
Wealth in every home: what numbers on bills attract wealth like a magnet

People often resort to the help of various talismans, charms in order to attract good luck, wealth, wealth, success. And paradoxically, similar tricks really work. It is possible that the whole thing is in the mood of people, in their faith in the power of a “happy” coin or bill, hidden in a wallet.

But does it really matter? The main thing is that talismans attract money, which means prosperity comes to people. Moreover, prosperity is available to everyone, just pay attention to the money falling into your hands so as not to miss your “happy” banknote.

What banknote can become a talisman?

How not to miss your lucky bill? You need to carefully consider the numbers and series that are printed on the money.

Each series has two letters and a seven-digit number. It is to them that one needs to look closely. The series should cause any association or be consonant with the name of the person. The number must contain three identical digits in a row or in it you need to find your personal lucky numbers.

Which series is happy?

Of course, those banknotes whose letters in the series are similar to the initials of a person bring luck. For example, if a person’s name is “Ivan Sidorov”, then the series “IS” or “SI” will bring good luck and attract wealth.

But not only such associations can bring good luck. For example, if a person’s name is Mstislav, then the MS series is also happy. You should also take into account what kind of treatment a person is used to. For example, if he is often addressed by his last name, then a bill in which the first letters will be present will bring luck. For example, a person’s surname is “Smirnov”, which means that a banknote with the series “SM” does not need to be spent, it can become a talisman.

Other associations are likewise involved. Many people have nicknames, the letters of the series may coincide with them. Often people save banknotes as talismans, a series of which reminds them of the nicknames of pets.

What numbers will bring wealth?

What is the “lucky number" in a series number on a bill? The most common belief is that it is a set of numbers that coincides with the date of birth. In the event that the numbers coincide completely and follow in the same order as in the passport, then the person is incredibly lucky. And in the case when the numbers from the banknote coincide with the date of birth, and the letters of the series with the initials, then the bill is clearly a talisman that will attract wealth.

But not only such coincidences can be happy. According to Feng Shui, the number 8 draws the energy of money. Accordingly, banknotes, in the numbers of which there are many eights, are potential talismans. And if the eights are arranged in a row or the whole number consists of them, then such a banknote is at all an analog of the “magic” four-leaf clover.

Those banknotes in the serial number of which there are three identical digits and they are arranged in a row are also considered lucky. Especially often luck brings three sevens.

Is it possible to calculate your "lucky number"?

In numerology, it is generally accepted that each person has their own "lucky numbers." They are easy to calculate using the correspondence of letters and numbers.

The numbers correspond to such letters:

  • 1 - a, and, s, b;
  • 2 - b, th, t, s;
  • 3 - c, c, y, b;
  • 4 - g, l, f, e;
  • 5 - d, m, x, y;
  • 6th, n, c, i;
  • 7th, o, h;
  • 8 - w, p, w;
  • 9 - s, p, n.

What should be done? Combine the numbers corresponding to the name. For example, if a person’s name is “Oleg”, then you need to add this: 7 + 4 + 6 + 4. The result is 21. These numbers also need to be added. It turns out the number "3".Accordingly, the triple is an individual lucky number for a person whose name is Oleg.

Similarly calculated and the number of surname and patronymic. If a person is often called a nickname or he uses a pseudonym, then they must be converted to numbers. Thus, you can get personal "numbers of luck", which should be sought on banknotes.

Which banknote will bring luck?

Not always people use a banknote as a talisman, which they chose, focusing on the series number and letter designation.

Any “money” can become a talisman, if it:

  • first banknote earned;
  • a coin from another state in which the vacation was spent, giving a surge of strength, energy and positive emotions;
  • a bill that constantly “returns” with change.

As a rule, money “returning” to the same person has special signs, distinguishing features, for example, an ink stain or an inscription. If the banknote is constantly in the hands, you don’t need to pay for it for something, you should leave it as a talisman, because the bill itself “wants to stay”.

Coins from vacation carry a part of the positive energy, the forces received during the rest and all the happy moments that were experienced. Accordingly, such money becomes wonderful charms that not only attract wealth, but also, on the whole, bring a positive effect to a person’s life.

The first banknote earned is traditionally considered in the West as the best talisman that attracts a stream of money. It is unlikely that someone did not watch the animated series Duck Tales. It was the first dollar earned that was the mascot of Scrooge. Maybe it makes sense to save the first bill or coin, which is independently earned? In any case, this is the custom in the West.

Also considered a mascot is a banknote or coin received from a person who is rich and successful. For example, if the boss at work asks for a banknote to be exchanged, one should not spend the bill received from him, but save it. It will not only attract wealth, but also contribute to moving up the career ladder.

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