
Customs clearance is ... Definition, features and requirements

Almost every motorist who was abroad, always paid attention to car prices - the cost of a car in European countries, as well as in the USA, is much lower than in Russia. The same feature is observed if you visit foreign sites selling cars. It is not surprising that many want to buy a newer car in good configuration or change their car to something higher in class. Despite the fact that environmental requirements are increasing every day, as well as the size of duties, the number of drivers who are interested in cars from abroad does not decrease. To drive a car from Europe, you need to know what customs clearance is. This is the customs clearance of the car. And about all the subtleties and nuances of this process, we will explain further in our today's article.

What it is?

The customs clearance process is the actual process of moving cars or any other goods across the border, importing into the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, the car through the efforts of customs officers will be legalized for personal use.

cars from Germany

Customs clearance is a mandatory event for every car that is imported into the Russian Federation. And it is necessary in all cases. When buying a car, you must always carefully check whether it is cleared. If the car has not passed customs clearance, then this must be done urgently, otherwise financial expenses can be substantial. Before buying a car abroad and transporting it or delivering it to the Russian Federation, you need to decide exactly what brand the car should be, carefully consider the route, calculate the cost, and familiarize yourself with the actions at the border.

how much is customs clearance

It must be borne in mind that laws in Russia change very often. That is why it is recommended to double-see all the rules of the process - in the process of preparing for the purchase of a car and a few days before the vehicle crosses the Russian border.

Sanctions for violation or non-observance of the rules

Customs clearance is the legalization of a car. If you evade this procedure, it will entail a number of rather unpleasant consequences. The buyer has 24 hours to present the car to the customs authorities from the moment the border was crossed. After this period, the car acquires the status of smuggled goods, and the owner will be required to be prosecuted - criminal or administrative. Not only the person who directly imported the car into the Russian Federation can be held liable, but also any citizen who purchased a cleared car in the Russian Federation.

customs clearance of a car

Administrative liability is a fine with confiscation of a car. And criminal liability will come when any of the violations is recognized as committed on a large scale.

Among the violations can highlight information in the documents that do not match the real car. Also, sanctions can be imposed for fake documents, unpaid customs payments, non-compliance with requirements for restrictions on the import of cars into the Russian Federation, for ignoring the requirement or violation of the deadlines for exporting a car.

How to clear a car in Russia

It is not only worth understanding how to buy a car in the USA or in Europe. It is important to know how customs clearance is carried out in Russia. This information will help minimize the time spent on the process. Also, knowledge will help minimize financial costs.

If you yourself do not want to delve into the details of the procedure, then you can use the services of customs brokers.These specialists will professionally, quickly and inexpensively prepare the entire necessary package of documents, and will communicate with customs representatives. Their services are not free - the average price is 15 thousand.


Customs clearance of a car is not a complicated bureaucratic process. If you know the rules, then there is nothing beyond that. However, it must be remembered that under the new rules not all cars can be cleared - cars imported into the Russian Federation must comply with the Euro-5 environmental standards. If this rule is not followed, the violator will have to pay a fine.

customs clearance

If the car is delivered directly by the buyer, then for customs clearance it is necessary to fill out a special form-declaration TD-6. The car will be issued in the form of accompanied baggage. If the car will be delivered by car carrier or in any other way in the form of baggage, then it will be issued in the form of baggage. The people who transport it must be identified by customs officers.

Action algorithm

So, the process of customs clearance of a car includes a whole range of different actions:

  • The first step is to pay in advance the customs obligation. This can be done in the form of a money transfer to the accounts of customs services. Then you need to get official confirmation from the employees that the money has arrived. A receipt will be issued. If the amount paid is too large, then the customs officers will return the remaining amount.
  • Then, the customs officer must enter information about the car in a special document for monitoring the delivery of vehicles. The buyer then must appear for a visual inspection of the car at the place and time that the employee will appoint.
  • Then the document will be checked - the information in them must match. And finally, if everything is in order, documents will be issued for the car and the new TCP.
  • Usually the process of customs clearance of a vehicle will take one day. At the same time, the law allows customs officers to carry out this procedure for three days.
how much is


At border checkpoints, to pass a successful customs clearance of a car, originals and copies of various documents will be required. This is, for example, a statement from the buyer. Supporting documents from the seller are also needed. Then check the document confirming that the funds have been deposited to the customs service in the form of customs support, as well as the form TD-6.

In addition, you will need any document that confirms the identity, a notice that the car arrived at the warehouse, insurance.

After the documents are checked and all the necessary examinations are carried out, transit permits will be issued at the customs post.

About paying taxes

Customs collateral is paid by the buyer in order to pay duties in the future. This includes a tax on the import of cars into the Russian Federation, utilization and customs duties. How much customs clearance costs depends on the characteristics of a particular car. Payment must be made in advance, before traveling by car. Funds are deposited into the account by bank transfer. Given the situation with bank transfers, it is better to pay for security in 3 days.

Duty Amount

For many, the main thing is the cost of customs clearance. The amount of the fee is formed due to the mass of factors. The final price is affected by the year the car is manufactured, the type, power of the motor and its volume, the cost of the car. You can make calculations and find out the approximate amount yourself - there are special calculators for this.

customs clearance from germany

When calculating the excise tax, the engine volume of the vehicle is taken as the basis. For each cubic centimeter of a car engine, the owner will have to pay from 1.5 to 20 euros, depending on the parameters indicated above.

Customs clearance of an electric car will cost much cheaper than an ordinary gasoline or diesel car. Particularly worth paying attention to cars from Japan.Due to special points, the size of the duty may be lower than for cars from Europe.


As mentioned above, you can calculate how much customs clearance will cost. For this, there are calculators on the FCS website. It is important to remember the main parameters. When passing through the customs service, the final cost will be announced.

customs clearance of cars from Germany

For greater convenience, calculators offer special tables. They contain all the basic basic tariffs that allow the most accurate calculation of the amount for customs support.

Cars from Germany

German cars are very popular in Russia. This is true for both used and new cars. The fact is that many middle-class models that are sold there are irrelevant for Russia. Therefore, they are imported into the Russian Federation on their own.

Customs clearance of a car from Germany to the Russian Federation can take place according to the above algorithm. But here there are several rules. To do this, you need to get a transport electronic declaration from the seller of the car - it is presented at German customs. You also need to draw up a contract of sale, where Germany should be the subject of the sale. Next, fill in the technical passport for the car. Then the car will issue transit numbers.


So, we found out what customs clearance is. This is the legalization of cars and other goods. In fact, using this procedure, you can inexpensively purchase exclusive for Russia models of cars of famous manufacturers.

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