
The procedure for withdrawal from citizenship of the Russian Federation: grounds, application

Persons who wish to leave the country not only for political reasons are interested in the issue of withdrawing from Russian citizenship. Someone wants to find a better life in another country, someone finds a mate, and someone manages to establish a business. Regardless of the reasons, the procedure is the same for everyone.

general description

The stages of the procedure and the procedure for applying the applicant are enshrined in Law No. 62-FZ. It should be understood that this is a permissive procedure, that is, it is necessary to obtain consent from the authorities.

In general, the process consists of several stages:

  • preparation of a statement;
  • collection of documents;
  • submission of application and documents to competent authorities;
  • consideration of the application by members of the commission under the president;
  • issuance by the president of the relevant decree.

The above law states that every Russian has the right to withdraw from citizenship of the Russian Federation, but this desire must be set forth in writing without fail. State authorities, in turn, should not be interested in the reason for such a decision. A negative decision on the application can be taken only if there are objective facts that should be indicated in the decision of the commission.

emigration to another country

In what cases can refuse

First of all, when applying for exit from citizenship of the Russian Federation, the presence of unfulfilled obligations to legal entities and individuals of the Russian Federation is checked. This can be loans outstanding, utility bills or child support.

The second reason is the existence of a bill of indictment or an outstanding judgment in respect of the applicant.

Nor will they give consent to the application for denial of citizenship if the applicant does not have another citizenship or has not submitted supporting documents that it will be provided in the future.

Other reasons for refusal are not provided for by the current legislation of Russia.

What documents are submitted

The exit from citizenship of the Russian Federation involves the collection of a fairly decent list of documents, which includes:

  • a statement of the established form, the form of which is issued by the migration service;
  • documentary evidence of another citizenship (passport);
  • if there is no passport of another country, then a document that confirms that it will be issued in the future, for example, a residence permit;
  • a certificate from the Federal Tax Service that the applicant has no arrears of taxes and other obligatory payments;
  • in case of a change of name, documents confirming these facts;
  • copies of birth certificates of marriage or divorce;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (today it is 3.5 thousand rubles);
  • three photos.

In some cases, other documents will have to be submitted, for example, confirming education, work, and so on. Absolutely all documents should not have blots, corrections. If at least one of them is not in Russian, then it will have to be translated and the signature of the translator must be certified by a notary.

The application review process will last at least one year. After making a positive decision, a passport is seized from a former citizen of the Russian Federation.

rejection rules

How to fill out an application

On the forums you can often find information that in the process of renouncing citizenship of the Russian Federation, some people were refused only because the application was not drawn up correctly. To avoid this, you should pay attention to the following rules for compilation:

  • the form is filled out exclusively in Russian;
  • it is recommended to fill out the application in block letters, if this is done in handwriting, the spelling should be legible;
  • no graph should be left blank;
  • you can not shorten words, correct;
  • answer must be true to all questions;
  • You can fill in the form with blue, purple or black paste.

Photocopying of the second copy of the statement is not allowed; it must also be compiled by hand.

If the applicant is located outside the country, then he has the opportunity to fill out the application online.

denial of citizenship

Simplified procedure

The procedure for withdrawing from citizenship of the Russian Federation provides for the passage of the entire procedure according to a simplified scheme for the following persons:

  • for those who are outside the country;
  • children who live in Russia but have one or both parents who are citizens of other countries.

The simplified procedure in this case involves a reduced time for consideration of the application and the collection of a less voluminous package of documents.

In such cases, you will only have to submit documents confirming the new citizenship or the right to it, a document on deregistration at the place of residence in Russia, on deregistration from the consular register, a statement and receipt of payment of the fee. These documents are submitted to the diplomatic mission or consul at the place of arrival.

According to this procedure, you can obtain consent to exit the citizenship of the Russian Federation in 6 months.

Refusal of citizenship for minors

Children who have not reached 18 years of age, that is, have not reached full age, can only change their citizenship with their parents. There are no particular problems in such cases, especially if both parents are citizens of the same state and the whole family moves together. If at least one parent remains in the Russian Federation, then he must give consent to the change of citizenship by the child, which must be certified by a notary.

how much is failure

What will happen after the refusal of citizenship?

If the whole procedure has been followed and a positive decision has been received to renounce citizenship, then in the future such a person will be able to enter the territory of Russia on a common basis and obtain a visa. We will have to reckon with the fact that there will be some restrictions on movement within the Russian Federation. Such persons, being already citizens of another country, will not be able to acquire real estate in the border zone.

what documents are required

Is it possible to return Russian citizenship?

In fact, if there is every reason to withdraw from the citizenship of the Russian Federation, all documents have been submitted and a positive decision has been received, but the applicant has changed his mind, then he has the right to restore citizenship. However, you will have to live in the country for at least 3 years, and travel outside will be allowed for a period of not more than 90 days for 12 months. That is, you have to go through the standard procedure for obtaining citizenship, which can stretch for years. Only having serious merits to the state, one can count on reducing this period.

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