
Maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building: is a contract mandatory

From time to time in the news you can hear about how an explosion of domestic gas occurs in one or another house. To avoid such tragic events, gas workers conduct inspections and identify problem areas when using gas.

At present, all gas-powered appliances are subject to verification. These include boilers, stoves, columns. At the same time, the relevant services conclude an agreement on the maintenance of gas equipment. According to this document, checks should be carried out, as well as possible malfunctions should be eliminated.

Maintenance of in-house gas equipment

Service Legislation

As a general rule, an authorized entity must sign a gas equipment maintenance agreement. This is stated in Government Decision No. 410. The same document explains the rules for the use of gas, which are as follows:

  • Basics for safe use.
  • The procedure for contracts and the implementation of repair devices.

This means that the responsibility for the operation of gas equipment lies with the homeowner. Therefore, the discussion of whether it is necessary to conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment seems meaningless. If this is not done, the relevant services have the right to refuse to provide the consumer with the use of this resource.

Sign an agreement or not?

Paragraph 80 of the Rules states that if the owners of gas appliances, regardless of whether they are installed in a private house or in apartments of an apartment building, do not have a contract, the supplier has the right to suspend the supply of gas to the room. But you must always remember that gas is a source of danger. Therefore, do not neglect maintenance.

In an apartment building (in short - MKD), the refusal to maintain and repair gas appliances increases the risks of problems, including an explosion. This is fraught not only with huge property damage, but also is a threat to the life and health of people living in the room, as well as in the neighborhood.

A responsibility

Thus, of course, a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment must be concluded. The refusal from it, in addition to the suspension of services, is the basis for bringing to administrative responsibility, provided for by Art. 9.23 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this article, a fine may have the following dimensions:

  • For individuals - from 1 thousand to 2 thousand rubles. in the first offense, and from 2 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, if it is committed repeatedly.
  • For officials - from 5 thousand to 25 thousand rubles. for the first time, and if the offense was recorded repeatedly, then from 10 thousand to 40 thousand rubles. or removal from office for a period of 1 year to 3 years.
  • For legal entities - from 40 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. at the first offense, and at repeated from 80 thousand to 200 thousand rubles. or suspension of the company for up to 3 months.
Maintenance of gas equipment: cost

Penalty Procedure

The process begins with the fact that the owner is sent a notification about the need to check the instruments and sign an agreement on maintenance of gas equipment. If there is no reaction to it within 40 days, the gas supply is suspended. And if an accident occurs as a result of this, the following liability is imposed in the form of a fine:

  • From 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles. for individuals.
  • From 50 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. for officials.
  • From 100 thousand to 400 thousand rubles. for legal entities.

A separate contract may not be concluded by a private person if, according to the results of the general meeting of residents of MKD, it was decided to entrust the management company with the solution to this issue.

What equipment should be inspected?

MKD equipment is divided into the following groups:

  • Common house (this is all communications passing to the apartment level).
  • Inside apartment (all gas appliances, and elements located in the apartment).

In the first case, the contract for the mandatory servicing of gas equipment is signed with the management company, and in the second, with the owner of the apartment.

As for a private house, it should also be periodically inspected, and if necessary, equipment should be repaired in accordance with the agreement.

Obligatory maintenance of gas equipment

Signing a maintenance contract

The specialized organization at the place of residence, with which in this case enter into legal relations, is Gorgaz or Gazprom Mezhregiongaz. It includes both the supplier and the consumer. The address can be found in the notification received by mail, or in the management company. In some cases, it may be more convenient to collaborate with a company that sells boilers. This is especially true in villages. In addition, there are commercial companies specializing in the provision of these services.

In order to conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building, for example, with the Gorgaz company, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Identification.
  • Proof of ownership.
  • Documents about the installed devices, as well as acts that they were put into operation properly.

The contract is a standard model, which includes information about the services and work of the relevant organization, as well as prices and payment terms. It can be concluded for a period of 3 years or more. The mandatory information that must be contained in the document includes the following:

  • User information.
  • The address of the room where the equipment is located.
  • The name of the service organization and its details.
  • List of gas equipment installed in the room.
  • List of work and schedule.
  • Terms of payment under the contract.
  • Rights and obligations of the parties.
  • Responsibility of the parties.
  • Date of conclusion.
  • Validity.
  • Expiration date.
  • Other provisions.

The contract is signed by both parties.

Gas Equipment Maintenance Contract

The standard work that gas workers must carry out includes the following:

  • Check for compliance with safety regulations.
  • Checking connections for leaks and structural integrity.
  • Check all components.
  • Checking ventilation channels.
  • Briefing, which is aimed at teaching the safe use of equipment.

Scheduled check

During the validity period of the document, the relevant service should perform scheduled maintenance of gas pipelines and gas equipment. The contract indicates the schedule for these events. As a result, the consumer receives an act in his hands. In addition to these visits, employees must respond and go to the owner’s address if a signal is received from him about a breakdown. For this purpose, inspection and troubleshooting are carried out.

If the gas equipment is used correctly, then for the entire period of the contract with the company, as a rule, one check is enough. Upon the expiration of the period of operation of the equipment, gas companies offer to replace or diagnose the company. If after that they decide to extend the service life, then the maintenance of the in-house gas equipment becomes annual. The service company prepares documentation for the available equipment indicating all the devices that are in each room, and also indicates the period of installation and operation.

Is a gas equipment service contract mandatory?


Everyone who plans to conclude an agreement on servicing gas equipment is interested in its cost. To find out this information, you need to find out the current rates. This information is approved by the FAS of the Russian Federation. In this case, the recommendations given in the Order of the Federal Tariff Service No. 269-e / 8 are used.

The price is calculated according to the tariff valid on the date of circulation, and is indicated in the application. The payment schedule is provided for in the contract. If this item is not in the document, then payment is made no later than the 10th day of the next month after the work is completed. The price depends on the equipment installed in the room. It includes the following work:

  • Emergency dispatch service.
  • Maintenance.
  • Repair.
  • Preventive work to prevent accidents.

For example, when servicing gas equipment, the cost in Mosoblgaz GO is as follows:

  • 1400 rub. for the stove.
  • 2 thousand rubles - for a flow heater.
  • 3600 rub. - for a gas boiler.

Minor work (to eliminate leaks, ensure sealing of joints and others) during the contract is free. If a serious repair or replacement of spare parts is necessary, then the owner will have to pay for it.

Maintenance of internal and internal gas equipment

Collaboration with another company

If you plan to conclude an agreement, for example, with a company specializing in the provision of gasification services, you need to understand some points, namely:

  • Is this organization certified for the appropriate gas equipment?
  • What is the material base of the performer? It is important not only to find contractors who can assemble appliances and identify problems. They should also have appropriate equipment for work that cannot be done at home (for example, designed to clean the heat exchanger from the inside).
  • Does the organization have the right to carry out maintenance of the internal and internal gas equipment (if the corresponding warranty is provided for the devices).
  • What is the deadline for applications?
  • Are there any reviews of real people who have already used the services of the organization?
  • How to contact in case of force majeure?
  • Is there a list of free services, and what are the prices for paid work (to compare with the services provided by other companies)?

What else needs to be provided?

It is worth remembering the existing competition in the market. New companies are trying to win over customers with the help of various tricks, sometimes even by intimidation of the condition of the installed equipment. Therefore, after visiting such advertisers, it is worth calling the company with which the contract was concluded and clarifying all the points that caused concern.

There are situations in which the service representative himself will offer to renew the contract in connection with the "increase in prices." In no case should you be "led" to such "offers." An already concluded agreement is valid for the entire period of validity, which is indicated in it and does not need to be renegotiated.

It also happens that the concepts of “maintenance” and “repair” are replaced. To be sure that gas workers are not forced to pay extra money for minor repairs, you should carefully study the contract. Only when it is necessary to replace spare parts and carry out serious repairs is an additional charge required.

Maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building


From the article we learned the answer to the question of whether a contract for servicing gas equipment is required, and in which cases you can do without it. If it is not signed when necessary, then this is an offense for which administrative responsibility is provided. However, citizens themselves should be interested in the maintenance of these devices, since gas is a source of increased danger. Another thing is that you need to seek from specific employees who come to the home, conscientious performance of their duties.

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