
What is corruption prevention? Measures and directions

A constant companion of state power institutions is corruption. Prevention of corruption offenses involves a whole range of measures that contribute to the eradication of this phenomenon.

Prevention of corruption in schools

Theoretical points

The term implies the use by municipal, state employees, representatives of commercial companies of their official position to obtain material and property benefits.

Prevention of corruption is the conduct of a number of activities that contribute to its elimination. Currently, such actions are carried out not only in state structures, but also in educational institutions.

preventive measures anti-corruption

State corruption

This category means a situation when a person who has some authority or is in the public service acts as one party. Since there is no clear term, several categories are assigned to such persons at once: “official”, “state employee”, “official”. The element of corruption arises when the official has at his disposal the benefits that the bribe giver needs. They may include: the state treasury, benefits, orders.

The official allows himself to appropriate resources that do not belong to him, for example, by collecting taxes, fines, and other payments. With corruption, legal contributions are not in the state budget, but in the pocket of an official.

When taking measures, the official focuses on the goals established by the Constitution, legal acts, laws, moral and cultural norms. Corruption begins when these goals are changed to the selfish interests of the employee, and they are realized in specific actions and measures.

corruption prevention measures


The commander of a military unit builds a summer house for himself at the expense of the state budget, available to him within the framework of official powers. In a similar situation, he is influenced by those people who are directly related to construction. If a manager uses his official position to obtain material goods in an illegal way, he will have to “pay” for it with bonuses or illegal promotion of certain persons along the career ladder.

This situation is similar to the general concept of corruption. An interested group functions in it, and the whole team benefits from various methods and options for violating Russian legislation.

corruption prevention

Corruption options

According to the law, an employee must make decisions regarding a certain person, using the current legislation. For example, we are talking about issuing a building license. In reality, in order to become its owner, business representatives are forced to give a bribe to an official.

At present, grassroots and top-level corruption are singled out. The first option exists at the lower and middle levels. Often there is collusion between both parties. The second case includes middle, top management, politicians who have access to government orders.

Among the common situations related to corruption, one can cite the option in which an employee of a departmental organization gives a manager a bribe for hiding his activities. This option is called vertical. Corruption acts as an elevator between the lower and upper steps. In commercial organizations, it consists in attempts to manage the resources owned by the company for personal purposes.

An example is the receipt of loans by commercial banks for projects whose main purpose is to obtain material resources without their subsequent repayment.

corruption corruption prevention

Complex of preventive measures

Corruption prevention is a focused work that helps prevent public servants from using their official position for personal purposes.

Among those measures that can be considered effective preventive actions, according to federal law, there are several points.

For example, in society, an atmosphere of persistent intolerance is created for officials to abuse their official position. Prevention of corruption is an important element in the activities of not only state-owned companies, but also private entities.

If intolerance is formed in the country for employees who use their powers for personal gain, such behavior is a deviation from the norms, is criticized by the public, is criminally punished.

preventive measures

Important aspects

Measures to prevent corruption involve various conversations that contribute to improving the legal culture of the population. Legal education means the purposeful activity of the state apparatus, the media, and collectives to create the right attitude to the use of public resources by citizens.

We are talking about the need to obtain and transfer knowledge about different legal norms, the assimilation of values, the formation of ideals.

corruption prevention

Forms of education antipathy to corruption

It is expressed in the inclusion in the educational programs of comprehensive schools, higher educational institutions intolerant attitude towards the illegal actions of public servants. Appropriate propaganda should be carried out with the support of the media, using social advertising.

What other preventive measures can? Anti-corruption involves holding various conferences, seminars, meetings, hearings by public authorities.

At the federal level, legal regulations are being created that ensure the unacceptability of bribery in the country.

Corruption prevention is a systematic work that should be carried out systematically and steadily. One-time actions will not give the desired result.

In our country, favorable conditions have been created for the flourishing of bribery at all levels of government bodies.

For a long time, measures to prevent corruption were not taken, so a huge number of unscrupulous officials appeared in the country.

The effectiveness of the fight against this phenomenon directly depends on what the current social conditions are. Among the reasons that lead to corruption, one can note the imperfection of the domestic judicial system.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, instead of the Communist Party, which exercised total supervision of people, a certain legal emptiness formed, which has not been filled so far.

That is why, at present, the prevention of corruption is a necessary measure, without which it is impossible to guarantee the political and economic stability of the country.

Due to the fact that the laws are still not fully implemented, bribery at the lower levels has appeared.

To summarize

Modern society, in particular our country, needs special anti-corruption programs, which should be developed with the direct participation of the president. Only in the case when a negative attitude will be formed in the country not only to officials who take bribes, but also to those who solve their problems in this way, we can talk about establishing a legal culture.

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