
Late Migrants to Germany: Program Features and Documents

Despite the fact that Germany is a relatively small state in the very center of Europe, it has an unusually high level of economic development, and the country's citizens live very stable. That is why the country enjoys such great popularity among immigrants, although it does not particularly welcome them. An exception are those Germans who gradually merged into the social life of other countries during the Second World War. It was in order to eliminate these consequences that a special program was created - "Late Migrants to Germany". First of all, it is focused on facilitating the transfer to people who have strong German roots in their pedigree. In this article, you will find out exactly how you can use the program "Late Migrants to Germany" in 2017-2018.

Program features

The remaining Germans

Those who are wondering how to leave for permanent residence in Germany in the simplest way should understand whether they can fall under the existing program rules. It began to spread for the first time in 1993, when the category of citizens, called late immigrants, was enshrined in German legislation. However, it gained the greatest distribution only in 2013, when the rules for their adoption in the country were fully regulated.

In fact, participation in the Late Migrants to Germany program has a number of country restrictions, because first of all, the individuality of the law requires that it be proved that after the war a person suffered rather great difficulties because of his origin. It was most widely deployed precisely in Russia and other countries that were once part of the USSR, since it is believed that the difficulty of living in the states of the socialist system is automatically considered deprivation, and therefore nothing needs to be proved. However, it should be understood that by the late settlers they began to understand people who return to their historical homeland with a visa to Germany.

Immigrant Requirements

Late migrants

At the moment, a person who wants to participate in the program "Late Migrants to Germany" in 2017-2018, must meet only 2 requirements. This procedure, as already mentioned, was significantly simplified after 2013, which led to a surge of migrants.

These requirements now include:

  1. Human belonging to German nationality.
  2. Living on the territory of the resettlement of Germans.


Late migrants

Only 2 rules are used to determine nationality.

The first is that any German with a background, good knowledge of the language and education received in the country, and born before 1924, can safely participate in the program "Late Migrants to Germany" without presenting any other documents.

For those citizens who were born after 1924, the program can be applied only in cases where they can prove their descent from an ethnic German or directly a German citizen. When it is proved that the father or mother were citizens of the country, then additional declarations are not required. For this evidence, all that is required is to produce documents that indicate the parent or grandparent as such. Obtaining them is easy enough through the National or Federal Archives in Germany.

Resettlement places

In order to confirm their residence in places of resettlement to those who want to participate in the Late Migrants to Germany program, it is required to have a permanent residence in these areas immediately after the end of the war in May 1945, after expulsion in March 1952, or since birth. If at the same time the parents have completed one of the 2 previous points.


Immigration to Germany

Now that it has become clear what exactly this program means and who can participate in it, it is necessary to find out exactly what documents should be submitted to participate in it.

These documents include:

  1. A valid passport, as well as copies of its pages with marks.
  2. A copy of the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, together with a page where the person will be deregistered at the place of residence.
  3. The original and a copy of the departure sheet and the notice of admission.
  4. Certificate of no criminal record. A person who has a criminal record does not automatically qualify for participation in the program.
  5. Birth certificate, as well as marriage or divorce, if any.
  6. Certificate of knowledge of the German language at level B1.
  7. 2 photographs for a visa of standard international standard size 35 by 45 mm.

Be sure to consider the fact that documents for late immigrants to Germany must be translated into German and certified by a notary, otherwise they simply will not be considered.

Submission of documents

Registration Pass

Documents for consideration should be sent to an organization located in Germany, since very rarely documents are examined directly in Russia. This can be done through any German embassy or representative office that is in the country.

You should simply make an appointment and give the employee a package of documents along with a completed application form, which can be downloaded on the website or taken directly from the employee. The representative office sends the paper to the Federal Administrative Office in Germany, which carries out its own verification, after which the decision is made by the administrative court, located in the city of Cologne, in the first instance.

If the court made a positive decision, then in addition a letter will have to come, in which the date of the pass test, which is an interview (with an individual number), will be set. The entire trial usually takes about 1 year.


Corridor of migrants

The interview itself is a simple oral conversation with the embassy employee, during which the specialist must make sure that the applicant can support the conversation in German. There are no restrictions on the number of surrender opportunities for the Late Migrants to Germany program; therefore, if necessary, it can be retaken calmly, and the result will not affect the decision.

In fact, passing the test is quite simple, since the main criteria is whether the applicant himself can understand and transmit information on ordinary topics, and therefore hesitation and grammatical errors are simply not taken into account. During the interview, a protocol is kept where all questions and answers should be recorded. In addition to this, you must have with you the entire package of documents, since they also fit into the protocol.

If the test is passed correctly, the applicant receives a "Certificate of Admission", after which he can safely go for a visa to Germany.

Cost and terms

City Leipzig

In fact, there is no single deadline for considering the submitted application, since everything completely depends on the workload of state bodies and can vary from a month to a year. In the past couple of years, the first items on the agenda are consideration of applications from residents of Ukraine, since hostilities are ongoing in the country. In addition, the minus is passing the test for knowledge of the German language and passing an interview, it may even result in the fact that a person is generally excluded from the program.

In addition to this, there is a legislative limitation on the number of applications considered per year. At the moment, it is equal to 40 thousand, since Germany simply cannot accept more people.

As for the fee for considering the application, the transfer of funds in any period of time will be considered a violation, because the program exists on a free basis. Therefore, no fees should be paid.

What to do upon arrival in the country?

Camp Friedland

As soon as the program participant arrived in Germany with a general passport and visa, he should go to the Friedland camp. He is located not far from Lower Saxony and is responsible for registering a person in a new country, and also draws up all the necessary papers for him. It usually takes about 4 days, and at this time you can safely change the name and change the spelling of the surname as you wish. In addition, you will definitely need to undergo a full medical commission. Representatives of Friedland allow a person to independently choose a place for their future residence, although in the absence of places for settlement they can also offer the nearest settlement. After the paperwork is completed, all the information necessary for the person is issued, as well as the direction of registration and tickets for transport. A registration certificate is also issued, on the basis of which a person can obtain German citizenship.


Currently, the program of late immigrants made it possible to return home to those Germans who remained in the country after the war, as well as those who have significant German roots. The program is easy enough to execute, since the serious requirements are just a couple. It is also not necessary to collect a large number of documents, and the interview can be held as many times as you like without restrictions.

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