
Business idea: production of suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings are quite popular nowadays. Let be production of suspended ceilings appeared relatively recently in Russia, but they are ready to create serious competition to European predecessors.Convenience of stretch ceilings

Every 6 residents of our country dream of installing a suspended ceiling. So, what attract stretch ceilings of consumers?

Firstly, their texture. They have a huge variety of textures, many color schemes, the most daring and exclusive, interesting shapes and variations. These qualities will help to create a unique design of your apartment, make it cozy and attractive.

Secondly, their practicality, durability and moisture resistance. These ceilings do not have to be constantly tinted or subjected to exhausting cleaning.

Initially, stretch ceilings were imported to us from European countries, but now the production of stretch ceilings is carried out on the conveyor and in our country. People are skeptical of the domestic manufacturer, although in vain. Our ceilings are made only of high quality material using exclusively modern progressive technologies. The buyers are often suspicious of the relatively low price of the material. However, think about it, if the production of suspended ceilings is sold in Russia, then the cost of transporting them to the installation site is much lower, and this is also a component of the pricing of the product. In addition, the percentage of pricing going to their storage, damage and damage during transportation from the place of production is reduced.

Our manufacturers work closely with European ceiling manufacturing companies, learn from them, and share their successes. In addition, despite the fact that production is conducted in Russia, product quality control is established in accordance with the proposed European standards, so the quality of our ceilings is no worse than foreign ones.

This industry in our country is very new, then you can try to create your own competition in this area. The production of suspended ceilings is rather difficult and rather wasteful to start. However, with the correct prioritization, a well-built business idea and a plan for the promotion and marketing of goods, all costs will pay off within the first six months.

The most important and expensive thing that you will need to purchase is two special machines for welding seams and a harpoon, as well as an air compressor. The cost of this equipment fluctuates around 800 thousand rubles. In addition, it will be necessary to acquire additional equipment and furniture. These are electrical equipment, cutting and feeding tables, a storage rack and a packing table (with heating). These acquisitions will cost about 70-80 thousand rubles.

Here, to the opening, we include rental of premises, installation of equipment and other expenses for small consumables. Thus, about one million rubles will be required to start the production of suspended ceilings.

To install a stretch ceiling, you need to take care of the necessary materials. On average, the cost per square meter of the ceiling is 200 rubles, but it is sold from 500 rubles / m² to 2000 rubles / m². Note that here, of course, the costs of workers are included.

Based on this example, consider for yourself whether it is cost-effective to install stretch ceilings and manufacture them. The main thing is to soberly assess your strengths and capabilities, the degree of competition in this sphere is constantly growing.

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1 million this is serious!


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