
Advertising or informational sign: features, requirements and placement rules

At every step there are many banners urging the buyer to purchase a particular product or service, as well as containing information about the opening of a new store, the release of a new film, product, etc. Such information signs have their own characteristics and placement rules that must be observed otherwise, violators face a serious fine.

Advertising or informing?

It is worth knowing that not all signs are informational in nature - there are those that are directly related to advertising. This is important, because if the inscription carries an advertising message, then the legislation on advertising will be applied to it.

placement of information sign

Differences between an advertising sign and an information one:

  • The size. The information sign must correspond to certain sizes. The size concerns not only the plate itself, but it is also necessary to observe a certain distance of the sign from the actual address of the organization, distance from the ground, as well as the distance between other signs.
  • The information contained in the banner. If the signboard carries general information about the legal entity, does not call the reader to action that will lead to the sale of the goods or services, then it is informational.
  • Location The location of the plate at the location of the organization will relate it to the information type. Specialists call this sign informational design and advertising laws do not apply to it.

Law requirements

information sign boards

Before you place a sign on the door of the organization, you must familiarize yourself with the rules of placement. First of all, with the law. The Law on Information Signs requires that the following information be provided:

  • company profile;
  • data on registration of the name of individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • registered trademark (if any);
  • organization mode of operation;
  • organization address.

As additional information, it is also recommended to indicate the phone number of the organization, TIN and PSRN. A penalty is not imposed for the lack of these data, but nevertheless they should be indicated for more information. If there is a license to conduct business, then on the sign you need to indicate its number and date of receipt. At the same time, a copy of the license must be in the public domain so that it can be viewed at any time - usually it is placed inside the organization in the consumer’s corner.

Sign size

information signs law

The banner must fit a certain size. The standard size is a sign for an information sign of not more than sixty centimeters in length and not exceeding forty centimeters in height. But this size is standard, so you do not have to follow it.

Of the mandatory requirements is that the sign should definitely consist of a text part. The height of the letters should be less than 1.5 cm, but not higher than two centimeters. The size of the sign should not exceed two square meters.

Materials for the manufacture of signboards

Nowhere are clear requirements for the material from which the information sign can be made. It is clear that this is not ordinary A4 paper. For the manufacture of signs is usually used plastic, metal or acrylic glass. The design can be made of several elements. The main thing is that information on individual elements is not repeated.

Placement of an information sign

coordination of information sign

The design should be located directly at the site of the organization.If it is a multi-storey building, then not above the first floor, or above the entrance to the organizational building. The distance from the ground or floor should not exceed two meters to the upper border of the plate.

A sign can also be placed on the doors of the organization. At the same time, the size of the plate should not exceed the size of 30 by 40 cm.

It is allowed to place an information plate on a glazed window of an organization. All information is applied by screen printing. It is not allowed to place a sign on window openings.

Entrepreneurs have the right to set a sign on the fence enclosing the land on which the organization is located.

If there are several signs on the building, then all of them should be on the same level and be lined up in a horizontal line. In this case, the distance between them should be at least two centimeters.

Coordination of the information sign

To be sure that you will not be fined for the posted sign, you must go through the approval process. This procedure is the most difficult and long. The procedure for approval of the sign may take several months.

It is widely believed that if the sign is not advertising, then it does not need to be coordinated and get permission for it. This is not true. Even if the sign does not have an advertising character, it must be coordinated so as not to face fines and dismantling. The placement of information and advertising structures is carefully monitored by management companies, district administrations and the committee for public relations and the press.

Approval procedure

rules for the placement of signs and information structures

The sign is agreed in the institution responsible for the appearance of the city. Usually this institution is the management of architecture. For approval, you need to provide a design layout of the sign itself and the building on which this sign will be placed. It is necessary to take several photos of the building from different angles and use the photo editor to put the layout of the sign in the right place. But that is not all. To place the sign is required to obtain permission from the owners of the building.

Be prepared for a series of changes that may need to be made to the layout. In order not to receive a refusal, before submitting an application for approval, you need to consult with specialists. Architectural institutions set days and times for consultations that should not be neglected.

In case of a successful consultation, the institution provides a preliminary agreement. Under the agreement, an advance payment is required. Next comes the important process of collecting and submitting documents, on which the final decision depends.

It is necessary to carefully prepare all the necessary documentation. One of the most important documents is the signboard project - it is quite complex and has many nuances of design, so it should be ordered from designers. The project indicates all the important information about the sign - technical specifications, sizes, materials and much more. In addition to the project, there are a number of documents, the design and collection of which should be taken seriously. The slightest typo or lack of data will stretch the approval process for another couple of months. The approval period lasts from two weeks to two months, depending on the region. Upon successful completion of the procedure, permission is issued to place the sign.


For unauthorized placement of signboards and information structures, fines are imposed in accordance with the rules in the amount of:

  • From 2 thousand to 5 thousand rubles for individuals.
  • From 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs.
  • From 30 thousand to 1 million rubles for legal organizations.

How to simplify the approval process

advertising information sign

Not every entrepreneur is willing to spend a lot of time and effort running around instances, collecting documents and making all corrections.To simplify the approval process and save time, there are advertising agencies that are ready to take on all the work for a certain amount. The cost of such a service is rather big, you have to spend money, but it's worth it. The agency will not only prepare all the necessary documents for you, including the creation of a design layout and a draft information sign, but will also be registered in the right instances in a short time.

Is it possible to do without a sign?

Having familiarized yourself with all the rules and approval procedures, you probably wondered: “Do I need this sign?” Yes, I definitely need it. The placement rules are really strict, and it takes a lot of time to get permission, but any organization does not have the right to work without a sign. Otherwise, an individual entrepreneur or legal entity is again fined. Placing a sign is not only help and respect for buyers of goods or services, but also the seller’s direct responsibility.

Luminous sign

The information sign also creates the image of the organization. An attractive banner or sign will create a pleasant association for people with your company and make them come back to you again. Nobody forbids the use of volume letters, consoles and backlight. In addition, customers, guided by the specified work schedule, can plan their time to visit your organization, and you will not lose profits.

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