
SMSfinance: customer reviews, company information

SMSfinance is the largest online MFI in Russia, which has been successfully operating in the "paycheck" microloan segment. The company has helped a large number of people in financial difficulties. SMSfinance offers clients transparent and favorable conditions, therefore it managed to gain a good reputation, which is confirmed by real customer reviews about SMSfinance. The company's activities are controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

About company

"SMSfinance" is a microfinance organization that specializes in providing urgent loans online for a short time. This microfinance organization offers customers an instant lending service, which is based on high international standards and principles of working with clients. The company operates around the clock throughout Russia.


Users just need to go through a simple registration procedure to get a loan. The company has been successfully operating in the financial market since 2012, so it has gained an excellent reputation with borrowers. "SMSfinance" provides the opportunity to refinance, prolongation and attractive loyalty programs. These factors provide a stable position in the market of SMS Finance. Reviews of many customers note that this is the easiest and most convenient lending service.

Terms & Conditions

The client must have Russian citizenship, he must have his own mobile number. The age limit is limited to 18 and 70 years, like many microfinance organizations. If a potential borrower has a problem credit history, then the probability of obtaining a loan is significantly reduced. You can count on getting a loan if the client had only minor problems in the credit history or insignificant delays. In this matter, the requirements of SMS Finance are quite stringent. A potential client may also be refused if the questionnaire is filled out incorrectly and there are suspicions of fraud.

Loan Terms

The maximum loan term is 21 days, and the minimum term is 5 days. Moreover, the loan amount can be from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles. The rate depends on the amount of the loan, therefore, ranges from 0.9 to 1.74%. The loan amount can be increased through the personal account of the client.

Registration and issuance of a loan

The registration procedure is quite simple and fast. The decision to approve the loan comes fairly quickly, but in some cases, consideration of the application may take a maximum of 24 hours. If the answer in the form of SMS did not arrive within 24 hours, you can call the support service by phone indicated on the official website, and clarify the information.

Methods for receiving cash

In case of approval, you must send a message indicating the amount of the approved limit and password from your personal account, the number will be indicated in SMS or on the website. In order to confirm the intention to obtain a loan, you must send a second message to the same number. Clients can apply for a loan in the form of SMS or online on a computer. The final decision to grant or refuse a loan will come at phone number indicated in registration data.

Production methods

The client can choose the method of obtaining a loan in your account. You can get a loan to a bank account without additional commission. To do this, you must register the necessary details in the personal account of the client.Also, "SMSfinance" provides the following methods for obtaining a loan:

  1. QIWI wallet. This method provides for the payment of an additional commission of 2.5%. The borrower's mobile phone number must match the wallet number.
  2. Bank card. This method provides for the payment of an additional commission of 3.5%. The client will need to go through the validation procedure in your account.
  3. Cash in Contact. This method provides for the payment of an additional commission of 3%.
Online Credit

If a client receives a loan in a bank account, funds are received within 24 hours. Other methods of providing a loan provide for instant cash inflows, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of SMSfinance customers.

How does a company show customer loyalty?

Company `s logo

"SMSfinance" provides for its customers a special bonus program, the ability to improve conditions and prolongation by microloans. For a given friend, a certain number of bonuses are credited to the client's account. In your personal account, you can extend the loan term. This operation is possible subject to full repayment of interest on the loan. Borrowers can accumulate cash to repay the principal by extending the loan an unlimited number of times. This service is especially relevant for customers who are in a difficult financial situation. Many reviews of SMSfinance note that this is a convenient resource with fast service and high speed of processing applications.

Protection of personal information

To date, many customers are afraid to fill out applications online. This is due to an increase in the number of fraudsters in this field of activity. "SMSfinance" works within the framework of the law and applies modern methods to ensure maximum protection of personal data, which is confirmed by the feedback of employees of "SMSfinance". Borrowers are provided with a 100% guarantee that personal information will not be shared with third parties and will remain within the company.

Loan repayment

Clients can choose for themselves the most convenient way to repay a loan:

  • payment at the cash desk of any bank;
  • payment systems "Leader" and "Contact";
  • cash;
  • bank card
  • Internet banking (Sberbank, Alpha, Promsvyazbank);
  • electronic money;
  • payment terminals "Megaphone" or "Qiwi";
  • ATM "Post Bank".
Microfinance Loans

Some reviews of the SMSfinance company note that not all users manage to pay off the debt through Yandex.Money and other payment systems. Negative customer reviews note that extending the loan repayment term entails an additional commission of 1.55% per day.

Late fees

Untimely repayment of the debt entails the accrual of a penalty, the amount of which is indicated in the individual conditions of the contract. For each day of delay, the client will have to pay 0.05% of the loan amount. Reviews about SMSfinance report that it is better to return funds in a timely manner, because delays entail serious penalties. Also, borrowers should be aware that payment of the penalty is not exempted by the client from repaying the principal amount of the debt.

The company appreciates conscientious customers, so it will do everything possible to ensure that the conditions of services are as beneficial as possible. If the borrower can not return the money, you can extend the contract. Also, the extension of the contract is possible in case of force majeure. Customers should be aware that credit history is easy to spoil, so late payments should not be allowed. The reputation of the borrower is of paramount importance to banking organizations.

Company benefits

Among the main advantages of the company are the following:

  • minimum package of documents;
  • round-the-clock service work;
  • favorable conditions for customers;
  • a large percentage of approval of applications;
  • better interest rates relative to other MFIs;
  • loans are provided for long and short term;
  • effective loyalty program;
Microfinance Loans

Reviews of many customers indicate a high level of service and the absence of hidden fees. Many borrowers were satisfied, because SMSfinance is a profitable service. Among the positive aspects, customers note a convenient filing and low commission.

Personal Account Features

Clients can apply online for a loan only through their personal account "SMSfinance". Also, customers are given the opportunity to extend the time they use money, ask questions to the support service, see the current balance and analyze the payment schedule.

Reviews about "SMSfinance"

Many reviews say that the company leaves a good impression. Customers say that this is a convenient online service that can help out in a difficult situation. If a client has a stable income, which will make it possible to repay a microloan in the future, then you can safely use the services of this company.

Borrowers who have delayed repayment of loans note that employees communicate extremely politely and report on the presence of debt and maturity. About SMSfinance, the reviews of debtors are quite different, since the service has undeniable advantages and some disadvantages.

The reviews say that it is better to contact this organization if the borrower has full confidence in his own solvency. This is due to the fact that the lack of financial stability and a microloan will lead to a debt hole, which is confirmed by numerous reviews about IFC "SMSfinance". There are negative customer comments. They reported that customers themselves are being threatened and shown to be rude by the SMS Finance staff themselves. The reviews also report that many customers were satisfied with the service and the prompt transfer of funds. Some user comments report frequent technical problems on the site.

Company specifics

SMSfinance Company has developed a special automatic system that allows you to take microcredit via the Internet with confirmation by SMS. Using the service, you can apply for a loan from anywhere in the world. The process of issuing a loan and verification system is as automated as possible. This service allows you to quickly receive funds, however, customers will have to pay a high loan interest. Customer reviews note that each subsequent loan implies an automatic reduction in interest rates. Customers also report that after each loan repaid it is necessary to order a certificate of lack of debt. This will confirm the fact of repayment of obligations to other credit organizations.

Convenient lending service

Among the positive aspects, customers highlight the company's loyalty to borrowers. Customers note that the company’s website has a convenient and intuitive interface that can be operated even from a smartphone. Feedback from debtors about SMSfinance claims that this service is not aimed at people who love a "freebie." With microloans, customers can solve temporary financial difficulties. Despite the fact that credit money provides a certain freedom, it must be remembered that it must be returned to the creditor in a timely manner in the amount established by the contract. Therefore, do not abuse the credit services of such organizations. Before filling out an application for a loan, it is useful for clients to study reviews about the MFO "SMSfinance", which will allow forming an objective opinion about this company.

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