
Registration of a tractor in Gostekhnadzor: features, procedures and requirements

In the article, we will consider how the registration of a tractor is carried out in Gostekhnadzor. When selling or purchasing equipment that is classified as self-propelled, owners need to remember the procedure for registering it. There are special legislative norms that relate to these actions for all types of such machines, including tractors.

Registration measures regarding self-propelled equipment are carried out exclusively by Gostekhnadzor. The owner of the tractor is required to register it, and for this, a certain time period is provided - 10 days from the date of purchase.

registration rules in the state technical supervision

What is Gostekhnadzor, what are its functions?

We will tell about the rules for registration of tractors in Gostekhnadzor below. Gostekhnadzor is a special body whose activities are aimed at checking the technical condition of road-building machines, special equipment and trailers during their use. In order to ensure the safety of the environment, property and people.

In addition, these bodies oversee a variety of agricultural equipment used in the agricultural sector in order to verify compliance with the operating rules regulated by various regulatory documents and standards.

The owner is obliged to register the tractor or change the registration data at the Gostekhnadzor office within 10 days after the acquisition, customs clearance, deregistration, replacement of numbers or other actions that require changes to the information in the document.

In accordance with Art. 19.22 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, if the registration of self-propelled equipment is expired, a fine is imposed on the owner: from 1000 to 1500 rubles. for individuals and from 2000 to 3500 rubles. - for officials. The fine is from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles for legal entities.

state duty for registration


For registration of tractors in Gostekhnadzor, as well as other self-propelled equipment, the legislation regulates special rules in accordance with which the owner must act. They have been valid since 1995, but the main document is constantly supplemented by various amendments. Recent changes to such rules were introduced in 2014.

State duty for registration of a tractor in Gostekhnadzor

The state provides for the amount of state fees for the performance of certain actions. In accordance with the latest amendments to the law, for the issuance of registration marks of any self-propelled vehicle (in particular, for a tractor), the state duty is 1,500 rubles. For the issuance of this certificate, the tractor owner will need to pay 500 rubles to the state treasury, and 350 rubles for obtaining temporary registration. The state duty for changes in the passport of a motor vehicle is 350 rubles.

It is charged from the owners for registering a tractor with Gostekhnadzor and other self-propelled equipment both in the process of registering a car and when removing a vehicle from the register.

Who can I register for?

The norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses consolidate the ability of every citizen to own any self-propelled machine, including a tractor, This applies to both individuals and enterprises. If the owner is an individual, then the self-propelled object must be registered at his place of residence.For citizens of other states, vehicles are issued at the address of temporary registration of place of residence or at the specified address in a document certifying his right to be within Russia. For citizens who are officially registered as refugees, self-propelled equipment must be registered at the address indicated on the refugee certificate. For a legal entity, a tractor is drawn up at the address of the organization.

documents for registration of a tractor in the state technical supervision

If the owner is a foreign company, and the vehicle is imported into Russia for a period of more than six months, then in this situation the tractor is subject to registration at the branch office. What documents do Gostekhnadzor need?

List of required papers

Any tractor is subject to registration, but only on the condition that there is a document that confirms the legal ownership of the engine (purchase / sale agreement). Without it, registering this vehicle will not work. Therefore, if it is absent, all the papers must be legally restored.

In order to register a tractor in Gostekhnadzor, the following documents are required:

  • passport of the representative of the owner (if registration is made without his personal presence) or the identity card of the owner of the tractor, as well as the passport of the self-propelled object;
  • CTP policy;
  • completed application;
  • receipt of payment of duty;
  • receipts that can confirm the payment of transport tax for the last reporting period (if the tractor is new, then such receipts are not needed);
  • transit number (if any previously issued);
  • registration certificate of a motor vehicle;
  • inspection certificate, which was carried out by an employee of the Gostekhnadzor body.

If the object of self-propelled equipment is registered for the organization, then in this case the constituent documents of the company will be required, as well as the power of attorney of the authorized employee.

application for registration

How can I verify ownership?

The ownership right can be confirmed with the help of such documents:

  • contract of purchase or gift;
  • certificate of inheritance;
  • the court's decision;
  • customs resolution;
  • securities issued by social security authorities.

All documentation provided to the Gostekhnadzor authorities should be issued in Russian, without errors and unauthorized corrections. Documents that are provided in the translation must be certified by authorized persons.


The first step is to submit all of the above documents for registration of a tractor in Gostekhnadzor. Employees of this institution are required to conduct an inspection of self-propelled equipment and draw up an appropriate act. As a rule, it is carried out on the territory of Gostekhnadzor, but sometimes you can call an employee at the address where the tractor or other self-propelled object is located.

The CTP policy is needed for those vehicles whose speed of movement is more than 20 km / h.

In order to prevent the registration of an object from being delayed, one should act within the framework of such an algorithm:

  1. After purchasing a tractor, contact your insurance company and apply for an insurance policy.
  2. Collect the package of the above documents.
  3. Contact the institution of Gostekhnadzor.
  4. Fill out an application for registration of a tractor in Gostekhnadzor.
  5. Go through the inspection.
  6. Submit the registration documents to the staff of the institution.

During the registration process, the technician and owner are checked for compliance with the documentation and the absence of certain restrictions.

registration of a tractor in state technical supervision without documents

What documents does the owner receive?

After the tractor has been registered, its owner should receive the following:

  • registration certificate;
  • passport of the object of self-propelled equipment;
  • registration number;
  • compulsory insurance policy.

Temporary registration

In practice, there are often cases when it is required.

It can be made with the written consent of the citizen, at the address of which is listed. To register a self-propelled vehicle for temporary registration:

  • statement of the owner;
  • certificate of a transport facility issued at a permanent location;
  • passport of the owner or legal representative;
  • a check on the payment of state duty;
  • certificate of technical inspection of the condition of the tractor.
    procedure for registration of a tractor in state technical supervision

The temporary registration procedure includes: payment of state fees, collection of documents, execution of an application for temporary registration, technical inspection, issuance of an act and a temporary certificate.

The certificate of temporary registration, in addition to basic information about the tractor and its owner, contains the expiration date of this document. At the end of it, the self-propelled car should be taken outside Russia. The procedure for registering a tractor with Gostekhnadzor must be strictly observed.

Removal from the register

The procedure is performed in order to:

  • recycling;
  • change of residence of the owner;
  • sales.

In order to deregister a tractor or other object of self-propelled machinery, the following papers should be submitted to the State Technical Supervision Authority:

  • passport of the owner of the vehicle and the object of self-propelled equipment;
  • plate number;
  • certificate of previous registration;
  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of duty;
  • Act on the decommissioning of self-propelled equipment (only for the purpose of disposal).
    registration cost

If the deregistration is carried out in order to sell a self-propelled object, then there is no need to change the registration marks. The owner of the tractor receives:

  • license plates of a transit type (in cases of its sale to another region or outside the country);
  • PSM with the changes.

Reasons to refuse

Is it possible to register a tractor in Gostekhnadzor without documents? When planning to register a tractor or other equipment, you must first study the rules that are regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation so as not to delay this process for a long period of time. The reason for the refusal to conduct registration activities may be the non-compliance of the designs of the object of self-propelled equipment with the standards and requirements that relate to the safety of citizens, the environment and property.

It is easiest to register factory-made equipment, equipped with all the necessary markings and certificates. If the tractor is assembled independently, an examination will be required to confirm the safety of its operation.

The reason for the refusal may also be documents containing corrections, or executed incorrectly.

The cost of registration of a tractor in Gostekhnadzor

Carrying out this procedure for a legal entity will cost from 5000 rubles. For a private person, the procedure will cost in the amount of 4000 rubles.

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