
How I learned to spend my time profitably every day

Every day you can spend as well as you yourself want it. You decide how much you are going to invest on this day. Only you can’t let everything drift. Instead of saying, “Well, let's see what happens,” you must convincingly say, “Today I will do it!”

Actually, it’s much harder not to work than to work. Internal conflict and subsequent justification requires much more energy than just to get started. Stephen Pressfield, a writer and screenwriter, said: “Most of us have two lives: the life we ​​live in and the non-living life within us. They are constantly opposing each other. "

If you feel uncomfortable or feel unbalanced, you are probably avoiding what you should do. Only by doing what you need, you will find balance and peace. Avoidance leads to fuss and distraction.

It is hard to feel stuck in one place, without feeling the necessary impulse in order to at least do something. But if you slightly reconsider your approach, you will be surprised at how quickly your perception of the world and yourself can change. When your perception changes, everything around you adjusts to you.

Start small. First follow one or two tips and see what happens.

Conduct weekly assessment and planning

One day a week (for example, it may be Sunday), spend 10-30 minutes thinking about the last six days. How did they go?

Before you go to bed, try asking yourself the following questions:

  1. Who have I not met this week, although I should have?
  2. What didn’t I do?
  3. What am I missing?
  4. What should I pull up?

Do not set yourself the goal of criticizing yourself. The goal should be to understand why this happened. Such awareness enhances opportunities for change.

After evaluating the previous week, make better plans for the next six days. Then, after another six days, do it again. It does not take much time, but can significantly improve the quality of your days off.

At the end of each day, make an action plan for tomorrow

Having a plan eliminates the burden of choice. If you wake up without a plan, you will undoubtedly skip from one thing to another without really doing anything. You will have neither concentration nor determination.

However, it’s much more effective to wake up in the morning and know what purpose you are facing today. And then you get up and clearly know what you need to do, and you do not have to desperately cling to scattering thoughts, without having a specific reason to get out of bed.

After spending only a couple of minutes at the end of the day to make a business plan the next day, you will get the necessary structure for targeted action. The same is true for any creative task. It only takes 5 minutes to plan a book, article, agenda, or anything else that can save you hours.

Focus on today, not tomorrow

During the day, do not worry about anything else. Follow your plan. Follow all its points. Live fully today and be who you want to be. After your day is over, take a minute or two to plan for the next. Then I forgot about it until tomorrow morning.

The optimal cycle is three months

When it comes to planning your future, you have three main points.

  1. Your vision (your "why") = 10-25 years.
  2. Your long-term goals (your wildest guess) = 36 months.
  3. Your real goals (your realistic game plan) = next 90 days.

In the XX century, it was customary to draw up five-year plans.But the situation was more stable then. Today, everything is changing too sharply to really determine where you will be in five years.

Setting your goals in three-month increments gives you a clear and realistic future to strive for. Of course, these goals are based on your long-term goals. Nevertheless, your 3-month cycles are your main concern.

Just as you draw up your weekly plans, spend three hours every three months or even a whole day thinking about your previous three months. Make any necessary changes and make new plans for the next three months.


Your life is a garden, work on it. Organize yourself. Remove weeds. It doesn't matter how long it takes. The process of growing your garden will revive you. This process can be endless. But every day, week and year you can make your garden a little more beautiful.

  1. Put things in order in your finances.
  2. Understand how you use your time.
  3. Put things in order in your relationship.

Work a little bit every day on growth. As soon as you begin to organize the most diverse aspects of your life, the conditions that you will create will be best suited for your growth and development.


When you woke up today, how did you feel? Try to wake up tomorrow with this feeling: "Today, there can be as many as I want." The presence of this feeling will not arise out of nowhere. You need to set yourself up for this feeling to appear. However, setting yourself up for this is not so difficult. It can be as simple as spending 2 minutes in the evening to write a plan. It may take 15 minutes on Sunday before making a plan.

Whatever it is, you have a reason to live your life to the fullest. You may not know exactly what the reason is, but you will find it as soon as you begin to move towards this goal. Most likely, you will understand that everything in your life is actually much more beautiful than you could previously perceive. At this level, you will have the opportunity to consciously create the future that you deserve.

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