
Penalty for going in the wrong place: amount, punishment and reviews

It is generally accepted that only drivers receive fines from the traffic police, but all road users are required to comply with the rules, including pedestrians. Sanctions may be imposed on any violator, and a fine will not take long to move in a wrong place. Therefore, every pedestrian, even if he crosses the wrong place or goes into the red light of a traffic light, must make sure that there is no traffic inspector nearby.

penalty for going in the wrong place

How is this regulated?

The rules of the road govern the behavior of pedestrians on the road, there are clearly indicated areas where the pedestrian is given the right to cross the road, and where not. In particular, the fourth chapter defines the specifics of behavior, and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation indicates which punishments can be applied to the violator, the amount and types of fines.

Pedestrian Responsibilities

Pedestrians are prohibited from traveling anywhere on the road where they wish. He has certain responsibilities:

  1. Cross the street only in specially designated places - through the crossings. Otherwise, there may be a penalty for going to the wrong place.
  2. To move along the sidewalks in the streets, and in the absence of them, along the sidelines.
  3. At regulated intersections, you must be guided by the signals of a traffic light or traffic controller.
  4. In the absence of markings on the carriageway, you can only switch to another street at an angle of 90 degrees to the opposite side. Crossing the road obliquely is prohibited.
  5. When crossing the road, a pedestrian must make sure that this action is completely safe for him. When crossing to a zebra, you need to be sure that the driver slows down, because he may simply not notice the pedestrian at the crossing.
  6. Crossing the road without a sign is only possible if both lanes are perfectly visible.
  7. A pedestrian should not interfere with drivers.
  8. A pedestrian should not stop when crossing a carriageway without good reason.
  9. You can’t mislead the driver with your behavior. This can cause an accident. That is, the pedestrian should not stand at the edge of the sidewalk, not daring to cross the road.
  10. When crossing the roadway at night outside the settlements, the pedestrian must have special reflective signals.
  11. Pedestrians must stop moving before nearby vehicles. If the car pulled close, then the pedestrian should not rush forward. And if a person stepped on the road in front of a car traveling at high speed, then he should move to the sidewalk.

It is worth noting that the list of responsibilities of a pedestrian is large, but few people know him. If you do not comply with the above rules, then you may be fined for going to the wrong place.

penalty for crossing the road in the wrong place

Administrative punishment

Chapter 12 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation clearly defines the rules associated with the violation of traffic rules. It also indicates liability for road users - pedestrians. Paragraph 29 indicates possible violations committed by pedestrians, as well as liability for this. Interestingly, the type of specific violation does not affect liability. That is, all violations of the rules by pedestrians entail the same penalty in the form of a fine. In the event that the minor does not comply with the rules, his parents will be held responsible. We are talking about a fine for going in the wrong place, the size of which will be 500 rubles.


There are only two possible types of punishment that crossed the road in the wrong place:

  1. A warning.
  2. Fine.

A traffic police officer has the right to choose between these two punishments, but most often pedestrian-violators are not detained at all because of such violations, although there are exceptions. If a violation of the rules caused a traffic jam or, for example, a dangerous situation, then a fine will be imposed for crossing the road in the wrong place. Without serious consequences, the offender is simply given a warning.

the penalty to the pedestrian for crossing in the wrong place

Fine size

In accordance with article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine is possible in two cases. The first of them is defined above: in the event of a pedestrian because of a dangerous situation on the road. The second - with repeated violation. That is, the first time a pedestrian is given a warning, the second time they are fined. The fine is 500 rubles, but the amount, depending on the type of violation, can increase to 1000 rubles. This is possible if the pedestrian has created inconvenience on the road for other participants.

For example, if a driver made an emergency maneuver due to a pedestrian-violator, although this did not lead to serious consequences, a pedestrian will be fined 1,000 rubles. But the driver must prove that there has been a violation. And if, due to a dangerous maneuver, people have also suffered (moderate or slight degree of damage to health), then the penalty for a pedestrian for crossing in the wrong place can be 1,500 rubles. Consequently, the Administrative Code provides for only 3 possible penalties for such a violation: a fine in the amount of 500, 1000 or 1500 rubles.

what is the penalty for going in the wrong place


The easiest way to avoid liability is to not break the rules. But if the violation was recorded, and the fine was assigned, then the offender has 10 days left to appeal the decision. This is done in court after filing a complaint.

When submitting documents, you must indicate that you deny the violation. Ideally, you need to provide your evidence (video, photo, evidence), to draw up your scheme of violation. Of course, it’s hard for a pedestrian to prove that he didn’t break the rules, so even when communicating with the traffic police inspector, you need to ask him to provide evidence of the violation. If he does not have them, then you can safely go about your business. In this case, the traffic police will not threaten you with a traffic police in the wrong place. Of course, if there is evidence in the form of a video recording, then even in court it will not be possible to appeal the decision.

fine traffic police crossing in the wrong place


Now you know what the penalty for going in the wrong place. Note that DPS inspectors only rarely fine people for such a violation. In addition, a warning is always issued for the first time. However, this does not mean that you can freely walk along the roadway. First of all, you need to think about the safety of your health and life and also think about other road users.

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