
How much does the bailiff get? Bailiff salary in Russia

How much does the bailiff get? This question is asked not only by future representatives of the profession, but also simply by curious citizens. For some reason, there is an opinion that public service is not only prestigious, but also highly paid posts. However, people are often surprised if they find out how much the bailiff receives. The salaries of these employees may not seem as high as expected.

bailiff salary


First of all, let's find out who the bailiff is. This name hides an official whose main duty is the enforcement of court decisions. After all, there are situations when the defendants do not fulfill the requirements on a voluntary basis. In this case, employees must take some measures to achieve the execution of the decision.

The important question is not only how much the bailiff receives. After all, being in the aforementioned position allows you to receive some of the benefits provided by the state.

  • Official employment.
  • Long vacation.
  • Availability of a social package, etc.

In addition, the civil service is still considered prestigious and causes corresponding respect from others.

How much does the bailiff get in Moscow


To become a bailiff, a general or vocational secondary education is required. Applicants for leadership positions will require a university degree in law or economics.

I must say that potential employers also put forward a number of requirements for the personal qualities of potential applicants. These include knowledge of Russian law, as well as the ability to get along with people and having a competent speech.

Work as a bailiff is not at all simple. It is quite complex and requires some resistance to stress. After all, their duties are reduced to monitoring the implementation of decisions of state authorities.

Work as a bailiff carries with it even some danger. Indeed, on duty, employees have to contact those who do not comply with the requirements of the law. For this reason, the bailiff must have some self-defense skills. It is never possible to predict how this or that person will behave.

Given all of the above, it is logical to assume that the salary of bailiffs should be very decent. Is it really? Let's find out.

work as a bailiff

Average performance

It is worth noting that for bailiffs there is no uniform salary level for all divisions. If we take the average statistics, it is possible to find out that specialists are paid from twelve to twenty thousand rubles.

The average salary of bailiffs in Russia is not so high. However, do not forget about the presence of bonuses, allowances, etc. In addition, the region where the employee is located strongly affects the level of remuneration.

Country situation

As mentioned above, the salary of a bailiff is highly dependent on his territorial location. In short, the farther from the Russian center, the higher the level of remuneration.

For example, this trend is excellently tracked by the example of northern regions, in which the bailiffs' salaries are on average fifteen to twenty percent higher than their colleagues from other regions. This is due to the presence of allowances and benefits in connection with difficult working conditions in the cold northern climate zone.

bailiff salary

Highest salaries

According to official statistics, the highest payments are due to bailiffs in the Magadan Region.The amount of remuneration may be about fifty thousand rubles.

However, not every employee is ready to go to this region. Potential moving people are more interested in the question of how much the bailiff in Moscow receives. The capital region, as you know, is famous for its generous salaries. However, the wage level in this case is lower and does not exceed thirty thousand rubles, as a rule.

how much does the bailiff get

Pay increase

Now you know how much the bailiff receives. However, given the all-Russian statistics, the salaries of these specialists cannot be called high.

Authorities promise revenue increases for government officials, including the bailiffs. However, one cannot count on a significant increase.

As a rule, salary levels are indexed regularly in accordance with inflation. However, as you know, its real level does not correspond to the figure that the government uses in its calculations. Therefore, formally, wages increase, but in fact, given the ever-increasing inflation, they are reduced.

The government is discussing other measures to increase revenue for bailiffs. In particular, this concerns the ability to leave the salary unchanged, that is, not to index. At the same time, it will be possible to ensure an increase in income due to special increases and allowances. For example, a bonus of ten percent is planned for a five-year work experience, twice as much for a ten-year work experience, that is, at the level of twenty percent. However, no one can predict how things will turn out in practice.

average bailiff earnings in Russia

What does salary depend on?

Bailiffs, according to statistics, earn twenty seven thousand rubles on average. However, most ordinary employees have an income not exceeding fifteen thousand rubles per month. Only a few manage to surpass this mark.

The salary level of bailiffs, as a rule, depends on several factors. These include workload, rank, work experience, etc.

It is also worth noting that in many respects the level of remuneration depends on what position the bailiff holds. Often there is a situation in which ordinary employees receive a salary of ten thousand rubles, and senior management - several times more.

Is it worth it to work as a bailiff?

The answer to this question is by no means unequivocal. This is due to the fact that the vacancy presented assumes a rather impressive amount of work. To enforce judicial decisions, a lot of effort has to be made. In addition, the actions of the bailiffs may be accompanied by retaliatory aggression on the part of their “clients”.

Against the background of such shortcomings, the position of the bailiff does not seem so attractive. In addition, the average employee does not have to rely on high incomes. The first years in the absence of sufficient experience will have to be content with low wages at the level of ten to fifteen thousand rubles. However, as experience is gained, career advancement is possible to increase the level of wages. Even more likely to increase salaries are those who manage to occupy a leadership position.

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