
I’ll leave to live in London: 10 cities of the world where they earn a lot and work a little

Do you plan to work abroad, develop and start a career in a new country? Perhaps you should take a look at this rating before you start looking for a suitable place. Based on the studies and the data presented, the net average monthly wage, the average number of hours worked and the average number of paid holidays in 69 cities of the world were calculated. Then a list of cities was compiled, where the ratio of wages to hours worked is most satisfactory for people's lives.

Top 10 best cities in the world for work and life

  1. Luxembourg.
  2. Munich.
  3. Paris.
  4. Helsinki.
  5. Lyon.
  6. Copenhagen.
  7. Rome.
  8. Dublin.
  9. Oslo.
  10. London.

With an average salary of 3,144 pounds per month (246 thousand rubles) for a working week at 33 hours, the city of Luxembourg is in first place on the list. Its residents receive an average of 32 days of paid leave per year, and the city offers universal health care, which is free for everyone. It is a small but very comfortable city for living.

Then come the cities of Munich and Paris with an average monthly salary of 4292 euros and 2583 euros for 35 hours of work per week and, on average, about thirty days off a year.

If we take this rating, Europe will certainly be the best place to be able to earn more and at the same time work less, since all the cities in the top ten are located on the Old Continent.

Top 10 Worst Cities in the World for Earnings

  1. Jakarta.
  2. Bangkok.
  3. Bogota.
  4. Mexico City
  5. Nairobi.
  6. Shanghai.
  7. Istanbul.
  8. Mumbai
  9. Santiago (Chile).
  10. Beijing.

Asia and Latin America make up the ranking of ten cities where people disappear most of all at work, but earn at times less than in Europe. The largest gap is observed in Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia) - the average monthly salary is only 548 US dollars (35 thousand rubles).


From the above it follows that for those who want to earn good money and not to recycle, it is worth going to conquer the cities of Europe. If you prove yourself as a qualified specialist, you will be waiting for high salaries and timely rest.

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