
During the trip, the man realized that he had forgotten his wallet at home, but the taxi driver went to meet him and committed a noble deed

When the man with horror discovered that he had forgotten his wallet at home, he could not have thought that a simple taxi driver would be his savior. The driver not only went to meet the client, but even lent more money. You will learn about a man’s noble deed from today's article.

Awkward situation

Pregnancy is a difficult period for both the woman herself and her chosen one. Due to hormonal changes, the fair sex becomes especially sensitive, moody, demanding. Sometimes it can be very difficult to please. Here is the hero of our today's story faced with such difficult behavior of the spouse.

The meal did not suit the pregnant woman, and the dinner was hopelessly spoiled. She remained hungry and refused to touch the food, secretly dreaming of her favorite treats. To cheer up his wife, the man decided to go to the supermarket and bring her food and dishes that she would like to taste. The chosen one was very grateful to her husband for the care and attention shown.

Our hero immediately called a taxi and called the address of the destination. When they arrived at the right place, the man opened his bag and was horrified to find that he had forgotten his wallet at home. He began to search for money in his pockets, but, as luck would have it, there was not a ruble anywhere.

Responsive taxi driver

The taxi driver, seeing the anxiety and anxiety of the client, asked if everything was in order. The man was embarrassed to say that he had no money. Never been in such a ridiculous situation. However, hiding the truth was even more stupid and pointless. Then our hero explained that he went to the store to buy her beloved delicacies for the pregnant wife. In a hurry, he did not notice that he had forgotten to put a wallet in his bag. What to do now, he does not know.

The taxi driver calmly listened to the client and realized that he was not deceiving him. In addition, he did not give the impression of a swindler or a scammer who decided to take a taxi for free. Then the driver went into position and said that you should not be upset. This could happen to everyone. Not only that, the taxi driver even lent a man some money to go shopping in the market. In the end, the wife should not remain hungry in her position.

Grateful customer

The client was moved to the core. He quickly rushed to the store and bought the necessary products, after which he returned to the taxi and told the driver to go back home. Upon arrival, our hero said that now he was running after the money to pay off the taxi driver. So that he did not worry, he left his expensive smartphone as a deposit. As promised, the man returned a few minutes later and gave the money to the driver.

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