
The distance from the septic tank to the house: recommendations of the masters

Septic tank is a part of the sewage system, therefore, the choice of location should be taken as responsibly as possible. It is important to remember that aeration fields and sedimentation tanks are sources of unpleasant odors, so the issue of placing a septic tank on the territory is relevant for developers.

Why you should choose a septic tank

When solving this issue, sanitary norms and rules should be taken into account. The septic tank is so popular among other types of autonomous sewers for the reason that it is more environmentally friendly and convenient compared to a cesspool. One of the important rules is the distance from the septic tank to the house.

The distance from the sewer to the apartment building

septic tank from home at what distance

In order for the residents of the house to not feel unpleasant odors, it is necessary to choose the right performance and determine the optimal distance from the sewer to the house. Typically, developers choose a place on the edge of the plot, as far away from housing. If the terrain is hilly, then you should choose the lowest point of the site.

A sewage treatment plant will be carried out on its own or you plan to purchase a finished model, the distance from the septic tank to the apartment building should be determined in accordance with sanitary norms and rules. After reviewing these documents, you will be able to find out about the minimum permissible distance to the foundation of the house and the borders with neighboring sections, as well as other objects by type of carriageway.

It is important to consider the requirements that determine the distance to the well. If the sewage system will be installed on the mastered site, then the territory is planned at the first stage. It will be more difficult to determine the distance to the septic tank in a private house if the sewage system is being built in an operated house, and there are buildings on the site. It is impossible to violate the requirements for the location of the treatment system in the latter case.

Specialist advice

If you arrange a sewer in a full-fledged housing, and not in a country house, it is necessary to coordinate the project in the BTI. Otherwise, the construction will be declared unlawful, and the owners may be fined. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with SNiP, the distance from the septic tank to the house is determined by these documents.

If we are talking about external water supply networks, then SNiP 2.04.02-84 must be taken into account. Whereas if the arrangement of internal water supply and sewage networks is carried out, it is necessary to follow SNiP 2.04.01-85. As for sanitary protection zones, they are refined according to SNiP 2.04.03-85.

The smallest distance from the septic tank to the foundation of the house is 5 m. This requirement applies to devices that perform the function of water purification. These include drainage channels and filtering fields. But if you install a settling chamber, then they are usually located closer to home. Such placement of the treatment system eliminates unpleasant odors near the building and protects the base from washing.

If the soil waters are high on the site, then it is necessary to carefully select the step to the septic tank on such a site. When choosing a place, you should take into account the direction of the flow of water. Installation in this case is carried out below the house, while the relief of the site should be taken into account.

The distance from the septic tank to the neighbors

at what distance from the house do septic tanks

When the distance from the septic tank to the house is already determined, you must also take into account the step to the neighboring site. If a new territory is being developed, then the neighbors should agree on the placement of the corresponding installations and wells among themselves.This will eliminate the contentious issues and unpleasant situations. If the improvement of the operating house is carried out, then you must take into account the requirements that are put forward by sanitary standards. They say that a septic tank should be located from a neighboring fence at 2 m.

Distance to the garden

Garden crops will not feel well if they are affected by excess moisture. When installation is carried out near trees, a garden or shrubs, plants can die from waterlogging of the soil. When moisture enters the soil in excess, the roots begin to rot, which causes the death of plants.

In order to preserve the garden, soil treatment systems should be located 4 m from the border of the garden. We are not talking about hygrophilous plants. If you choose the right variety of flowers, you can break a beautiful flower garden on the filtration platform.

Selecting the distance to the water intake

distance from a septic tank to a residential building

The distance from the septic tank to the house has already been determined, in the next step you should also think about what will be the step to the place of water intake. It is very important to properly maintain the space to the well, as the health of households and people living nearby will depend on this.

It is important to prevent contaminated effluents from entering the water pipes or aquifers, otherwise the water from the well or well will become unusable. Having familiarized yourself with the rules that specify the distance from the treatment plant to the well, you will find out that the step is 30 m. This is true if the local water intake is located above the groundwater current. But when the soil with high permeability is on the site, the minimum distance should be increased, making it about 50 m. In this case, we are talking, for example, about sand.

When there is not enough space

maximum distance from home to septic tank

The distance from the septic tank to the house is important to maintain. But sometimes it happens that the place is simply not enough. This can happen if the requirements do not allow the boundaries of the site. Not all landowners own vast territories. On 6 acres, it is almost impossible to fulfill the requirements of building and sanitary standards. But if it is impossible to maintain the distance between the well and the septic tank, then this is not a reason to reduce it, because non-compliance with the requirements can cause human health problems.

When it is impossible to comply with the rules for installing a treatment plant, you need to think about another type of sewage system. You can install, for example, a drive. It is a volumetric container, which is located in the ground. On sale you can find ground options. Drains will come into such a drive, and as the capacity is filled, it will need to be emptied. Pumping out is carried out by a cesspool equipment.

When you already know at what distance from the house to make a septic tank, but you cannot fulfill the norms and requirements prescribed in the relevant documentation, you may prefer a container that will become a kind of storage pit. Easy to install, it is environmentally friendly and affordable. But this approach has its drawbacks. One of them is expressed in unpleasant odors that will spread when pumped out. The second minus is the rather impressive operating costs.

Another modern solution to the sewage system is the installation of VOCs. These designs provide for a complete wastewater treatment cycle. When using them, it will not be necessary to provide soil post-treatment. This option also has its minus, which lies in the impressive cost of installation work.

Selection of the location of the septic tank

septic tank made of concrete rings distance from home

To find out the maximum distance from the house to the septic tank is quite simple. To do this, you need to draw up a plan diagram of the objects that are on the site. It is important to indicate the dimensions and dimensions of buildings, as well as the distance to the points of water intake.Planted areas, roads and a neighbor’s fence are applied to the scheme. It is important to consider all objects. All this will allow you to understand at what distance from the house the septic tank will be located.

Next, you can address the issue of where exactly the treatment system will be located. The territory can be indicated, for example, by a rectangle. It is also important to determine where the filtration well will be located. Find out if there is a communication septic tank near the planned location.

Additional nuances

distance to a septic tank in a private house

The distance from the house of a septic tank made of concrete rings is determined according to the same principle that was described above and indicated in the sanitary norms and rules. But for a successful outcome, it is important to take into account not only this nuance, but also to think about eliminating the flooding of the system during melting snow and rains. The treatment plant must be installed on a hill.

distance from a septic tank to a house snip

Installation is best done on soft soils, which will reduce the complexity of the preparation. If you plan to dig ditches and pits manually, this factor will be one of the most important. From time to time you will need to pump out the sediment that accumulates at the bottom of the settling chambers. For this work it is recommended to use a cesspool machine. Adequate space must be left for its entrance.

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