
Restructuring of a loan at VTB 24 for an individual: conditions, application, customer reviews

Today, loans are available to almost everyone. Due to the simplicity of arranging such loans, people often cannot correctly calculate their finances in order to pay off their debts in a timely manner. Against this background, borrowers are often not able to fulfill their obligations to financial institutions.

Clutch wallet

Restructuring a loan at VTB 24 is becoming one of the ways out of a quandary. Thanks to this service, the borrower can partially relieve himself of the debt burden and at the same time not worsen his credit history. However, far from all situations, such “concessions” are available to the bank’s customers. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand this issue in more detail.

What is restructuring (re-lending)?

First of all, it will be useful for potential customers to find out that quite recently there was a merger of VTB and VTB 24 financial institutions. This happened in January 2018. Therefore, more programs became available to customers, including on-lending. This service implies certain changes to the terms of the current loan agreement. This is possible in the situation if the client has certain circumstances that do not allow him to cope with his obligations. If the bank manager concludes that the borrower really cannot make payments in accordance with the plan, then he provides a restructuring of the loan. VTB 24 thus helps customers lower their loan rates.

What is the benefit of the bank

Of course, this question is of interest to almost everyone, because it sounds illogical that a financial institution voluntarily agrees that a borrower will pay less interest on a loan. In fact, there are several advantages due to which financial institutions are interested in such transactions. The fact is that if the client loses the opportunity to repay the loan, then in this case the bank will be able to receive compensation only after a long lawsuit, when it will be decided to sell the property of the debtor in favor of the creditor. It is also worth considering that the transfer of a case to the judiciary or collectors involves certain financial costs. Therefore, the bank is much more convenient to offer the client a more loyal loan repayment terms.

Payout schedule

It is also worth considering that due to the restructuring of the loan at VTB 24 for an individual, the financial institution retains its client base. If the client receives such "concessions", then the next time he will certainly apply for a new loan only to this bank. There is a chance to get new borrowers. To this end, VTB 24 implemented a restructuring program for loans from other banks.

When to make out

Renewal of loans is not always worth doing. In addition, the bank may refuse this service without unnecessary reasons. Therefore, it is recommended to issue a loan restructuring at VTB 24 if:

  • The amount of monthly contributions has become an impossible task for a person, since he lost a part of his income.
  • The borrower has several loans at other banks. In this situation, it’s much easier to repay them all at once at the expense of one bank and continue to pay interest to it at a lower rate.
  • The lender, who initially provided the money, plans to go to court to collect money from the negligent borrower by force.

If a person draws up a loan debt restructuring at VTB 24, then he can count on changes in the terms of the contractual relationship. Thanks to this, he will not have to pay fines and other additional fees. In addition, the bank often provides an additional loan that helps repay urgent payments.

Is it possible to re-credit third-party debtors

Yes, indeed, a client can apply for a service even if he initially took a loan from another financial institution. However, in this case, a new bank customer must meet several requirements. First of all, at least 3 months should remain until the repayment of his loan. If he has already made at least one delay in payments, this may be the basis for the refusal to provide this service. Also, the borrower must confirm that he is a citizen of the Russian Federation with a permanent place of registration.

Bank branch

If the borrower meets the basic conditions for the restructuring of the loan at VTB 24, then he is granted a new loan, which goes to pay off existing debts. At the same time, there are several important conditions. For example, at the same time it is possible to “block” no more than 6 loan agreements that were received at other banks. All loans should be issued only in rubles.

The percentage of overpayment in this case depends on the total amount owed. If it is from 100 to 599 thousand rubles, then in this case the overpayment will be about 14-17%. Under the condition of a larger loan, more than 600 thousand rubles, a lower percentage of 13.5% is assumed.

Restructuring of a loan at VTB 24 is possible for a period of 5 years. If the client copes with payments, then in the future he can count on larger loans. It is also worth considering that during the restructuring, the client will not have to overpay the fee for repaying loans at a third-party bank.

Providing services to your borrowers

An application for restructuring a loan at VTB 24 can also be submitted by those who already use the services of this financial institution. In this case, the client can issue:

  • Debt renewal. Thanks to this program, the client extends the term of the contract, as a result of which the monthly payment amount is significantly reduced. Such a service is available only to those people who during the payments on the loan did not allow delinquencies.
  • Credit holidays. In this case, the client provides a document that confirms that he cannot make the next payment. In this case, the term of the installment is postponed to the next month, shifting all subsequent payments. Thus, there is also an increase in the duration of the loan agreement. However, in this case, you will have to pay 2 thousand rubles for this program. You can use this service no more than once every six months.

Also, the restructuring of consumer loans in VTB 24 is possible if the client activates the Easy Payment service. In this case, the monthly payment can be reduced by three times, after which the contributions will be proportionally increased. Thus, customers have several ways to reduce the amount of payments.

Restructuring of a loan at VTB 24 for an individual

Such a service can be provided by the bank by force if the borrower was declared bankrupt by a court decision. Thus, the bank's client himself or his primary creditor can apply to higher authorities and prove the payer's incapacity. According to Law No. 127, if both parties come to a peace agreement, then in this case restructuring is mandatory.

Money on the table

Re-lending to citizens allows you to change the form of a variety of loans:

  • Mortgage. As you know, such loans are considered the longest. Therefore, it is not surprising that a borrower cannot always predict his income in the next 20-30 years.When restructuring a mortgage loan at VTB 24, the loan repayment period also increases, due to which monthly payments are significantly reduced.
  • To purchase a car. In this case, borrowers manage to not only reduce the amount of monthly installments, but also the basic interest rate. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, loans of these types involve overpayments.

If the borrower makes payments by credit card, but he is not sure that he will be able to cope with the upcoming installments, he can apply for a VTB 24 consumer loan. In this case, the client of the bank also wins. This is due to the fact that usually when making a card people are forced to overpay a lot more.

The subtleties of mortgage restructuring

It is worth saying a few words about this type of refinancing. In this case, a service is available to the bank’s customers, according to which they can reduce the mortgage rate to 9.5% per annum. In this case, the borrower can receive a loan from the bank in the amount of up to 30 million rubles. In a situation where the client is not ready to provide the bank with documents in which his income will be indicated, the loan term will be 20 years. If he can bring the relevant documents, then this period increases to 30 years.

VTB Bank

To obtain this service, you will need to provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, SNILS, a certificate of employment (if necessary). You also need to prepare documents that indicate information on how much more the borrower owes on the loan, and confirm that for all the time he did not allow delinquencies.

In some cases, the amount of the refinancing is too large. In this situation, the participation of the guarantor may be required. As a rule, their role is played by the second half of the borrower, his parents or other relatives.

If necessary, the bank may request an additional list of documents. The procedure for registration of this program is carried out in the mortgage department of a financial organization. As a rule, applications are considered no more than 5 business days.

Features of the restructuring

You need to be prepared that receiving this service takes place in several stages. First of all, the borrower must assess his chances of paying the loan according to the plan. It is recommended to execute a loan restructuring at VTB 24 Bank only if the client is confident that he will manage the payments. In some situations, it is completely unprofitable to carry out such manipulations, as the borrower will ultimately overpay a pretty decent amount.

If a decision is made, it is necessary to announce to the manager the amount of the balance according to the debt and the amount of monthly payments. All these data are entered into a system that automatically recalculates both the loan itself and its duration.

Loan problems

Also, a bank client must fill out an application for restructuring a loan at VTB 24, a sample of which can be obtained at a bank branch or downloaded from the official website of a financial institution. The document must include your personal data, including phone number, information about work and income. A conditional sample statement is presented below.

sample application

Who can be refused

One must be prepared for the fact that not every client can count on such a service. Even if you are the borrower who fully meets all the requirements and has provided a full package of documents, the financial institution reserves the right to refuse you application. Typically, in this case, the borrower receives a text message on a mobile phone. At the same time, bank employees are not required to disclose the exact reasons for the refusal.

Nevertheless, most often the negative response is received by those customers who:

  • They do not have the necessary solvency.
  • Are the owners of not the best credit history or most recently made a delay in payment.
  • Made a mistake when filling out the application.

Also, the bank manager may suspect how much the data provided is true.If there is a risk that the client is trying to deceive a financial organization, then he also has every chance of being refused. In such a case, the borrower has the right to make a similar request again, but not earlier than 90 days later, and in that situation, if his financial situation improves or he is ready to provide additional documents confirming his words.

VTB 24 loan restructuring: customer reviews

It is worth noting that most borrowers note the positive effect of this service. For many, this becomes a real help, since not everyone can correctly calculate their finances. If a bank customer lost his job, then such a program becomes just a salvation. Nevertheless, everyone is advised to carefully read the loan agreement, as it may contain clauses that can be a real surprise for a person if he is familiar with this procedure only superficially.

If we talk about negative reviews, then they are most often associated with the fact that in the end it is necessary to overpay larger amounts. However, for the most part, restructuring does not imply the provision of funds free of charge. In general, customers are pleased with this opportunity to get out of a difficult situation in the event of loss of work or other unforeseen expenses. Most of the applicants received a positive response and could take advantage of this program.

Features of processing a transaction in a bank branch

A client can fill out an application for this service online, but most people prefer to visit a branch of a financial institution in person and ask all their questions. To do this, just visit the bank, take the ticket to the line. After this, a conversation with the manager. He needs to state all aspects of his financial difficulties and clarify possible solutions to the problem. If he confirms that the client has the right to this service, it is better if all the necessary documents are at hand. Then the borrower can immediately fill out an application.

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