
Dashing trouble start: 3 advice from a former boss helped me decide to open my own business

One has only to decide on a bold step, and an ordinary person becomes a professional entrepreneur. No matter how trite it may sound, but most of all I was afraid of changes that would suddenly change my life. But the boss became an excellent mentor, and shared his business secrets.

How to open a business without extra costs and fear of trying something new in life

Many, like me, think about interesting activities that could bring significant profit. After all, working for someone is still unpleasant, and people do not like to constantly live in fear of dismissal or reduction from their posts. One has to be content with what is at the moment, and also be afraid of rash decisions by the leadership. And for this reason, I began to think about my business. What can I give this world useful and valuable, and then enjoy freedom to the fullest? The answer was inside of me, and all the time was on the surface.

What happened to me at my previous job

I sat in a blue suit with an expensive telephone, but did not feel the joy of the events. I was haunted by a lack of air and self-realization, and a thirst for change. New achievements were not long in coming when I turned to the boss for help.

What practical advice did I take from the chef

He told me first and foremost that I should make a decision once and for all. He argued his arguments with the fact that you need to live without regrets and other people's instructions every day. And he said that for every decision I make, I will pay with time, results, money and progress. My success will directly depend on effective solutions and flexibility in the market of services, goods and psychology.

Next, I will have to take care of the staff and choose the right frames myself in the early stages. And this requires a lot of patience. The boss knew very well that entrepreneurship required considerable effort and high endurance. He also said that the profit will not come immediately, and the company can pay off in 2 or 3 years. And up to this point it will be necessary to work in the sweat of the face, and in no case give up. If the entrepreneur breaks down within 1 year, then the path further is ordered to him.

The third tip concerned my notorious entourage of losers. The chief said to permanently remove from my space poisonous people who spoil everything and insist that I will not succeed. He substantiated this in this way: the longer I keep people next to me who do not wish me happiness and success, the longer I will achieve the desired results. He advised finding more positive interlocutors who had achieved a good position in society in their lives and who had financial wealth.

It was also important what habits my friends and acquaintances had. The boss believed that I would involuntarily adopt both the good and the bad in behavior and success. And he turned out to be absolutely right: as soon as I began to try harder, boldly behave and found pleasant interlocutors, everything in life gradually improved. I am grateful to this kind person who was not afraid to criticize me directly in the face and helped improve my position in entrepreneurship. At the moment I have my own store with many goods, and even have home delivery for special customers. I was finally able to realize what I had dreamed of for many years, thanks to the chef. Advice turned out to be of great value, and by changing my reality.

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