
Frank Rossler, founder of Ashcroft Capital, told how to hire employees who will lead the company to success.

The work team is the foundation of any enterprise. Flexibility, productivity and overall business success depend on it. For this reason, large companies are investing enormous resources in organizing recruiting, which allows hiring the best employees in the labor market. But practice shows that proven traditional and popular modern methods of selecting valuable personnel are far from ideal, since they do not take into account the mass of hidden nuances.

Frank Rossler, founder of Ashcroft Capital, has gained vast experience in recruiting activities and today can share valuable lessons that will help lead the company to success through the formation of a strong team.

Is costly recruiting justified?

Rossler is of the opinion that hiring employees as such may justifiably require large resource investments - technological, temporary, informational, and, of course, financial. He himself recalls the initial stage of the formation of his own company, when he and his partners had to spend months monitoring the labor market, looking at thousands of resumes. In the end, they managed to hire just a few employees.

The question arises - why is it not advisable in a short time to hire people who are optimally suitable for the main parameters in the workplace? The problem is that high-quality multifactorial recruiting is really time-consuming and other investments, and a superficial analysis in any case will not allow you to form a truly valuable work team. Another thing is that the costs of resources alone do not guarantee the hiring of target employees with the necessary qualities.

Cultural relevance factor

One of the most important criteria for selecting personnel is the conditionally cultural compliance of the hired employee with the company's values. Under this formulation lies a whole layer of ideological, ethical, behavioral and moral views, habits and attitudes of a person with whom he comes to the workplace. If his cultural attitudes are in line with the company's values, there is every chance of a successful collaboration.

Rossler draws attention to this factor as an invisible link, which just does not miscalculate in standard resumes and is not always disclosed in interviews. And this is in vain, since this aspect may be more important than professional skills and abilities. Knowledge can be gained, and experience can be gained, however, changing your cultural and ethical code is almost impossible, so even an employee who is 100% formally suited to the typical requirements of a vacancy will leave his job sooner or later due to differences in his mental quality.

Portrait of the perfect employee

Before embarking on a search for members of a “dream team,” it’s important to understand exactly what qualities they should possess. As a description of the universal image of the ideal employee, Rossler offers only 3 characteristics:

  • Industriousness. The ability to concentrate on work tasks and at the right moments to demonstrate increased performance and endurance.
  • Professionalism. A wide range of data, implying the presence of education, experience, abilities and skills that are required in a particular workplace.
  • Cultural conformity. The criterion considered above, which, by the way, cannot be the same for all companies and employees.Different leaders form their own rules, values ​​and ethical standards of conduct in the team, which can be either generally accepted or derived from personal views.

To find people who will meet all the described requirements is quite difficult. For this reason, Rossler and his colleagues spent months building a staff of 4 people. It should be noted that one member of a team with a full set of necessary qualities will not give the expected result if other members of the team meet only one or two conditions.

HR function

Regardless of the scope and scale of the company, it should have a special personnel management department. The tasks of recruiting should be highlighted as a special function that specialists will deal with. Interviewing procedures, viewing resumes, making inquiries and testing should be carried out in isolation from the main activities of the company autonomously and according to the principles that will be laid down by management.

Search concept

The hiring process begins with the formation of requirements for job seekers. At this stage, it is important to strike a balance between priority and secondary conditions. The search will be simplified if you cover the widest possible field of view. These should primarily be specialized and industry-specific websites for job postings. The description of the advertisement should be both detailed and not scaring off a potentially suitable employee. It is important to state the requirements and conditions of employment, so that a person can essentially understand the needs of the employer, which are not reduced to two or three characteristics.

Benefits of Long Term Hiring

It is important to emphasize that the recruiting strategy considered is suitable for companies that form staff with the expectation of many years of cooperation. That is, the emphasis is largely on the personnel with whom it will be possible to grow and develop together, so even personal characteristics rather than knowledge and skills can come first. For example, conscientiousness, creative thinking, and an attitude toward achieving common goals are much more important than 20 years of work experience.

The value of teamwork has grown in modern corporations. If a person is an individualist and is always inclined to pull a blanket over himself, highlighting personal contribution, he is unlikely to find his place in the team, where all employees feel equal to the interests of the company and are ready to help each other. In other words, there are many aspects that cannot be identified during a regular interview with personal data. An in-depth analysis of each applicant is required, and only if the personnel department has the ability to do this can it be possible to count on the employment of people who can lead the company to success.

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