
Mortgage repayment at the expense of the state: step by step instructions

Unexpected and very unpleasant financial situations can happen to anyone. Such troubles often happen with a reduction in the amount of funds received, which affects many aspects of life. So it can be with a mortgage. In connection with the crisis, it became very difficult to independently pay a loan debt.

Previously, they had to “tighten their belts”, take debts or get a second job, but today there is another way out - paying off the mortgage at the expense of the state in the case when the reduction in income occurs for objective reasons. This makes it possible to leave housing received on credit.

mortgage repayment at the expense of the state

To support residents of the country, to get them the opportunity to cope with housing issues and reduce costs for mortgage debt, the state allows you to participate in one of the special programs. The general objective of such forms of state support is to improve the living conditions of Russians.

Government program

All the rules of the state program are described in an official document signed about two years ago. In the current edition, all items that previously complicated the participation in the program and allowed to introduce fraudulent schemes at the expense of the state were seized. The previous options contained flaws that were changed in the current program rules.

The government repayment program for mortgages now offers:

  • Debt reduction by 600 thousand rubles.
  • Change in a loan taken in foreign currency at the value of the ruble of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Reducing the duration of making regular payments for up to one and a half years.

state-funded mortgage repayment program


From the above list, repaying a mortgage at the expense of the state through direct allocation of funds is one of the most effective forms of assistance. At the same time, the client’s status must be noted before the method of repaying the debt is determined. Often, the preferred method of recovering some share of the principal debt remains. At the initial stage of the program, it was assumed that the debt would be reduced only by 10%, and since the end of last year, the government has returned 20%.

Debt write-off

The difficult situation associated with the fall in the cost of raw materials on the world market, sanctions, and the depreciation of the ruble affected the inhabitants of our country quite strongly. The fall in incomes, the possible loss of sources of obtaining funds put a considerable number of Russians in danger of losing their housing, for which the population failed to pay a mortgage.

The government came to the aid of such strata of society. At his suggestion, the state allocated real financial assistance to those who could not deposit money on a mortgage. This state program makes it possible to repay mortgages at the expense of the state in some part of the debt. The Russians can hope to eliminate part of the debt in the amount of not more than 600 thousand rubles. The condition for payment will be the cost of housing more than 8 million rubles.

Birth of a child

One of the main ways of activity of developed countries is financial assistance for large families, that is, cells of society in which there are three or more children under 18 years of age. The main thing in this matter is to help in the process of obtaining individual housing.

mortgage repayment at the expense of the state of Sberbank

In Russia, for a million of such families, the housing problem is still relevant. To improve the well-being of official families, the government is implementing more than one program. Mortgage repayment may go at the expense of the state at the birth of the child. For example, when the first and second children are born, it is possible to take compensation for 18 square meters. m

A separate area is housing assistance for large families. This includes liquidation of the mortgage, when the mortgage is paid off at the expense of the state at the birth of 3 children. To obtain the status of a member of the state program of financial assistance to large families, it is necessary that the couple approach a clear framework:

  1. I could present a marriage certificate in confirmation of marriage. The state does not help Russians in a civil marriage.
  2. Both husband and wife cannot be more than 35, that is, predominantly young families are allowed to participate in the program.
  3. A family should live in a housing that actually requires improvement or the purchase of a new apartment.

When candidates meet all of the above conditions, they can begin the process of signing an agreement with a financial institution (bank) on a mortgage. The loan will be guaranteed by the state, all kinds of benefits for young children with a large family will be required. With the birth of a third child, the entire mortgage is paid.

Such a financial support measure is initiated at the state level, which is why it does not work in some banks. For example, some financial institutions do not work with the state budget. Thus, these systems will not function with loans to eliminate mortgages at birth in 2017.

repayment of mortgage debt at the expense of the state

Mortgage repayment may occur at the expense of the state even after the birth of the fourth child.

The method of eliminating a mortgage with the birth of a child is as follows:

  1. To represent the right to eliminate debt with the advent of a new family member, you need to come the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  2. The institution is given a list of documents related to the birth of a child, a marriage certificate, a mortgage agreement, a document proving ownership, a certificate of remaining debt. It will be necessary to bring copies of these papers, while the originals must also be provided.
  3. After verification, the allocated money is transferred to repay the debt, the mortgage is liquidated.

This method can be used by families who entered into an agreement on the state program. When it turns out that an agreement was concluded on a different form of credit, then it must be re-signed so that such benefits are granted.

Income reduction

To start the process of liquidating a mortgage thanks to state assistance due to a reduction in income, the last fact should be proved. For example, a decrease in wages - the main source of income for many Russians - should be no less than 30%. The client needs to write a request for restructuring 90 days after budget cuts.

The government can help holders of foreign currency loans. When the value of the ruble in relation to world monetary units drops by one third, and the income remains at the same level, you can seek state help.

Participants in state programs

Not all categories of Russians can participate in preferential programs. There are several categories of residents who are entitled to liquidate mortgages at the expense of the state:

  • young families with a minor son or daughter;
  • families with two children;
  • families with disabled people, seriously ill or disabled citizens;
  • families where there are members under 24 years of age who do not have a source of official income and who are on security;
  • civil servants;
  • workers of a city-forming company;
  • war veterans;
  • members of various scientific organizations of the Russian Federation, etc.

repayment of a mortgage at the expense of the state

These Russians need to write an application to participate in the program.

Property Requirements

There are a number of conditions that contribute to the speedy process of repaying mortgage debt at the expense of the state. Such privileges can be obtained under the following conditions:

  • Housing received through a mortgage is the only property or does not exceed 50% of the share in other real estate.
  • The price of 1 square. m is less than 60% of the value of ordinary property.
  • Legal cleanliness of housing is required.

Real estate must meet a minimum area. If a potential participant in the state program lives in an apartment alone, housing cannot be more than 50 square meters. m. For 2 people, the area cannot exceed 35 square meters. m for each. When there are three inhabitants, the requirement for the area of ​​the apartment is not more than 100 square meters. m

Requirements for the amount of funds received

Certain conditions apply to borrower income. When the amount of funds after the transfer of the contribution is less than two living wages, the citizen has the right to apply for the liquidation of the mortgage with the help of the state.

repayment of a mortgage at the expense of the state at birth

A Russian who wants to receive state assistance should not be bankrupt by court order. You can also participate in the program for the existence of a targeted loan. The delay can only be within 3-4 months.

agreement date

According to the initial version of the revision of Resolution No. 373, borrowers who received loans before 2015 could start the process of liquidating debt on a mortgage with the help of the state. The current documents do not say anything about this. It is only indicated that the repayment of the mortgage at the expense of the state (the term from the creation of the contract to the appeal for help) is possible only within 12 months.

Repayment process at Sberbank

Similar functions are in the list of any of the banks. A mortgage is popular in Sberbank, because a financial institution offers borrowers favorable terms. It is possible to repay the mortgage at the expense of the state. Sberbank gives a rather favorable loan for housing. In order to receive the compensation indicated by the state program, it is necessary to carry out the following actions:

  • Personally come to Sberbank and talk with a specialist, find out about the likelihood of providing benefits, get the application form.
  • Make a statement, prepare a set of documents.
  • Bring the collected documentation to the bank.

Then you need to wait for a solution. If the decision on the application is positive, money is transferred to the bank account of the program participant, which reduces the amount of debt. The borrower is required to sign an agreement with the bank, where the conditions will be determined.

Required documents

To repay the mortgage at the expense of the state, the client is obliged to provide a number of official papers related to the determination of personality, status, marital and property status, participation in various programs. Those are a civil passport, marriage certificate, mortgage agreement, certificate of ownership of housing, birth certificates of children. All papers must be certified by a lawyer or appropriate institution.

repayment of a mortgage at the expense of the state at the birth of 3 children

The set of documents depending on the conditions periodically changes. Additionally, the bank may offer to bring a certificate of disability to the borrower and his close relatives and so on.

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