can be issued only after the applicant collects a certain package of documents. Which ones?

The package of papers depends on the situation. When making a visit to a state clinic, the driver must bring with him:

  • passport;
  • application for commission;
  • MHI policy;
  • a photograph;
  • driver's license (if it was);
  • military ID (for men);
  • SNILS.

In the case of private centers, it is usually possible to get by with a smaller package of documents. Namely:

  • statement;
  • a photo;
  • ID card
  • in cash.

After a person contacts a selected medical center, he will be assigned a series of tests to make a certificate, and then they will be sent to narrow specialists.


What research is useful if a citizen needs to issue a medical certificate for drivers to replace their rights?

Package of documents for rights

Without fail, a person must pass:

  • blood test (general);
  • urinalysis (total, for ethanol);
  • fluorography;
  • ECG (for people over 60).

This is usually enough. Narrow specialists prescribe additional studies on their own. But, as a rule, they rarely encounter relevant circumstances.

Doctors for the commission

Now we will consider the list of doctors necessary for the implementation of the task. This is an extremely important point.

For the commission of the established form, the driver will visit:

  • a psychiatrist;
  • Laura;
  • narcologist;
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • cardiologist (after 60 years);
  • optometrist.

That's all. It is necessary to go to the therapist last. And if a citizen decided to go through a commission in a state clinic, then for a certificate from a narcologist and a psychiatrist, you will have to go to the appropriate dispensaries.

Exchange of rights (in person)

We know the state duty for the replacement of rights. And the features of obtaining a medical certificate of the established form for the implementation of the task, too.

Now it's time to get acquainted with the algorithm of actions in a particular case. He does not provide anything incomprehensible or special.

Does the driver want to exchange a driver’s license on his own? Then he is advised to adhere to the following steps:

  1. Decide where to go for the service.
  2. Prepare the previously listed package of documents.
  3. Get a medical commission. It is advisable to do this in advance.
  4. Pay a fee for a driver’s license in the prescribed amount.
  5. Apply for a replacement right.
  6. Wait until the paper is ready.
  7. Pick up ready-made rights from the traffic police or the MFC within the agreed time frame.

As already noted, the driver will not have any problems. The main thing is to prepare in advance for the process of exchanging a driver’s license.

Government Services and Exchange

How is the replacement of rights through "State Services"? A similar topic is of interest to many modern citizens. After all, the said portal allows you to receive a number of state and municipal services without leaving your home.

Reception at the doctor

Not every person will be able to order the studied paper through the Internet. To do this, you must pre-register at the "State Services", as well as confirm your identity. Only after that it will be possible to cope with the task.

As soon as the applicant has an active profile on the unified portal "Gosuslug", you can begin decisive action. Instructions for translating ideas into reality are as follows:

  1. Go to gosuslugi.ru website.
  2. Log in to the portal.
  3. Click on the "Public Services" button.
  4. Select "STSI" - "Replacing a driver's license."
  5. Click on the "Get a Service" button.
  6. Fill out the application form. All fields are required. They have handy tips.
  7. Download scans / photos of previously listed documents in a designated place.
  8. Choose a convenient location for obtaining a driver’s license.
  9. Click on the "Submit Request" button.
  10. Choose a means of payment of duty.
  11. Enter the details of the citizen's bank account.
  12. Confirm transaction.

Now it remains only to wait. This is how simple it is to carry out the replacement of rights through the State Services. As soon as the document is ready, a notification will be sent to the citizen’s “Personal Account”. After that, you need to take your passport with you and go to the place of issue of rights chosen in advance.


We found out whether a medical certificate is needed when replacing rights. In addition, we were able to find out what is the procedure for obtaining a driver’s license. This is not so difficult.

From now on, each driver will be able to not only exchange rights, but also without problems get a medical certificate for the traffic police. It is advisable to do paperwork in advance. Then it will be possible to reduce the time costs for the exchange of rights to a minimum.

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