
Specialists identified 10 tips to help parents raise financially successful children

Often a child from a poor family becomes rich as an adult. But much more often, the children of rich people not only remain rich throughout their lives, but also exaggerate wealth many times over. Someone will say that in the presence of favorable conditions, it is easy to maintain the finances acquired by parents. But will everyone succeed? American experts say no. A man who lives in a wealthy family is brought up differently than coming from a poor family. Therefore, if he does not follow the rules that his parents taught, his wallet will be noticeably empty. Specialists have proven this using 233 wealthy and 128 low-income families as examples. So what do the rich teach and do not teach the poor?


Before answering this question, it's worth finding out how these tips came about. They are the result of a study by Thomas Corley, a financier and writer. He is the author of books on self-development. Thomas Corley, during his trips to US colleges, asked students questions about financial well-being and the amount of money at which a person feels rich. Students raised their hands to both questions and each gave his own answer. Corley then asked if any of the students received knowledge on how to become a wealthy person. And the vast majority of students did not answer the question. In this way, Corley found that most students wanted to become rich, but practically none of them were taught how to achieve this goal. After that, the financier wrote books that reflected the tips below.

Read to learn new

63% of the millionaires from the study noted that their parents forced them to read at least 2 books a month on history, biographies of successful people, scientific disciplines, and self-improvement.

Avoid gambling

Only 6% of affluent members made a fortune thanks to lottery winnings. As Yale University researcher Nicholas Cristacas points out, habits like a virus are passed on to family members. Children are the first to adopt them. If parents play gambling, then their heirs, becoming adults, will also play them.

Try your hand in different areas

82% of the study participants became wealthy due to work that they had been doing since childhood or loved. On average, they were able to save more than $ 7 million over 12 years. Therefore, wealthy parents teach children to try their hand at any business that they like. Perhaps, one of them has a hidden talent in a child. Or what they like is their calling, which will make it possible to succeed.

Eat right

Among the subjects, only 21% of wealthy people were overweight. For the rest, he was normal, and they consumed no more than 300 kcal of junk food per day. This means that rich people eat healthy, wholesome food and children adopt this habit.

Spend less than 1 hour per day in front of the screen

This rule applies not only to the TV, but also to other gadgets. 63% of wealthy people spent less than 1 hour per day in front of a computer. 67% of the subjects devoted no more than 1 hour to television broadcasts. Only 9% of wealthy people surveyed admitted that they watched reality shows and spent a lot of time on social networks. This means that parents who want their child to become rich in the future should not only monitor how much time the child spends in front of the screen, but also how he spends. It is important that the time spent with the gadget is spent wisely.

Choose the right friends

80% of respondents said that they are friends with like-minded people who are optimistic and purposeful.Therefore, it is important to know who the child is friends with and whether his friends possess the qualities that parents instill in their heirs.

Spend money wisely

73% of the rich surveyed admitted that they spent less than what they earned. They learned this rule long before they made a fortune. Therefore, rich people teach their children to follow this rule. It will be useful for the poor. If a child learns it from an early age, then in the future he will not fall into the trap of loans and debts that most young people fall into.

Comply with work ethics

92% of people surveyed in the study admitted that their current achievements and success in business are the result of hard work, perseverance, daily practice, determination and desire to achieve the goal. Therefore, it is important to teach a child these qualities in early childhood.

Do sport

95% of respondents in the study did aerobics for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Scientists have proven that aerobic exercise improves brain health, efficiency, and IQ. It is also a great way to teach children discipline. Children imitate the habits of their parents. Therefore, you need to do 3-4 times a week and encourage children to play sports.

Chat with a mentor

Most of the millionaires who independently made their fortune had a successful mentor, whose advice they followed. It shows a person the right path through examples of how to and how not to do in order to succeed in life. Typically, these mentors were their parents or people who were interested in their work. If the child is engaged in any business, then his mentors can be not only parents, but also a teacher or trainer. By the way, millionaires also note that their parents were interested in their achievements in school and were practically involved in the learning process. Parents must attend various school evenings and concerts in which their child participated. Such involvement formed a continuous connection and support between parents and children, which allowed the latter to feel confident. Confidence, in turn, allowed them to easily start some kind of business they liked.

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