
Compare yourself with others and be afraid: 4 things to avoid to succeed

Many of us have ever read or heard hundreds and thousands of tips and rules that make it possible to succeed. However, in fact, many of them do not just not help us, but, on the contrary, prevent us from achieving our goal. Therefore, you should not trust the advice of others, it is better to try to reveal your positive qualities more strongly and try to avoid four business mistakes that many make by mistake, thereby each time more and more moving away from success.

Comparing yourself to others

Many novice entrepreneurs try to compare themselves with those whose business has gone uphill. They begin to spy on them, adopt their habits, try to do the same. It’s just not recommended to do this categorically, because all people are different, everyone should have their own path to success. What is suitable for one may not be suitable for another at all. For example, one entrepreneur succeeded thanks to the ability to establish personal contact with other people and increased sociability.

But if you do not have this character trait, then you will not succeed, but, on the contrary, the failure will be very noticeable. So you just need to move towards the fulfillment of desires on your own, but at the same time, sometimes inspired by the stories of successful people.

Projecting a false image onto yourself

Some people try to present themselves to colleagues and partners in a different light. They make them believe that they are the smartest, brightest, most interesting, with critical thinking and many other positive qualities. But this is only a false image and a facade that may someday crack, then you will appear in front of everyone in your real appearance, which will make you in the eyes of those around you an extremely unreliable person. So you should not try to build an ideal of yourself in front of others, especially since each person has his own idea of ​​the ideal. So it’s better to learn to love yourself the way you are, and then just try to show yourself to others the best way, without pretending to be who you are not, because any lie, in the end, will be revealed.


In modern society, there is a real pandemic of self-medication. Many are saved from failures in work and business by alcohol abuse, hanging on social networks or gluttony. As a person experiences external pressure and tries to seem like a happy, successful and contented life, he lets off steam, surrendering to his vices. But over time, this can lead to very sad consequences. For example, in recent years, more and more women have been abusing alcohol to cope with stress due to work and household chores, which then will adversely affect their relationships with loved ones, business and health. Therefore, if you feel that you have become overloaded, it is better to give preference to a healthy alternative to dealing with stress - a walk in the park, jogging, doing physical exercises, talking with family or reading a good book.

Fear of failure

Success in business depends on a huge number of factors, but one of the most important among them is the ability to quickly make certain decisions. And despite the fact that fear may be present in your ordinary life, it should completely disappear when it comes to work. As an entrepreneur, you should learn to overcome your doubts and concerns about a particular transaction or task that may fail.

Instead, you should approach each of them with confidence in your victory and an ardent desire to achieve the goal, despite any difficulties. Just remember that your failure can be a hidden blessing, and in the future you can use this experience as a lesson to understand how you can achieve greater success in the future.


If you continue to try to prevent the above-mentioned blunders and mistakes, you will soon be able to succeed. It is worth remembering that it is quite normal from time to time to hesitate, experience stress, pay attention to other people, inspired by their successes. But when this happens, you need to immediately gather all your will into a fist and turn on the logic so that this could not interfere with your path to success. And when you understand what you are mistaken in, and begin to work hard to eliminate your shortcomings, then you will get what you so much want.

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