
Lost the contract of sale of the car: what to do, how to recover

Buying a property is a very responsible business. Even after the relevant transaction, the citizen will have to be on the alert all the time. The thing is that he will have to keep title documents for this or that object. For example, to a car. Has a citizen lost a car purchase contract? What to do in this case? Such questions worry many. And everyone is advised to know the answers to them. The proposed instructions and tips are suitable for the restoration of any title document expressed in an established form agreement.

Lost car sales purchase agreement

Where to begin

Lost car sales contract? What should a citizen do under such circumstances?

First of all, you need to calm down and not panic. The thing is that the “purchase” agreement can be restored. The main thing is to know how to act in certain circumstances.

First of all, if it is discovered that a document has been lost, it is recommended that you contact the police with a statement. A person must report that he has lost this or that documentation.

Important: in the event of the loss of DCT, there is no obligation to contact the police.

Ways to return a document

Is it possible to restore the contract of sale of a car? Yes, and there are several options.

How to restore a car sales contract

The first method of solving the corresponding problem is to contact the notary for a duplicate agreement. Such a technique is good when a person remembers in which notary's office he concluded the PrEP.

In addition, you can ask for help from a car dealer or the salon where you bought a car. They are also able to help an inattentive citizen.

How to restore a car purchase contract? Another technique used in practice is the appeal to the previous owner or buyer of movable property.

Next, we will try to study all the scenarios. There is nothing complicated about this. Especially when a person has prepared in advance for the upcoming paperwork.

Recovery Instructions

Lost a car purchase contract? What should a person faced with a similar problem do?

Is it possible to restore the car purchase and sale agreement

The first solution to the corresponding problem is to contact a notary public. A citizen must pay a visit to the organization where the agreement that was lost now was drawn up initially. A copy of the said agreement must be kept there.

A guide to recovering lost DCT on a car looks like this:

  1. Prepare a passport and available documents for the car. Do not forget about the vehicle certificate with your data either.
  2. Contact a notary public who was involved in the certification of the “purchase” agreement.
  3. Submit a request for documentation.

It remains to wait a bit, while paying for notarial services. The applicant will have to give a copy of the contract of sale of the established form. After how much? The answer depends on the speed of the specific authorized service. But in general, the operation under study takes little time.

Through a dealer or salon

Lost car sales contract for tax? Then you should hurry up with its restoration. You can contact the salon or for help to a car dealer.

In this case, it is recommended to follow the previously indicated instructions. In a car dealership, the restoration of “purchase” or “loan” agreements takes a little longer than when contacting a notary. Nevertheless, the general algorithm of actions remains the same.

Ways to restore the contract

With the help of the “second side”

Has a citizen lost a car purchase contract? What to do to restore this document?

If a citizen can contact the buyer or seller of movable property, he will be able to cope with the task as soon as possible and with the least hassle.

The thing is that the “second side” of the transaction must have a separate certified copy of the DCT. To restore the next instance of the document, it is recommended:

  1. Contact the “second party” of the transfer of rights to movable property.
  2. Explain the situation and make an appointment.
  3. Go to a notary public, having previously made a copy of the “second side” DCT.
  4. Assure the relevant agreement. This is a paid service. Money for the operation is paid by the one who initially lost the contract of the established form.

In the course of the actions taken, a person will be able to certify the photocopy of the “purchase” agreement of the car. This is the easiest solution when you can quickly contact the old / new owner of the vehicle.

Reconnect: to be or not

What if it turned out that the contract of sale of the car was lost? There is another rather interesting solution to the problem. This is a renegotiation of the relevant agreement.

Notary for the restoration of the contract

The absence of DCT on a car is not a reason for the impossibility of reselling movable property. Therefore, a citizen can turn to relatives for help. It is advisable to choose close relatives.

With appropriate persons, a negligent citizen must transfer the car to the property of a relative. How exactly? So, as it is convenient to the owner. For example, by giving. After this, the car is re-registered with DCT in the name of the one who initially lost the corresponding document.

This scheme is not entirely convenient, but sometimes it is still used in practice. The main thing is to find a person whom you can really trust. One who does not deceive.

Through the traffic police

It is hard to believe, but such an agreement can often be restored through the traffic police. You will have to contact the organization where the registration of movable property was carried out. There should be a copy of the DCT

At the time of requesting the service being studied, the applicant prepares documents for the car, as well as an identifier for the person. It'll be enough. The authorized bodies write an application for the issuance of a duplicate of DKP, after which the agreement is handed to the person.

Important: both the traffic police and notary offices purchase and sale contracts are stored for several years.

Lost car sales contract for tax

Reconnect with the “second side”

It is hard to believe, but the described ways out of this situation are not exhaustive. Has someone lost a car purchase contract? What to do?

Some people agree to one trick - to re-enter into the DCT with the "second party" of the transaction. This operation is relevant if no one has a “purchase” agreement.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary not to contact a notary public, but to the traffic police, where the car is registered. The parties should have:

  • passports
  • statement;
  • documents for the vehicle;
  • receipts for receiving or transferring money for a transaction (if any).

In real life, this technique is extremely rare. Therefore, some think that it will be difficult. This is not true. A responsible approach to solving the problem will relieve most of the problems and troubles.

What is an agreement for?

Lost car sales contracts? Tax in this case will not be able to provide a personal income tax deduction for movable property. But why else use DCT?

Usually this document is the main title paper. It is used for:

  • car registration;
  • Car insurance
  • conclusion of legally significant transactions;
  • cancellation of registration actions.

Nevertheless, it will be possible to sell or donate, as well as bequeath a car without DCT. True, notaries are not happy with this scenario. He is alarming.

Restoration of the contract of sale of the vehicle


Lost the contract of sale of a car for tax or other services? Then, as a rule, you have to try to restore this document. True, sometimes the corresponding process is enormous.

That is why it is recommended to carefully treat the civil documents that a person has. And to a variety of contracts, too. Sometimes it is not possible to restore them.

Fortunately, the loss or theft of DCT in real life is a rarity. If such an event happened, now everyone will know what to do.

Important: when selling property, it is recommended to maintain contacts for communication with the second party to the transaction.

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