
Perfectionist or dreamer: it turns out that procrastination can be defeated based on the type of person’s personality

Most of us regularly experience procrastination. Not necessarily this phenomenon takes place in a strong form, but often interferes with life. Of course, we want to find an effective solution. Some people put off so many things that they ask others to help them deal with it.

Why is procrastination difficult to overcome?

Avoiding doing things on the list is a common problem. It seems that it should have a simple solution, but it is not. We think that you just need to find the motivation for the case, which is put off. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple. Our tendency to procrastination has little to do with willpower and self-control, as well as with emotional regulation. When we think about performing a specific task, we try to imagine how we relate to this activity. If it seems to us that this is not the best pastime, we postpone it. This is not laziness.

Types of Procrastination

The emotional sphere is complex. Two people can experience the same emotions, but have completely different triggers. Dr. Linda Sapadin, a licensed psychologist, says: “Some people turn to me with the desire to change the habit of not doing some things. A certain part of these patients agrees to make adjustments to their life that I propose, but then most of them find more and more reasons to stop therapy. "

This observation led to the development of a questionnaire that the doctor sent to people across the country. After analyzing the results, Sapadin came to the conclusion that people demonstrate 6 different types of procrastination.


Perfectionists pay too much attention to detail. They make such big commitments that in the end they cannot force themselves to begin to carry out a specific task, because they are afraid that the result of their work will not be good enough.


Unlike perfectionists, dreamers do not pay enough attention to detail. They can plan some action, but they do not always have a specific plan in order to take the first step. Dreamers often use words such as “someday” or “soon”.


People prone to anxiety often put things off for later, allowing their fears to influence behavior. They tend to put off making decisions, often telling themselves that they need to wait a little longer to find out all the information.

Creative Crisis Man

People subject to a creative crisis are optimistic in nature. They are able to evaluate the time available in their reserve and their own capabilities. Unfortunately, they often wait until the last minute, justify themselves, say: "I'm not motivated enough."


If any work activates the mechanism of psychological resistance, it is very difficult to perform. There are 2 types of such a problem: when you promised, succumbing to the request of another person, but you were not going to do it, and also when you tell everyone that you are doing the promised, however, you can hesitate. The second option is worse perceived by others, as they may be disappointed in you.

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It’s hard for some people to say “no” to others, so they gladly agree to any requests, but in the future they find neither the time nor the strength to fulfill them.

Sapadin believes that one of the biggest misconceptions about procrastination is the opinion that this is a negative trait, and also that people suffering from this “deviation” just don't give a damn.This is a common human trait with serious consequences. According to the doctor, in most cases, procrastination takes place in a mild form and does not require correction, but sometimes it becomes a serious violation that affects life.

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