
The psychological safety of workers is the key to high productivity. Some tips for maintaining a good team atmosphere

Any large construction company or hazardous production has such a concept as the number of trouble-free days. This indicator makes it clear that security is a top priority for management. In offices, the workflow is a little different. Of course, there are comfortable chairs with an ergonomic back. But how, in addition to this, does management show their concern for employees? Many have probably heard the term psychological safety. However, not all organizations pay enough attention to it.

Is psychological safety important in the workplace?

For many of us, this concept may seem new. Try to get to any office or production site, and it is unlikely that you can find evidence that the organization is worried about the psychological safety of employees. Even if you can find something, most likely it will not be indicative. After all, determining the factors of psychological safety is not so simple.

Today you can find a lot of examples of disrespectful treatment of a person in the workplace. Many of us had to experience verbal insults from the boss and manipulations from colleagues.

To many ordinary employees, the concept of psychological safety seems far-fetched and redundant. Some people think that psychological problems in the team can be easily solved, it’s enough just to pull yourself together and stop whining for nothing. However, the psychology of the team is actually much more complicated. Of course, some employees may show hypersensitivity and resentment, but most often these tricks are just the consequences of a number of factors.

Physiological causes of stress at work

The human reaction to negative events at work is associated with a number of physiological reasons. According to a study at the University of California, cortisol levels usually jump during work-related conflicts. This hormone is responsible for the normal human response - flight. His blood level increases when a person feels a threat to his social status.

How can an employer help?

Since conflicts in the workplace directly affect the efficiency of the production process, it is in the interests of management to focus on psychological safety. The team leader must do everything possible to make his employees feel safe. Instead of spreading fear and anxiety in the team, you should develop a different tactic for working on errors. Even if an employee made a serious oversight, this is not a reason to exert psychological pressure on him.

Main methods

How to help employees feel safe in the workplace? Here are some simple ways to organize a comfortable working environment in a team:

  1. Do not blame the guilty. The employee most likely himself understands where he made a puncture. Therefore, if you once again accuse him of this situation, it will not lead to anything good.
  2. Encourage people to do their job better. When work brings joy and satisfaction, employees feel more comfortable. Think about how you can help each employee feel their own value in the team.
  3. Listen to your subordinates. Communication is an integral part of the workflow in any team.It is also important to pay attention to non-verbal signals that a person gives. If an employee feels comfortable at work, he will willingly share his opinions and ideas.
  4. Do not forget to thank for the work. Show your employees that you value their contribution to the common cause. Do not skimp on the praise and compliments addressed to them.


Today, many large companies and enterprises ignore the simplest requirements of psychological safety. But this concept actually gives a lot of advantages. An employee who is in a comfortable working environment will more effectively fulfill his duties, which will ultimately affect the increase in productivity of the entire enterprise. Work should always be fun, otherwise you will not linger on it for a long time.

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