
There are always money in my wallet, because I know 5 important rules for luring them. I share with everyone

Some people suffer from a lack of money all the time, while others quickly and easily accumulate big capital. The reason for such differences may be different, but many people are sure that money is pure energy that you just need to direct correctly. Successful people with significant capital assure that you need to adhere to some significant rules in the process of using funds. If you use your money thoughtlessly, they will never linger in your wallet. Therefore, I have identified the 5 most important rules for luring money, which I share with you.

1. You must love money

Although such advice sounds a little ridiculous, but it is effective and efficient. Money will only love you if you yourself love it. Banknotes are returned to people who treat them with respect and love. If a person treats money only as a way of obtaining the desired goods or services, then he will not be able to count on financial well-being.

If we radiate a love for banknotes, then money is really attracted to us.

For example, a person was promised a good salary for the job, but paid a lot less. As a result, a citizen begins to experience negative emotions with regard to banknotes, as he does not agree that he paid a penny for serious work. With these statements and a specific attitude, a person pushes money away from himself.

It is important to respect and love the means in order to attract a good income.

2. Take care of your savings

Initially, you need to study your own wallet. If he is old, ugly and battered, then this is a bad sign. With the help of such a bank of notes it is impossible to attract significant capital. If you want to attract a large sum, then it is advisable to invest in buying a high-quality, beautiful and expensive wallet that meets your desires and preferences.

Some people even follow certain tips regarding wallet colors. It is believed that women should choose a red product, and men can choose a brown wallet. Gold or yellow color fit perfectly. In China, people prefer red wallets that have great energy that attract wealth. Red color is a shade of well-being and good health. In European countries, white or black products are in demand.

It is not recommended to use purses of a blue, lilac or purple hue, as this suggests that a person does not know how to correctly attract wealth. A wallet should always be full, so if it is empty, then this does not attract money.

3. Fold the bills correctly

Even in the wallet you need to correctly stack money. They should be stacked in descending order. It is advisable to use different departments of the wallet. A trifle is kept separately, which should not be scattered in different departments.

If you have money issued by different countries, then they should be located separately from each other.

When making various acquisitions, one should not give the cashier detailed banknotes, as this leads to a loss of monetary energy. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to pre-fold them in half. Banknotes are transferred exclusively folded end. It is recommended to issue cash with the right hand, but you need to take the remaining change from the cashier with your left hand.

Only if people themselves will respect their savings, can they notice an improvement in their financial situation. Banknotes that should be appreciated and respected should not be scattered or crumpled, otherwise they will not linger in the hands of a person.

4. Use talismans and senior advice

It is not recommended to neglect different recommendations or amulets. The most popular signs and superstitions include the following.

  • It is desirable that the wallet always has an unchanged coin, and in advance it must be put in a well-lit place so that it is charged with solar energy, as this helps to improve human well-being.
  • Periodically, such a coin needs to be recharged, and it is also not allowed to spend it.
  • You can even create a lucky bill, for which you need to study cash numbers, so if any personal dates are revealed, for example, date of birth or marriage, then it is advisable to leave this bill and not spend it, since it becomes a powerful talisman that lures income.
  • The money that people find in old things or clothes is happy, since it is believed that such a bill did not want to leave a person, so it must be left for a long time.
  • You can buy a special Chinese talisman that lures money, and it is represented by a bunch of coins connected by a red thread.

You can even make such a talisman yourself, for which several coins are taken in which you need to make a hole. Then they are connected by a red ribbon. Such a talisman must always be carried with you to attract money.

5. Properly take and lend money

You cannot lend money at the beginning of the week and after sunset. If you need to borrow money, then you need to do this on the growing moon, giving money on the waning moon. The process is necessarily carried out only in the morning.

If you give alms to another person, then you do not need to give bills, since you should give only a trifle. In the evening, you can not count the savings or double-check your piggy banks.


Everyone can attract financial luck, for which you only need to learn how to properly handle money. They need to be loved and respected, properly stored in the wallet and wisely spent. Particular attention is paid to the rules for transferring money on credit. From the literacy of the actions of each person depends on his financial condition. It is advisable to constantly use talismans and take into account the recommendations of old people. Often, adherence to traditions is the basis of financial well-being.

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