
The head of the family was left without work. He found a new job in an original way.

Sometimes it is very difficult to find a job. According to research, jobs are much less than applicants for them. And it’s not so scary if you are young, free and have no obligations. Then you can sit on the neck of your parents for an extra couple of months. But if you lose your job when you have family and children, it is urgent to take action.

A man from America solved the problem of his unemployment in an interesting way.

Job seeking

30-year-old Patrick Hoagland worked for several years in a metal manufacturing company. But one day, he was fired.

About a month the man sent resumes to different companies, but no one responded. Then Patrick came up with an unusual idea that allowed him to find a new place.

The man printed several copies of his resume and made a sign on which he wrote with a marker that he was looking for work and was ready to give everyone his interest a resume.

With all this belongings, Patrick went out the main street of the city and began to offer a resume to all motorists passing or standing in traffic.

Unexpected luck

Once, business woman Melissa DiGianfilippo was stuck in traffic, accidentally saw Patrick on the street and became interested in his idea. She herself worked in the field of public relations, but decided to help the man somehow, so she took his resume and took a picture of him with an absurd sign in his hands.

On the same day, a woman posted a photograph of a man and his resume on her Facebook page. Among its subscribers there were many people who held senior positions in various companies, and perhaps they might need an employee of such qualifications as Patrick.

A few hours after the publication of the photo on the network, Patrick received a job offer from the owner of a concrete production and processing company. So far, the man has not yet been officially organized, but the main thing is that he has a job, and money has appeared in the family.

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