
When street art is in the topic: 10 examples of truly unusual and talented works

In the modern world, people come up with more and more types of street art. Unlike paintings created from scratch, in this case only those components are drawn that would make it possible to create a single picture, merged with the surroundings. Such unusual creativity is created by special artists. They find in the environment that could be supplemented, add some zest and get a complete image. Most of these creations can be found in European cities, where this type of creativity is most popular. Here are just some examples from the street.

The face of the city, Toronto, Canada

On a stone wall overgrown with wild grapes, the artist found a place where lianas were stacked so that they formed a kind of female hair. It remains only to finish what was not done by nature.

Giant girl watering a tree

This giant image is drawn on the wall of an old high-rise building. It can be seen in the city of Bialystok, in Poland. Against its background, a medium-sized tree resembles a houseplant.

Image of another giant girl on a stone wall in Malaysia.

Satellite dishes in Birmingham, UK

Someone decided to make them part of giant telescopes. All this is on the brick wall of the building.

Camels on a cracked stone wall in France

This is a miniature image of a walking caravan moving along the desert surface, in the role of which an ordinary crack acted.

Bird in Athens (Greece)

Someone pictured a tree by the wall as part of the body of a giant green bird feeding its young in a nest.

Old door in france

Someone painted the face of a maniac man in the place of a fallen piece of wood on a shabby plank door. As if he is behind this door and looks fiercely through the gap.

Hair, Fort de France, Martinique

A thick branchy tree behind a high stone fence served as the basis for the artist, which became the hair of the character he drew.


The pipe coming out of the building and going into the water of the canal became a kind of straw in the eyes of the artist through which the giant head drawn by him sucks water.

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