
The electricity meter has broken: what to do, where to call, who changes?

District electric networks set up metering and billing nodes for consumed electricity by the population. The invoice for payment for the used light is calculated according to the latest readings of the meter installed individually in each individual residential building or apartment.

The device has broken

If the electricity meter breaks down, what to do in this case? Notify the service provider through the emergency service dispatcher. When concluding a contract for the supply of services to the consumer, contact numbers for emergency services are notified where to call if the electricity meter is broken. Untimely appeal to the company entails the imposition of penalties equivalent to the theft of electricity or the concealment of reliable information for personal gain.

where to call

Counter broken: what could be the reason?

Any mechanism or device tends to fail for various reasons:

  • As a result of a sharp voltage drop in the network, which led to the ultimate load. In the event of such problems, the consumer has the right to contact the supplier with claims, because sometimes these circumstances lead to burnout of electrical appliances, damage to devices and household appliances.
  • During a thunderstorm or when a short circuit occurs between the phases of the high voltage lines. In this case, the costs of replacing the accounting mechanism are borne by the supplier due to the lack of consumer fault.
  • Mechanical damage to the case or protective glasses during repair, in which the user assumes responsibility for the safety of the device.
  • Unauthorized deliberate violation of the integrity of the meter in order to steal electricity by the owner, which led to a stop or breakdown of the metering mechanism.
  • Depreciation of the counting mechanism over time or lifetime
  • Short circuit in the network. Failure of the disconnecting device in front of the counter led to complete unsuitability and further operation.
  • Damage to electricity meters carried out on the landing of an apartment building. Responsibility can fall on the shoulders of the house administration, which has committed itself to ensure the safe operation of metering stations.

Who pays for a replacement or repair?

electricity meter repair

It requires a specialist call to establish the reason for stopping the counting mechanism in order to determine the course of further actions. Who will pay for the replacement or repair of the electricity meter? This will be determined by the representative of the electrical household, either at the conclusion of an appointed independent examination, on the basis of an application submitted by the homeowner.

In order to protect yourself from the penalties of the controlling organization, you should determine the reason for stopping the mechanism. If the electricity meter breaks, who changes? In different cases, in different ways. For the established reason for the unsuitability of the meter for further operation, the guilty parties are determined, to determine at whose expense the equipment will be replaced or repaired.

Types of Counters

metering device is broken

The organization responsible for the supply of electricity to the population has the authority to replace the metering mechanism, and also provides periodic verification of electricity meters in the period established by the standards.

Varieties of meters - electronic and induction. They have different verification periods due to differences in the principles of the mechanisms.An electronic meter converts the sensor signals into digital codes, while the induction meter works on the principle of disk rotation. A multi-level tariff miscalculation at different times of the day is beneficial for installation in the private sector, when the use of devices with a minimum tariff at night significantly affects the amount of payment for consumption.

Any actions to replace or repair the meter are independently prohibited and are regarded as interference with the calculation of energy consumption. Confirmation of installation or replacement of the meter must be carried out in the presence of a representative of the supplier who has the appropriate qualifications.

calibration of electricity meters

When is a repair needed?

In what cases is the repair of an electricity meter required:

  • damage to sight glasses and the outer case of the mechanism;
  • the smell of burning and melting insulation;
  • disk rotation when consumption devices are off;
  • stop of the counting mechanism without power outage;
  • improper condition of the wire contacts and terminals on the input.

Other reasons for replacing the metering unit: the service life has expired, the accuracy class does not comply with the approved standards, the verification period has been missed, the signal device has been violated.

How to pay, how is the amount of energy expended?

If the electricity meter breaks down, how to pay for the consumed electricity? This will be prompted in the subscription department. After removing the repair counter, the subscriber pays for the average monthly consumption of energy per year, which is based on the calculation of the last paid kilowatts. The period from the time of the last payment to the receipt of information about the breakdown of the mechanism is taken into account. This is required to take into account the conscientiousness of the owner in the payment of energy consumed.

If the electricity meter breaks, how to calculate the amount of consumed electricity? Here, control readings for the past year by crawlers or controllers are taken into account. Timely payment of the last period does not always correspond to the actual meter readings, implying an overrun of energy, or payment in advance. This is not prohibited by law. Actual consumption is calculated in accordance with applicable tariffs.

What should the owner do if the breakdown happened through his fault?

electricity meter is broken

The obligations of the owner of the electric meter include the replacement or repair of the device at its own expense, if the breakdown occurred through his fault, within 30-90 days. According to the consumer’s contract with the supplier, violation of the operating conditions may result in a fine and referral of the case for trial. However, an automatic sanction system is not applied in the event of a breakdown of the meter until the causes of the incident are clarified.

Calibration of electricity meters is carried out within the time period specified by the supplier’s standards and is 5 years periodic.


If circumstances arise when the electricity meter has broken, what should the consumer do? It is necessary to submit an appropriate application for the replacement of the meter, after which the consideration of the causes of the breakdown and the options for paying for the losses incurred by the guilty party will begin.

The company changes the electricity meters at its own expense in cases where the device failed due to no fault of the tenant, and when the metering station is located on the municipal territory. An inspector of an electrical household draws up an inspection report of a faulty device with a description of third-party interference, violation of security seals, and records the last meter readings. Drawing up the relevant documentation gives the right to demand the fulfillment of the obligations of representatives of the parties to the contract.

If the breakdown causes doubts of one of the parties, then an examination is appointed in a specialized laboratory of the expert center of metrology. The official conclusion on the cause of the breakdown determines the degree of consumer guilt.

If the electricity meter is broken, what should I do? This should be requested from a representative of the organization supplying electricity. In the case of taking actions to replace the device with a commercial organization having the right to carry out such work that is considered hazardous, it is necessary to coordinate the date and time directly with the district repair and maintenance company serving the network at your address. After the work is completed, the metering unit is checked and sealed, an act of replacement of the meter is made, indicating the factory and registration numbers.

Fundamental rules

where to call

The basic rules for consumers, which tenants must adhere to, so that a situation does not arise leading to the repair of an electricity meter, are recorded in clauses of the contract with the organization of energy supply.

  • Free access to the metering station is required to record control readings, periodic state verification of the instrument, repair or replace a faulty meter.
  • Separation by a special partition of transformers located nearby with the device.
  • A dry and heated room in which there is an electricity metering unit that does not have fumes harmful to health and contributes to the corrosion of metal parts of the mechanism.
  • A street meter operated at low temperatures should not have an obstacle for the controller to visit to take readings in the form of dogs, piles, enclosed areas and outbuildings not agreed with the supplier.
  • Ensuring the integrity of security seals on the case, as a guarantee of preventing theft of electricity and unauthorized entry to the counting mechanism.
who changes a broken counter


Electricity is used by all family members, and the responsibility lies with the homeowner. In our article, we examined how to act if the electricity meter is broken, what to do first, to avoid penalties. Timely notification of the supplier about the incident solves half of the problems.

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