
“I’m always in time to quit” - principles that help me when I don’t have the strength to work

Some people spend so much time on work that burnout is inevitable. They are so obsessed with reaching a goal, benefiting people, etc. that they completely forget about rest and relaxation, drowning in an ocean of stress. Burnout in the modern world of business feels like a kind of professional death. That is why it is so important in every possible way to try to avoid this unpleasant state.

Is burnout bad?

It would seem that this question can only be answered in the affirmative. However, burnout can be a catalyst for making difficult decisions that people tend to avoid in everyday life.

For example, the result of burnout may be the decision to quit their place of residence, on which they pay little, but are loaded with a large number of duties. You can also reconsider your usual way of life to begin to relax more and eat better.

If it were not for burnout, people would not have decided to quit their hated low-paying job or otherwise radically change their lives.

When burnout occurs, there is a feeling that there is nothing more to lose. This is why people make more complex decisions.

If you're on the edge, here are three strategies you can use to avoid the risks of burnout and experience more of its benefits.

1. Release the illusion of control

When there is no gas left in the tank, people start looking for ways to replenish their fuel supply. When there is no energy for work, people begin to look at their own lives with a clearer look. They begin to clearly understand that they have only little control over what matters most: career, health, thoughts, feelings and future achievements.

It can be a rather gloomy sensation. However, the realization that you do not control much can lead to the fact that you decide to let go of the wheel of life and a movement begins that will lead to more freedom and often, paradoxically, more success and happiness.

Being in the cycle of everyday affairs, most people simply have no time to make such decisions. But in a state of burnout, they are solved for a lot. So maybe you should not bring yourself to a critical situation, but right now you should reconsider your own life and change at least what doesn’t suit you the most.

2. Change your attitude

It is generally accepted that burnout is bad. However, reasoning in this way, you only increase the feeling of shame, hopelessness and anxiety. Instead of focusing on “bad” burnout, look for the positive transformations it causes.

Even if you have a burnout, this is not a reason to despair. Being in a similar state, you otherwise begin to look at the corporate world. Your loss, that is, burnout is the first step to an even greater victory. Do not neglect this opportunity. On the contrary, try to squeeze the full potential out of it.

3. Practice wisdom

Burnout ignites the fire of change. However, it is important to understand that sometimes this fire can become too intense. That is why it becomes more difficult to deal with it alone, and in this case you need to turn to a professional for help. In other cases, a surge of motivation that arises from burnout can lead you to make rash decisions that may not be in your long-term interests. So it’s worth treating serious, life-changing decisions with caution.

If you have a thought that you should quit your job and move to Bali, for example, sit with her for a while.Give yourself time to make sure that any changes in life are truly in your long-term interests.

As it turns out, burnout can sometimes be beneficial. However, this does not mean that you should strive for this condition. You should also not neglect the crippling experiences of anxiety, depression, and shame that accompany this condition. Burnout can have serious consequences, and this cannot be completely ignored.

The point here is as follows. If you find yourself in an unsuccessful burnout situation, it is important to question the claim that burnout is bad. You must tune in to an intense emotional journey and change your familiar life and your career for the better.

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