
"Our Universities": the importance of time management and 4 more things that will be useful in building a career

The foundation of career growth is formed from a variety of source data with which a person enters the labor market. An important role will be played by education, professional skills, hard work, persistence in achieving goals, etc. But in recent years, a whole layer of factors has crystallized and was formulated by specialists that previously might have seemed indirect, but today they can be crucial for successful career building.

Below are the key lessons that are taught in the best world colleges with a management profile. Owning them increases the competitiveness of the employee in the modern corporate environment.

Time management

This is not about the ability to slow down or speed up time, and not even about planning the regime of the day. In business, time has long been no less important than finance. Nowadays, the concept of managing this resource has acquired optimized forms, one of which is time management.

The essence of time management is reduced to two main components:

  1. First, the introduction of the principles of clear and rational planning of time and affairs. It is important not just to use the practice of distributing tasks over a time interval, but the ability to do this taking into account priorities in specific cases with quality control of their implementation.
  2. Secondly, the fundamental innovation of today is the use of technological tools that simplify planning processes. In particular, time management cannot be imagined without special applications with rich functionality for managing to-do lists, some of which are completely solved in the program automatism mode after appropriate settings.

Rational use of new technologies

The above is an example of the useful use of electronic devices and software. But there is a reverse “picture” when people use digital technology for entertainment, turning into habits. Therefore, for example, experienced professional mentors teach wards to introduce rules for the rational use of social networks, which saves a lot of time, ultimately increasing productivity.

The benefits of new means of communication can be enormous. Employees who know how to use Internet services in the form of the same social media in their professional activities, by this very ability can be of interest to a progressive leader.

Communication skills

Possession of innovative means and methods of transmitting information is one thing, and the ability to generate the correct content in messages is another. Communication skills with customers, partners, managers and work colleagues also give a significant advantage to the employee. Moreover, this ability will be required already at the stages of submitting a resume and passing an interview.

For example, experts in the field of recruiting provide inexperienced job seekers with valuable advice in case of an interview with a company with an open vacancy. After passing it, it is necessary to send a short message to the head or the personnel department with gratitude for the attention given. This simple and simple technique, as an example of the ability to use communication skills, can increase the chances of finding a job, since the candidate will thereby distinguish himself from the general mass of other applicants for the workplace.

Pragmatic assessment of failures

Practice shows that most people are more sensitive to their mistakes and failures than to achievements.As a result, an emotional imbalance arises, which does not make it possible to correctly make decisions on the universal principle of matching the situation. For example, if a refusal is received during the same interview, this is not a reason to fold your arms and become depressed. Such behavior just indicates an incorrect assessment of what happened, showing an example of an incorrect reaction to the situation. The right decision will be a cold analysis of the causes of failure, followed by conclusions and work on the errors.

Mental Health Care

Career should not take first place in vital interests. Firstly, it harms the psychological state, and secondly, it does not bear fruit justifying itself. People who invest all their life resources in the field of professional activity, ultimately come to burnout. No matter what level of the career ladder the employee is in, it will be in his interests to maintain a balance between work, personal life and rest. It is important to always distinguish between these areas, determining for each sufficient time and energy.


The lessons presented can be considered as principles, the observance of which, if it does not guarantee achievement of career heights, then, at least, increase the chances of success in this matter. Of course, the nature of their development and application in specific cases will depend on individual conditions, but numerous studies confidently confirm their benefit for a modern employee.

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