
How do I know if I have credit? Checking for loans by last name

A loan allows you to quickly solve a financial problem. But not all payers are conscientious customers. As a result, they put themselves and their loved ones at financial risk. To be aware of all operations on accounts, you need to know how to check the availability of loans in a person.

Why find out information on loan agreements?

The question "How do I know if I have a loan?" asked many people who have debts to banks or previously paid off all loans.

How to find out if I have a loan

Information on such contracts is an important part of financial well-being: the existence of existing obligations affects the solvency of the client, his prosperity. This is reflected in the psychological state of a person. Those who are aware of their obligations are less likely to delay, and therefore have a good credit history.

Sometimes find out about the availability of a loan from a physical. the person is required by the relatives of the client, for example, in the event of his death. Credit obligations are inherited in the same way as the accumulated funds of the payer: they are transferred to close relatives.

Ways to get information

Search query "How do I know if I have a loan?" it is no coincidence that it is one of the leading information about banks. It forms the interest of Internet users with the status of their loans.

credit bureau

There are several ways to get information about whether a person has loans.

  1. At the bank in which the client previously issued credit cards or opened loan accounts.
  2. Through the "My Account".
  3. When calling customer support.
  4. By sending a request to the Credit History Bureau - BKI.
  5. At the bailiffs. This is true if the debt entails long delays and accrual of fines.
  6. In a collection agency. Information is provided only to those customers whose loan agreements have already been transferred to the company by the bank.

A visit to the bank is an option for those who value reliability

Solve a customer question "How do I know if I have a loan?" managers of a banking company will help. This is one of the easiest and most proven ways to obtain information on loan agreements. At the same time, payers can receive information not only about their current accounts, but also about closed loans.

men with documents

Information is available online or in the form of an order from the bank’s archive. In the first case, the client must provide a passport and a loan agreement (if any). The bank manager will print out a statement or certificate, which will display:

  • Full name of the loan holder;
  • loan data: contract number, amount, amount of debt with and without interest, information about payments, validity period;
  • Name and signature of authorized person;
  • Date of issue of the document.

The advantage of this option is the speed of receipt and the official format: a certificate can be used as evidence in court.

Ordering an extract from the archive is a longer way, but it is also effective for anyone who asks the question "How do I know if I have a loan?"

how to check for loans in a person

The request for information is used under contracts whose storage period at the bank office has expired. In many companies, storage of paper documents in the bank is 5 years, after which certificates are sent to the company’s archive.

If necessary, the payer can order a copy of the document from the archive by presenting his passport to a representative of the organization. Service delivery time is up to three months.

After 15 years, obtaining information about the loan is often impossible, since the databases are updated, and previously collected data is destroyed after the statute of limitations.

Online services - operational informants for customers

With the development of online customer services, if the question “How do I find out if I have a loan?” Arises, it’s not necessary to contact the company’s office. All data is available online, it can be obtained using mobile services (online banking and smartphone applications).

how to find out if there are debts on loans

The online banking application can be installed on a mobile phone. The service is provided free of charge at most banks (Sberbank, Tinkoff, Alfa Bank, VTB, Moscow Industrial Bank and others). The smartphone version is available for download and installation on the App Store or Google Play.

To use the application, a bank card is required. The client needs to come up with a password and login or get them at the bank’s office / ATM. After registration, go to the "Loans" tab and get a mini statement of loan accounts.

The service is provided free of charge. For a more detailed report, an online request is required. The data will be sent to the customer’s email or as a download link inside the active online banking page.

Support service - those who are always in touch with subscribers

Contact center operators are ready to help borrowers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is a quick way to find out if there are any debts on loans.

bank card

The information on the borrowers and credit cards the borrower can receive only after identification. To do this, the operator must name, name, address, passport information, information about the loan agreement (if any), bank card number (if necessary).

Some banks require a code word - control information for authenticating the subscriber. If the client has forgotten the code word, it needs to be updated at the bank or provide other data that the Contact Center operator will require. Information on the availability of a loan by last name or obtaining data for third parties are unacceptable operations in the bank and the Contact Center.

BKI as a way to learn everything at once

Obtaining an extract from the BCI is another official way for those who are wondering, “How do I know if I have a loan?”

BKI - A company that accumulates information about all borrowers and their relations with banks and MFIs (microloans). Data is transferred from the Credit History Bureau after the execution of any loan agreement, including installments and loans in the amount of from 1,000 rubles. This allows you to receive information immediately on all loans.

To order an extract, the payer can contact a bank that cooperates with one of the bureaus (for example, Sberbank or Russian Standard) and request a certificate. Information is provided in accordance with the tariffs of the company.

credit availability by last name

The state provides each borrower (once a year) to receive a certificate for free. To do this, send a request on the website of the Central Bank. A second request is paid depending on the company the borrower will contact.

Appeal to the bailiffs

If the payer does not pay for obligations for a long time, he will be contacted by the bailiffs. The seizure of accounts imposed by the executive body is made after the bank transfers information about the debt.

The account may be seized in whole or in part, which in any case impairs the financial ability of the client. To solve the debt problem quickly and without additional penalties, it is recommended to find out all about loans at the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation at the place of registration of the borrower.

Information on enforcement proceedings is transmitted in the form of a certificate, which contains information only on unliquidated obligations that led to the seizure of accounts.

Collectors are not always enemies

If the client does not fulfill obligations to pay the debt, information can be transferred to the collection agency, which is involved in the collection of funds. After that, the borrower can obtain information about their loans from collectors.

This method is suitable only for malicious non-payers who owe money to the bank and refuse to repay debts for at least 3 months. Collection agencies do not always differ in courtesy towards debtors, therefore, many borrowers who allow delays, try to avoid communication with specialists in their department.

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