
Gazprombank mortgage refinancing: reviews, conditions, advantages and disadvantages

Today, not everyone can purchase housing at their own expense. With the help of mortgage lending, which is offered by almost all banks, many families can afford to buy a house. The concept of refinancing also appeared. Among others, reviews on mortgage refinancing at Gazprombank are positive.

Refinancing at Gazprombank


A mortgage is a certain type of collateral in which the borrower uses and applies the originally pledged property, and if it is not possible to pay further under the contract, the lender withdraws housing to pay off the debt. If the borrower fails to pay the debt, then after the sale of the property by the bank the remaining amount will be transferred to him. But she does not pay back all the money spent, originally spent.


Refinancing is the repayment of an existing mortgage loan by taking another. You can repay in full or in part. With partial repayment, you will have to make payments on two loans simultaneously, therefore this option is the most dangerous. This type of loan is chosen by the debtors because of the favorable conditions that another bank provides, as well as when the possibility of paying the borrower is reduced (since refinancing, you can choose a different interest rate, as well as a monthly payment). Typically, the terms of a new loan by another bank are the most favorable and acceptable for the client. The best option would be, according to employees, refinancing a mortgage in Gazprombank.

Mortgage Refinancing

Sometimes a person can confuse this concept with another - restructuring. Restructuring of credit debt is a change in the terms and conditions of the payment of a mortgage, the possibility of reducing the interest rate, and the transfer of payments from foreign currency to rubles. That is, during the restructuring, another loan is not issued, but the conditions of the first debt are changed.


Not always a person has the opportunity to buy housing using only one loan. Sometimes a borrower takes two loans, initially for a down payment, then for the payment of all housing. Such a payment scheme is difficult, because you need to pay two loans, taking into account high interest. There are also situations when a client understands that he has concluded an agreement with unfavorable conditions for him, or the realities of life have changed (for example, he lost his job, got a new job, but with a lower salary) and it became difficult to make payment. In such cases, refinancing can help, which will change the terms of payment and facilitate further repayment.

But it is worth noting that this bank will consider the client’s documents and work only with those contracts with a validity period of 1 to 30 years. Typically, many banks provide loan agreements at the same interval. Depending on the client’s desire, the bank can change the term of the contract and reduce the overpayment.

In accordance with the terms of the refinancing agreement, the borrower can receive:

  • up to six hundred thousand rubles inclusive (but the amount should be at least 15 percent of the price of housing);
  • in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the contribution may not exceed sixty million rubles;
  • in other cities of the Russian Federation, the contribution should not be more than 85 percent of the value of real estate.

There are positive, as well as negative reviews about the conditions for refinancing a mortgage at Gazprombank.Customers like that when drawing up an agreement it is necessary to provide a standard package of documents. But they are worried that employees may be forced to purchase voluntary life insurance, which is not a prerequisite for the execution of the contract.

Also, a lot of negative customer feedback on mortgage refinancing at Gazprombank is due to the fact that employees are delaying paperwork, and if the bank refuses to provide services, they do not notify borrowers. Because of this, many customers lose time.

Additional terms

When applying for refinancing, you need to know the additional conditions with which the bank works. As well as when taking a mortgage loan, during this procedure the bank requires a security deposit in the form of the borrower's real estate. That is, when using a mortgage loan, a person pledges acquired property. When refinancing, the mortgage will be closed, respectively, and no obligations remain with the borrower in relation to the first bank. But now the same property will be taken as a pledge, only by another bank.

The interest rate before credit agreements of other banks will be 9-15%. The percentage may vary - decrease and increase - depending on conditions and stocks. The company often holds various promotions.

Gazprombank conducts consideration of applications by customers within seven days. But sometimes the response from the bank can drag on for up to ten days.

Home purchase

After the execution of the contract, the debtor incurs obligations. The borrower will be required to pay a monthly amount to repay the loan. It is also possible to deposit more than is due (if the client wants to pay off the debt ahead of schedule). If the client wants to deposit a large amount, then it is necessary to notify the consultant about this in order to write off the excessively paid amount. Early repayment of the loan is carried out without fines and additional penalties. Also, a loan is made without other fees and commissions.

To simplify the process and save time, borrowers can use the official website of Gazprombank in order to fill out an application, as well as obtain preliminary approval. The use of the official website when refinancing a mortgage in Gazprombank, according to reviews, is a positive decision of the organization. Clients do not need to visit the office once again, but you can submit an application without leaving your home.

Foreign currency loan

Sometimes borrowers draw up mortgage agreements in foreign currency. At the moment, payment of such contracts is becoming unprofitable for the client. Therefore, Gazprombank offers re-issuance of the contract by refinancing to change the currency into rubles. Clients received a lot of positive feedback on mortgage refinancing at Gazprombank. By refinancing a foreign currency mortgage, borrowers were able to significantly reduce their monthly payment.

Bank refinancing

Terms for Currency Contracts

Terms for contracts drawn up in foreign currency, no special changes:

  • The term of the contract may not exceed thirty years.
  • The amount provided may be from six hundred thousand to sixty million rubles (if the property is located in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg).
  • The interest rate in these agreements will be 10.5%. In the absence of personal insurance, the percentage increases by one.


Mortgage refinancing in this bank will be carried out only with mandatory insurance of mortgaged property. Title insurance is also required, which will protect property rights for a period of one year. Registration of insurance policies should be made only in those financial companies that are approved by the bank. Therefore, in order not to insure twice, it is necessary to clarify the list of insurance companies and the type of contract with a consultant.But although the company does not oblige to carry out insurance in case of disability, death, injury and other things, there are many negative reviews on refinancing a mortgage at Gazprombank. Borrowers complain about bank employees who slip insurance with other documents. So, customers do not notice and sign the paper. In order to refuse insurance after signing the contract, you must fill out an application, which also not all employees provide.

Such feedback on refinancing a Gazprombank mortgage proves that company employees are not always honest with their customers. Before signing a lot of documents, you must carefully read their contents.

Refinancing a loan agreement


Documents required for refinancing:

  • The application form is filled in at the lender's office (the form is issued by the employee).
  • The original passport or a certified copy with all pages.
  • A certified copy of the work book.
  • Loan agreement (its copy).
  • Help with information on the balance of the debt, as well as confirmation of the absence of delinquencies in writing from the previous creditor.
  • Customer’s written consent for re-encumbrance.
  • Certificate in the form of 2-personal income tax in order to confirm your income.

Also, the client of the bank will have to provide additional documents if they are necessary for the conclusion of the contract.

When writing an application with Gazprombank, the client should not have delays in the mortgage agreement.

According to other banks, refinancing a mortgage in Gazprombank is not the best solution. Since it is Gazprombank that obliges customers to provide many additional documents in the process of concluding an agreement. There were many failures to borrowers due to their delay. Before concluding a new contract, you need to get rid of delinquencies.

Contract refinancing


The algorithm for acquiring a new loan agreement:

  • Writing a statement on the official website.
  • Visit to the lender's office after prior approval.
  • Providing the necessary documents.
  • Obtaining consent from the first bank on refinancing at Gazprombank. As well as taking additional certificates from the first bank.
  • Drawing up, signing documentation. Before signing the documents, you must familiarize yourself with them so that in the future there are no problems and misunderstandings.
  • Bank transfer of funds to the account of the borrower.
  • Repayment of the first mortgage loan received in cash.
  • Exemption from encumbrance of immovable property from pledge.
  • Conclusion of an agreement with a bank on a pledge of real estate.

Lender Opportunities

Choosing a bank when refinancing is important. An additional opportunity of Gazprombank is the combination of several loans into one. That is, the bank can combine a mortgage agreement and other types of consumer loans.

Refinancing at Gazprombank


The Bank cannot provide refinancing services to everyone. There are a number of requirements that must be met in order to get approval from the bank. These include the following:

  • only a citizen of the Russian Federation can become a borrower;
  • the registration with the debtor must match the lending region;
  • credit history should be clean (all banks have one base, so lenders will easily identify a malicious violator of contracts);
  • the borrower cannot have delays in paying the contract;
  • the bank works with individuals from 20 to 55 (for women), up to 60 (for men);
  • the client must have a steady income, and an important condition is to stay at the last place of work for more than six months.

Moreover, before applying, a person needs to make sure that he will be able to pay in the future a new loan. The borrower's income must be such that he can pay the payment every calendar month.If the debtor is unable to pay, the lender will impose fines and penalties. If the borrower provides additional property on the security of either a new guarantor (with a good credit history), the bank will be able to increase the age (60 years for women, 65 for men).

Strict rules before approving a loan are determined by the desire of the bank to work only with responsible and reliable customers.

Mortgage Refinancing Gazprombank

The positive and negative aspects of refinancing


  • A loan agreement can be executed in any cash equivalent at the request of the client.
  • No additional fees from the bank.
  • There is no commission for maintaining a personal account.
  • No hidden fees.
  • If the client wishes, it is possible to choose the minimum payment, increasing the loan term.
  • When making the largest payment amount, there is no additional commission or penalty.
  • With early repayment and completion of the contract there are no penalties and fines.
  • The borrower may provide several guarantors.

Negative parties to conclude a refinancing agreement:

  • The bank refuses many clients if the mortgage under the original contract is not repaid, at least 20 percent.
  • There are requirements for the housing itself. The bank can accept for refinancing only an apartment in a new house. The bank does not work with apartments and houses in the secondary market.
  • Lack of life insurance will affect the interest rate. If there is insurance, the bank will not raise the rate, but in its absence, the tariff will rise by one.
  • The bank accepts the application only if all the required documents are available. In their absence, the creditor will not accept the application. It may take six months to collect all the documentation.

Some customers leave negative feedback about the bank for refinancing mortgages at Gazprombank. Borrowers do not like long lines in offices, as well as the impact on the final rate of various additional services.

Reviews on refinancing mortgages in Gazprombank and company photos

Do customers like the bank service? Reviews on the mortgage refinancing loan in Gazprombank are different. Most customers like the simplicity of using online bank applications, qualified staff who are ready to help answer questions.

Also among the bank's customers there are those who remained dissatisfied. Negative reviews are associated with the lack of professionalism of employees, their neglect of customers. Also, dissatisfaction was caused by the length of the procedure, sometimes the process of drawing up the contract was delayed for six months, it was necessary to collect documents again.

Gazprombank Office

Reviews on refinancing a mortgage at Gazprombank in Novosibirsk

Customer opinions differ, but the advantage in this service is the ability to combine several loans into one. Customers also note that there are two types of payments in this bank. Reviews on refinancing mortgages at Gazprombank in Novosibirsk are diverse. It is worth listening to them. And before making a decision on the execution of the contract, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the services and pitfalls in advance so that no further misunderstandings arise.

Dissatisfaction is caused by the additional collection of documents, which were not mentioned before. Because of this, the processing time for an application at the office is extended. In order to take advantage of refinancing, you must additionally familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this type of contract. In most cases, when using the refinancing service, borrowers do not lose excess cash, as the interest rate becomes lower.

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