
Periodic inspection of guards: how to get through?

Security guards are significant employees of any enterprise. Their job responsibilities include ensuring the safety of the company. They can work during the day or night. Under certain conditions, security guards carry and use weapons and other means of protection. They must be able to shoot well, as well as possess theoretical knowledge that relates to some regulatory acts. Therefore, a periodic check of the guards is required, which consists in assessing their theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Preliminary checks can be carried out directly in the company where they work, if the necessary conditions and equipment are available. Most often, the management of firms turns to other organizations to conduct such inspections. The mandatory procedure is carried out by the commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Process features

Periodic inspection of private security guards should be carried out for workers of different ranks. The features of this process include the following:

  • usually the duration of the procedure does not exceed three hours;
  • to pass the test, the guard must pass the exam without prior training, so he must initially have the necessary skills and knowledge;
  • the exam consists of theoretical and practical parts;
  • when passing the theory you need to answer 7 questions related to job responsibilities.

Periodic inspection of guards of the 6th category additionally includes the delivery of fire training. All the above conditions must be observed by guards whose discharge is less than the 6th level.

periodic check of guards of the 6th category

Purpose of

Passing a periodic check by security guards is a mandatory procedure by which various goals are achieved. The need for this process is due to the provisions of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 647. Using this check, the following is achieved:

  • the suitability of a particular citizen for specific working conditions is established;
  • assessed skills and knowledge of the guard;
  • the person’s ability to use different protective equipment is determined
  • reveals how psychologically and theoretically a person is prepared for various unforeseen situations.

Periodic inspection of guards is part of the security control system. It is carried out by a special commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which includes specialists with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills regarding the protection of various objects.

Process steps

Submission of a periodic check of the security guard implies the presence of two stages at once. These include:

  • Testing the theoretical knowledge of a citizen. To do this, the guard gives answers to certain questions. Periodic inspection of security guards allows you to find out how well a person understands the provisions of various regulations related to core activities. These acts regulate not only security activities, but also the correct use of various weapons or other means of protection.
  • Testing of practical abilities. They consist in the use of weapons or other means. To do this, citizens must perform certain exercises on a special site. Moreover, means corresponding to their category are used.

Guards are allowed to practice only on condition that they have successfully passed the theoretical part of the exam.

security check periodically

Who does the verification?

Periodic inspection of security guards is carried out by a special commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The exam must be taken by all employees of security organizations, which may be public or private.Additionally, persons who have specific statutory tasks are involved in the audit.

Some special companies offer the opportunity to pass a check with them. In this case, a private commission is created, consisting of specialists with the necessary knowledge to conduct the exam. With this check, guards can prepare for the standard MIA exam.

Types of Checks

There are several such checks that are selected depending on the available features. These varieties include:

  • Primary It is carried out in relation to security guards who for the first time occupy this position if they need to use civilian or official weapons based on the requirements of the legislation. In this case, citizens must have permission to store and carry weapons.
  • Planned It is carried out on the basis of a previously drawn up plan. Such a plan is formed by the direct management of the company. For a guard of any category, the check is relevant once a year.
  • Re. Appointed exclusively when the guard failed for the first time with the theoretical or practical part.

The issues of periodic inspections of private security guards differ significantly depending on the rank of specialist. They can change over time, but at the same time they are necessarily related to the immediate official duties.

periodic check of private security guards questions and answers

Frequency of scheduled inspections

Scheduled inspections should be carried out at regular intervals. The interval between exams does not depend on the rank of the guard, but the following points are taken into account:

  • security guards with 6th category are checked once a year, and the countdown starts from the moment of obtaining permission to store, carry and use firearms;
  • for security personnel of the 5th category, an annual check is also required, but the countdown starts from the moment of issuing a permit to carry and use civilian weapons;
  • for specialists of the 4th category and below, inspections are carried out once a year, but the countdown is conducted from the date of the last inspection.

The head of each security company must independently ensure that its employees undergo mandatory inspections on time.

The nuances of surrendering the theory

The exam for the periodic inspection of guards consists of two parts. The simplest is the surrender of the theory. These are 7 questions that are included in the training program for guards. They relate to several important topics:

  • psychological preparation of a person for various non-standard situations in which he has to use various opportunities and means of protection;
  • the correct use of special protective equipment;
  • knowledge regarding the use of firearms;
  • technical and legal training;
  • knowledge of what tactics to choose in a given situation;
  • assistance to victims before the arrival of an ambulance.

If the security checks of the 5th category are carried out periodically, then they must answer not 7, but 9 questions. If the procedure is implemented in relation to the guards of the 6th category, then they will have to answer 10 questions, as well as show their skills in using firearms.

A maximum of 2 errors are allowed. Only after passing the theoretical part can the guard pass the practice. If more than two mistakes are made, then in two weeks you can go through a retake. If two times in a row a person could not cope with the periodic inspection of private security guards, then he will have to undergo retraining. Only after that he will be admitted until the next retake.

periodic inspection of private security guards

Practice Exam Rules

The second part is practical, and it is implemented only on condition that the theoretical part has been delivered. The rules of this process include:

  • verification is carried out only on a specially equipped site, which may be in the building or in the open air;
  • the citizen’s ownership skills are tested using various special tools that he has to use during the performance of his duties;
  • if the guard is of the 5th or 6th category, then he must be tested at the shooting range, as it is important to prove that he can use civilian or firearms for their intended purpose;
  • inspectors give the citizen different tasks that he performs on the basis of job descriptions and legal requirements.

This process is considered the most difficult for each guard. During the practical part, he must prove that he can easily cope with various non-standard situations, and also use weapons if necessary. If a person at the shooting range cannot hit the targets or shows too bad a result, then he will not receive permission to carry and use firearms. Therefore, usually the guards before the practical part are pre-trained.

issues of periodic inspection of security guards

What documents are required from the security guard?

To pass a periodic check, the security guard needs to prepare certain documentation. It refers to:

  • passport;
  • a medical certificate confirming that the state of health of the citizen corresponds to the position held;
  • certificate of assignment of a specific category;
  • a license to carry and use weapons, which may be a firearm or civilian;
  • old resolution if the check is repeated.

The above documentation is submitted for study to the members of the commission.

Decision rules

The decision on whether a particular guard passed the test is taken by the members of the appointed commission. This requires not only correctly answering all questions, but also performing practical exercises. Based on the test results, the following solutions can be applied:

  • The guard is recognized as suitable for work in specific conditions and using any protective equipment.
  • A citizen is recognized as having failed the test, for example, he could not answer all the questions correctly or show optimal skills for using weapons and other special means. He is sent for retraining or retraining.

If a person simply did not attend the exam, it is considered that he did not pass the test. The decision has a limited validity period of one year. After this period of time, an additional check is mandatory.

If the decision is negative, then the company in which the particular guard works, receives an order based on which she must hand over the employee’s personal card, as well as prohibit the use and carrying of firearms or other special equipment.

periodic inspection of guards

How to prepare for the exam?

All guards must pass this test, so special training is advisable: everyone needs to be confident in their abilities. To do this, you can contact specialized companies that provide all the conditions for a preliminary audit. In this case, the official periodic inspection of private security guards is easily carried out. Questions and answers can be obtained directly from these organizations.

Before the check, the guards should be well prepared for the theory, having studied all the normative acts related to their work. In addition, they visit the shooting ranges and perform other exercises that can be asked for verification.

Changes to the rules

Periodically, the legislation is amended regarding the periodic inspection of security guards.In 2015, amendments were made which consisted in the fact that today every security guard, regardless of his rank, place of work and other features, must undergo an annual check.

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if the guard passed the theory well, but could not cope with the practical part, then the retake should refer only to practice, but the results of the theoretical exam remain valid for six months. In 2015, measures were tightened related to the conditions under which it is allowed to use weapons or other special means. If the guard could not cope with the practical test, then he will not be able to access the gun.

pass periodic security check


Any security guard, regardless of discharge, must undergo an annual audit. It allows you to determine what theoretical and practical skills he possesses. The process may be slightly different for specialists of different ranks.

Only after passing the theory, the guard is allowed to the practical part. He must prove that he has the necessary skills and knowledge to cope with various specific situations that may arise during the performance of official duties.

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