
It looks like 10 people from 1% of the population, owning half of the world's wealth

Did you know that 1% of the population owns half of the world's wealth? And you say social justice. I often wonder why people need so much money, if a couple of millions of dollars is enough for a comfortable life.

If you spend $ 1000 per month, a million will be enough for 80 years. If you properly dispose of the funds, do not squander, do not drink, and grandchildren will remain. 5 million is enough for 400 (!) Years. But what can you spend a billion on? Apparently, the next 10 richest people in the world know a secret that forces them to save and accumulate untold wealth.

James quincy

This serious “person” in the title photo (right) is none other than the Coca-Cola CEO. Strange, but for the manager of one of the most successful companies in history, his fortune is not so great - $ 16.7 billion. Apparently, he has enough. By the way, James rose from the bottom. He started as an ordinary employee and knows all the ins and outs of the vital activities of the lemonade company.

Eugene Kaspersky

The Russian child prodigy earned his $ 1.3 billion in intelligence and quick wits. Many probably heard about the antivirus of the same name. So, it is developed under the guidance of this person. By the way, wealth poses certain risks. In 2011, the villains kidnapped one of Kaspersky's sons and demanded a ransom of $ 3 million. However, the law enforcement agencies clearly reacted and freed the child.

Richard Branson

This eccentric merry fellow with his smile and inexhaustible ideas at once convinces investors to part with money. It seems that even the most fantastic project can be carried out under his leadership, for example, sending tourists into space. The owner of the Virgin Group has taken under the wing of about 400 companies engaged in a wide variety of areas of activity. Thanks to his charm and sharp mind, the Briton owns a good fortune of $ 4.1 billion.

David Geffen

Look carefully at this person. He couldn't even graduate from college! To get a way to life, Geffen forged a certificate of graduation. And today it boasts $ 8.4 billion in a personal account. The businessman made such a lot of money thanks to the music. He has a unique flair for recognizing hits among the gray mass of musical compositions. The owner of the record company Geffen Records willingly donates funds to charity and research projects.

Francois Pinault

This is Francois Pinault today - a charming gentleman with $ 36.6 billion in his pocket. And in his youth, the Frenchman was so restless that instead of studying he went in search of adventure in Algeria, which was a French colony in those years. On what Pino's starting capital has earned, history is silent, but he returned from Africa with money. After a series of successful deals, today he owns such recognizable brands as Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Yves Saint Laurent, Brioni. And in his spare time he collects the originals of the artists Picasso and Warhol.

Jacqueline Mars

Do you like Snickers bars? What about Mars? I respect the latter from childhood, although today I try to protect my teeth from sweets. So, this respectable lady is the granddaughter of the very Franklin Mars, the founder of the Mars corporation. Her fortune is $ 38.6 billion.

Mackenzie Bezos

This nice woman can write the manual “How to Marry Successfully”. I'm sure the book will be a bestseller. By the way, Mackenzie is indeed a writer, but so far not as famous as the author of Harry Potter. It is enough to look at the surname so that suspicions crept in. Is she not a relative of the richest man on the planet, the owner of Amazon? No, not a relative, but an ex-wife. After the divorce, her fortune is estimated at $ 39.1 billion.

Ma Huateng

This ninja-eyed man owns Tencent, the largest investment and telecommunications company in Asia (possibly the world). The owner of the capital $ 42.8 billion is actively investing in the development of artificial intelligence. Perhaps we are facing the future ruler of the world.

Francoise Bettencourt Myers

Member of the top 20 richest people in the world and the heiress of the company L'Oreal received from her grandmother not only a beauty business, but also over $ 40 billion. The lady did not squander them, but, on the contrary, increased them. Today, her personal fortune is estimated at $ 53.2 billion.

Mukesh Ambani

The richest Indian citizen with a fortune of $ 55.3 billion lives in the UK. Like Francoise Bettencourt, he inherited capital from his father. But as often happens, the test of "copper pipes" do not stand it. Mukesh often appears on the pages of the "yellow press", having been implicated in various scandals. For example, he has sued his younger brother for many years. Each side accuses each other of fraud. It seems to me that they are both standing.

Judging by the biographies, to earn a billion dollars, it is not necessary to study. But it is not exactly!

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