
Certificate of persons registered in the apartment. Sample form

Certificate of persons registered in the apartment - a document that can be useful to everyone. For example, to confirm the composition of the family or in litigation. In any case, homeowners, as well as residents of real estate should be aware of the mentioned document. Next, we will try to find out which form is in question. And how to get it, too. With timely and proper preparation, there should not be any difficulties. True, sometimes you have to try pretty hard to achieve the desired goal.

Issuance of certificates of family composition

Presentation forms

The forms of the certificate of persons registered in the apartment are different. The thing is that at the moment you can select several documents that help to see and understand who is registered in a particular territory.

For example, you can request:

  • form 9;
  • extended extract from the BTI.

What it is? And how to draw up these papers? Answers to these questions will be presented below.

Description of form 9

Let's start with the most common form. A certificate of persons registered in the apartment is form 9. It is called a certificate of family composition. In this document you can see information about who requested the standard form.

Family composition certificate - sample form

Also, in form 9, all citizens living on the territory are registered. Such a certificate contains information about the date of registration of certain tenants, as well as the degree of their relationship with the applicant. Very comfortably!

Extended statement description

An extended certificate of registered persons in the apartment is called an extended extract from the BTI.

This form almost completely repeats form 9. Only it indicates information about all ever registered in the territory. Here you can see the dates of discharge of specific people.

Important: an extended statement may come in handy before entering into legally relevant transactions.

Recipient Categories

A certificate of the presence of registered persons in the apartment is not issued to everyone. Especially when it comes to its extended type. Only specific categories of citizens are entitled to request such documentation.

Usually certificates of family composition are issued:

  • direct residents;
  • property owners;
  • government bodies;
  • heirs;
  • official representatives of these categories of citizens.

Things are somewhat different with the archival extract from BTI. The thing is that it is not issued to residents. A form of the established form with up-to-date information can be requested only by the property owner or his representative. Heirs, as well as public services, are also endowed with similar powers, but, as a rule, they do not have to think about the implementation of the task.

Places of order and delivery

Where can I get a certificate of the presence of registered persons in the apartment? Unfortunately, giving an unambiguous answer to this kind of question is problematic. The thing is that today various organizations offer services for issuing statements of family composition. But which ones?

Where to get a certificate of family composition

Among them are usually distinguished:

  • migration services;
  • passport desks;
  • multifunctional centers;
  • single window services;
  • branches of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation;
  • passport and visa centers;
  • BTI services;
  • management companies engaged in the maintenance of a residential building.

You can contact any of these bodies. In addition, private intermediary companies also often offer assistance in obtaining certificates of family composition. Only this alignment cannot be considered popular. This is due to the need to pay for intermediary services.Few people agree on them, especially given the availability of faster and less costly alternatives. That is why we will not focus on intermediaries.

Request Instructions: Method 1

Need a certificate of persons registered in the apartment? The MFC or any other authorized body will provide such paper as soon as possible. The main thing is to adhere to the established algorithm of actions. Even a teenager can remember it.

To request a statement of family composition, you will need:

  1. Prepare documents required by law. They are described in more detail below.
  2. Fill out an application for a certificate of registration of persons registered in the apartment.
  3. To apply with an application of the established form to the authorized body.
  4. Pick up the form with the current information for the deadline.

That sounds easy. So it is in fact - a request for extracts on the composition of the family takes a minimum of time and effort. Therefore, there is nothing difficult in their design.

Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation and certificates on registered in the apartment

Request help from BTI: method 2

Where can I get a certificate of persons registered in the apartment? To achieve the desired goal, you need to contact one of the previously designated authorized services. There is another way to order this form.

The thing is that a written application is not always submitted. Often, citizens simply come to the authorized body with pre-prepared documents, and then ask the employees of the IFC or migration services to issue a certificate of family composition. Everything happens verbally. The form will be issued as soon as possible, the main thing is to name the reason for the request thereof.

This procedure simplifies the lives of both employees of authorized bodies and the public. Only it can not be considered official. Employees of the passport office or migration service have the right to require a written application for a certificate of registration of persons registered in the apartment. You should not be surprised at such a requirement.

Applicant Registration Role

Next, we will try to consider the key points of the issue under study. For example, some are interested in how important the applicant’s registration is when requesting an extract on family composition.

The homeowner can contact the authorized body at the location of the real estate for information from the BTI. In such circumstances, the applicant is entitled to a residence permit elsewhere. A similar situation will occur in relation to the heirs.

If the person is simply registered in one or another territory, then it is necessary to apply for an extract from the BTI exclusively to the authorized body at the place of registration. Other services simply will not issue the standard form. This is not provided by current law.

Documents for registration of information on registered in the territory

Service cost

And how much does the document under study cost? And is there any need to pay for issuing a certificate of family composition?

Such statements are issued free of charge. They do not provide for the payment of state fees or penalties for resubmitting a request.

Funds for extracts on family composition may be requested only from private intermediary companies. The services of such organizations are always paid. In this case, the person will transfer the money for the work, and not for the form of the established sample.

Validity of statement

How long does the certificate of the presence of registered persons in the apartment apply? It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. In the legislation of the Russian Federation, the validity of extracts from the BTI, as well as certificates of persons registered in housing, are not spelled out. Therefore, the body requesting such documents may itself dictate the conditions for the validity period of the forms.

Typically, a statement of family composition in Russia is valid for up to 30 days. Less often - up to two weeks. Early void thereof can occur if someone is registered or discharged from housing. Another reason for the expiration of the issued form is a change in the data of the property owner or change of ownership of the property.

Important: in order to avoid unnecessary problems and troubles, it is better to order an established form shortly before contacting the service, which needs to prove the presence of those registered in the apartment / house.

Terms of issue

A sample certificate of registered persons in the apartment is presented to our attention. This is just a template that you can focus on. The data in it will change every time.

Some are interested in how quickly the studied documents are issued after their order. In general, the task is solved quickly. When applying to the migration services and passport offices directly, the issuance of extracts on the persons registered in the house is carried out in a few minutes. And only occasionally have to wait a few hours.

Form 9

If you submit a request through the MFC or another intermediary, you will have to wait. Sometimes the deadline for issuing a statement of the established form is up to 14 days. Fortunately, this is an extremely rare scenario.

It is better to specify more detailed data on the speed of issuance of the mentioned documents in a specific authorized body. Only in this case can unnecessary disappointments be avoided.

Help for the request

We examined a sample certificate of persons registered in the apartment. And how to request this document, too. What will be required to request the corresponding form?

To request a usual extract about the family composition, it is enough to have a passport with you, as well as a certificate of residence, if any. Instead of a passport, a stamp on an identity card or a form of the established form issued for temporary registration can serve as a passport.

If archival information is required, then you have to take:

  • passport;
  • certificate of ownership of the property (or a will with a certificate of acceptance of the inheritance);
  • statement of the established form.

If a citizen sends his representative, you will have to prepare an official power of attorney and a representative's passport. Without all this, the authorized service will refuse to issue a certificate of residence.

Passport office of the Russian Federation


We studied a sample certificate of persons registered in the apartment. The form of this document may be different - regular or extended. The form is made on white sheets without special protective equipment.

Now it’s clear how to request data on registered in housing. This is actually not such a difficult task. Everyone can cope with it, but with timely preparation.

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