
Collective intelligence and bureaucracy: why not work in large corporations

Many people dream of working only in large corporations. They expect that they will be able to earn good income and quickly move up the career ladder. But in fact, work in such organizations has numerous drawbacks. Management positions are held only by trusted persons or relatives of directors, therefore it is almost impossible to achieve a significant career growth. Therefore, we can distinguish several significant shortcomings of work in large corporations.

Low income

Large corporations always target experienced and professional workers who can bring significant benefits to the firm. Often they even lure specialists from other organizations, offering them favorable conditions for cooperation.

But if a person independently sends a resume to this company, wishing to get a job, then he is offered standard, and often quite poor conditions. The leaders of such corporations are sure that employees should be grateful simply for being offered such an interesting job.

Typically, in large firms, employee earnings depend not only on the complexity of the work and job responsibilities, but also on the duration of work in this organization. Therefore, in the early years, people receive a low income. Additionally, to increase salaries, you will have to achieve career growth, which is a complex process in a company with a large number of employees.

Career Difficulty

Corporations are represented by firms in which a lot of employees work. They have many managers, deputies and other posts. Therefore, any specialist can understand how he will be able to advance on the career ladder. To do this, wait until the desired posts are vacated. Additionally, you will have to compete with other colleagues.

Due to the presence of numerous employees, managers will not be able to assess the talents and capabilities of each specialist. Therefore, it is not often professionals who are elected to leadership positions, but people who work for a long time in the company.


In such firms, you have to constantly compose various memos and other official documents. Only in this way the founder of the company can convey his requests or orders to each employee in different departments of the organization.

Filling and reading official correspondence takes a very long time, so often people do not have time to cope with their work responsibilities.

Specific Distribution of Responsibility

In large firms, where many specialists work, the merits of one employee are extremely rare. But even the slightest mistakes can cause dismissal. If the department copes with the plan, then this positively affects each specialist, and even if only one employee copes with the task.

If a miscalculation is detected on the part of one specialist, then he will first experience dissatisfaction on the part of his colleagues, and then he will be punished by his superiors. Even if a person is not guilty, he will face reprimand and punishment.

Have to do extra work

In large corporations, each person performs a lot of routine and unnecessary work every day, which does not correspond to his official duties. Some people cope well with different projects, but the company management can decide at any time that there is no need for this project.

People who put energy and soul into presentations or reports do not receive approval or feedback.Different managers of the company constantly make changes, as a result of which the work of one person ceases to be valued.

Waste of time

Workers are forced to hold many meetings, go to regular meetings or other events. Some newcomers do not understand what exactly is being discussed by other employees of the company.

At such meetings, general and unnecessary issues are discussed, so people simply waste time that could be spent on the implementation of basic labor duties.

Lack of personal opinion

All employees of the corporation should strive to realize the main mission of this company, so they must forget about personal desires and questions. Many experts only pretend to be their love and commitment to the company, but in fact they realize that their personal merits are not evaluated.

Different methods are constantly used in organizations for the development of a corporate spirit, therefore employees should be interested in general rather than personal success. Often this is the cause of frustration and depression.

Monotonous work

In many small organizations, one employee is forced to cope with different labor responsibilities, and people also get a return from management. In corporations, specialists carry out routine and monotonous work. This is due to the distribution of labor duties.

Due to such a monotonous activity, people often burn out, because they cannot realize their talent and capabilities.

Lack of good relationships with colleagues

Large corporations develop team spirit, but employees understand that they are competitors. Several specialists are applying for a vacant leadership position, so people cannot build good relationships.

In such offices, people rarely smile, laugh and communicate naturally.


Many people are attracted to work in a large corporation, but they do not even know what difficulties and problems they will encounter during their activities. People rarely get promoted, cannot express personal opinions and do routine work.

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