
Embassy of Egypt in Moscow. History and Tasks

The official diplomatic mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Moscow (Egyptian Embassy) is located in the historic Khamovniki district, in Kropotkinsky Lane. Before the revolution, the building in which the mission was located was owned by attorney Hirschman and was designed by architect Semyon Semenovich Eibushits.

The first embassy of Egypt in Moscow

The official date for the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations between the USSR and Egypt is considered August 26, 1943. The first Egyptian embassy in Moscow was headed by Mohamed Abdel Rahim, who was a very close associate of King Farouk l. Between the 1950s and 1960s, Egypt was the most important partner of the Soviet Union in the Middle East. These decades were marked by a significant activity of the Egyptian Embassy in Moscow, since the tense situation in the Middle East region required an active response.

At this time, Egypt received significant material, military and financial assistance from the USSR. However, in the beginning of the seventies, President Anwar Sadat came to power in Egypt, radically changing the country's foreign policy, as a result of which there was a cooling in bilateral relations.

Russian and Egyptian presidents

Why do you need an embassy

Egypt is considered one of the key countries in the Middle East and the entire Arab world, and therefore constant contact with its leadership is vital not only for Russia, but also for all countries of North Africa, the Middle East and Europe. Thanks to a long-standing partnership and close relations, Russia has a serious influence on the leadership of this Arab country. And this influence is realized precisely through a dialogue with the Egyptian Embassy in Moscow.

In addition to representing Egypt in Russia, the embassy also provides assistance to citizens of their country in Russia. Given the depth and quality of relations between the two countries, there are a lot of Egyptian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, which means that the consular section of the Egyptian embassy in Moscow is never left without work.

Employees of the consular service are involved in the certification and translation of documents, registration of marriages, confirmation of identity and provide legal advice whenever possible.

Russian and Egyptian military

Where is the consulate

The Egyptian Embassy in Moscow issues visas only for long stays, as well as student and marriage visas, because a tourist visa for a short term is issued by Russian citizens upon arrival at one of the Egyptian airports.

In this regard, if a Russian plans to visit the Arab Republic with an exclusively tourist purpose, then he does not need to go to the consular department. However, it will not hurt to know the exact address of the Egyptian embassy in Moscow. It is as follows: Moscow, Kropotkinsky Lane, 12. Index: 119034

The need to visit the consulate may arise for citizens of the Arab country in the case of a replacement passport, for example.

egypt flag

Threats Inside Egypt

For many decades, Egypt has remained an important partner of Russia in the Middle East, although misunderstandings do occur. Given the difficult geographical location of this country, it is not surprising that numerous extremist groups are active on its territory.

Such activity can endanger the lives of citizens of foreign countries, of which there are a large number in the country. Regularly important tourist infrastructure is being attacked and terrorized by Islamists.

Egypt and Russia on the map

Security concerns

So, on October 31, 2015, an airplane with Russian tourists was blown up over Sinai, which served as a reason for the termination of regular and charter flights to Egypt. Over the course of three years, there has been some tension between the two countries, although the African government has made every effort to restore its previous level of confidence. Consultations continued for a long time, security experts from Russia repeatedly visited Egyptian airports with checks and made professional recommendations.

Finally, in the fall of 2018, the imminent restoration of air communication between two long-standing partners was announced. In this regard, we should expect an early increase in passenger traffic and the number of tourists from the Russian Federation to the Republic of Egypt. However, the Russian Foreign Ministry still recommends that Russians exercise maximum caution when visiting this North African country.

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