
It's not just about money: 6 nice additions, except for the salary level that you should ask for at work

Work continues to be a necessary component of human life and in our time of increased comfort with high technology. But if earlier labor activity was considered only as a way to earn money, from which the corresponding requirements of the employee stemmed, today the list of requests has expanded significantly. Below are 6 additional conditions that are justifiably set for the employer.

1. Holidays

The value of recreation has increased in recent years, which forces managers to change priorities in the organization of the labor process. People do not want to put up with short vacations to the extent that they are ready to choose vacancies with lower earnings, but good rest.

In addition, vacation can not be used unnecessarily, but at the same time require the employer to pay for days of rest, the time of which was spent at work. Everyone decides how appropriate this approach is, but experts say that distraction from work as such is especially important in our time for people living in a fast life rhythm.

2. Flexible working hours

A new trend in the corporate environment is a flexible schedule. This means that the employee can, at his discretion, arrange the schedule of working hours in accordance with personal interests, receiving the same salary. This approach involves some risks for the employer, but they can be insured. For example, by offering the chief a trial period, at the end of which an assessment will be made of the quality of work, and on its basis a decision is made on the form of a permanent schedule.

In any case, it should be noted that a conditionally flexible schedule gives benefits to both the employee and the employer. The first one has the opportunity to organize their affairs and tasks more efficiently, which, in principle, allows for more rational use of energy resources. As for the advantages for superiors, they can consist in the growth of the productivity of a valuable shot, and in the possibilities of reducing the cost of organizing a workplace in the office, if the employee even switches to the work mode at home.

3. Remote work

The possibility of remote work at home deserves a separate discussion, since this format of labor organization has its own fundamental features. In this case, the employee fulfills his duties outside the office premises - this can be both a house and a vacation spot. A key condition for ensuring remote work is access to communication tools, thanks to which the employee can communicate with the boss, colleagues, participate in conferences and meetings. To do this, you can use video communication channels, corporate social networks, e-mail, etc.

4. Professional growth

Even with a sufficient level of training for employment, you should not stop in your development. Especially in modern conditions, when the experience itself is less valued than the ability to handle the technologies introduced a couple of years ago. It is important to make sure that the manager can provide conditions for additional training and the development of practical skills.

This optional supplement at work is also in the interests of the employer. By organizing classes, lectures and seminars for educational purposes, he thus demonstrates concern for the team, which will directly affect the loyalty of employees to the company. And this is not to mention the benefits for the corporation itself, because it is directly interested in having an educated and capable staff.

More importantly, educational programs in corporate environments are not so difficult and costly to implement. Once again, modern communications help, through which you can organize remote lectures from major experts and specialists in various fields. And this is not to mention that highly qualified employees themselves can give master classes and the same lectures for beginners and just young workers.

5. Practice mentoring

Opportunities for supporting staff within the team are not limited to educational programs only. Mentoring, experts say, has long been not seen as an old-fashioned practice that can be safely abandoned today. This is a progressive path, in line with which the cohesion of the team, its professionalism and career prospects increase.

How is this practice implemented? Its origins will be the attitude of the leader towards the team. He should show by his example how important it is to teach, help and guide colleagues with less knowledge and experience. Especially for young employees, the presence of this practice is extremely important. An employee who has a mentor more efficiently, better and more confidently fulfills his labor duties, constantly expanding his professional horizons.

6. Cultural program

Perhaps not the most important point, but it also deserves attention from the modern worker. Large corporations, of course, pursuing mainly their interests, often introduce cultural and entertainment programs for the whole team. The costs of such events are also justified by increasing the loyalty of the company employees, along with which the motivation of each team member is growing.

For the employees themselves, this can become a quite interesting form of leisure surrounded by colleagues, whom can be learned more closely with the subsequent formation of friendly relations.

Specifically, such programs can be expressed in joint trips to the cinema, to festivals, exhibitions, etc. Cultural enrichment as such is beneficial, but along with this, the effect of psychological unloading, which is necessary for employees, is achieved. Continuing this topic, we can note the benefits of sports games and activities. Some of them are organized directly in the company building, if there is a separate room. Physical activity as such stimulate mental and creative activity. After all, it is no accident that many leaders in recent years have even organized business meetings and meetings on the go, that is, in the process of joint walks in the fresh air. It will also be useful to find out about such practice before the device is installed at the workplace.

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