
Certificate of the birth of a child from the registry office in form: sample, design features. What to do if the certificate from the registry office on the birth of a child is lost?

Every modern parent in Russia is faced with such a document as a certificate of the birth of a child from the registry office. A similar paper is issued at the maternity hospital. These documents indicate the fact of the birth of a child with one or another parent. However, like any other help, they can be lost. And then new parents have a lot of problems and questions. For example, how to restore birth certificates? Can this be done at all? Why are the mentioned papers needed if the registry office draws up a birth certificate of the established form? The answers to all these questions will be surely found below. In theory, everything is simpler than it seems. But in practice, returning lost documents can be problematic.birth certificate from the registry office


What is a birth certificate from a registry office? This is a document, which, it is not difficult to guess, is issued to confirm the fact of the birth of the baby in the couple.

This is something like an analogue of a birth certificate, only such documentation is printed on sheet A4 without any special marks. Here you can see information about the father and mother of the baby, as well as about the place of his birth.

Why is it needed?

The birth certificate issued by the registry office is used for specific purposes. It is issued in return for a birth certificate from the hospital.

The document under study is needed for registration of benefits and payments. Without it, the FSS and at work will refuse to issue the funds laid to parents. Therefore, the registry office employees warn that the certificate must not be lost.


How long is a birth certificate from a registry office valid? It's hard to believe, but this paper actually has a validity period.

It is equal to 6 months. After this, as a rule, it is impossible to claim benefits and payments for the birth of the baby. And, accordingly, the certificate loses its relevance. Her re-release under such circumstances does not take place.

Is loss a sentence?

Sometimes citizens claim that they have lost a certificate from the registry office about the birth of a child. What to do in this case?registry office form

There is no definite answer. It all depends on the region where citizens live, as well as on the employees of the FSS and the registry office. Indeed, as it is not difficult to guess, theory and practice regarding this issue are seriously different.

Some believe that with the loss of a birth certificate from the registry office, you can forget about benefits, since duplicates are not given out in the said agency. And someone believes that it is possible to restore the paper. By law, it is. Only not everyone knows about it. So, a duplicate of a birth certificate from a registry office may simply not be issued. Moreover, some employees claim that they are not involved in document recovery.

Original or copy?

If the registry office gave a certificate of the birth of a child (this happens at the time of registration of the baby), you can safely go to the registration authorities to arrange payments for the birth of the baby. The paper is submitted with statements in the original. That is, she will not be returned to her parents.

Loss of help is a lot of trouble. After all, some employees of the FSS assure that only the original is required for the preparation of benefits. On it in the REGISTRY OFFICE the mark "for payments" is put. And, as a rule, duplicate birth certificates are not accepted.

But this is not entirely true.The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the restoration of a birth certificate from a registry office. Its duplicate should be accepted normally by the registration authorities. Refusals to apply for benefits due to the submission of a duplicate certificate are not eligible.birth certificate issued by the registry office

Circulation period

It is important to understand that if you lose the mentioned document, you will have to hurry. It is not always possible to restore it.

How much time is given for this procedure? Until the child is 6 months old. As we already said, after this the certificate loses its significance.


Not everyone understands how to turn an idea into reality. And in practice, such a service is extremely rare.

To make a duplicate birth certificate, parents need:

  1. Collect some package of papers. About them will be discussed later.
  2. Write a statement to restore the certificate.
  3. Submit a request to the registry office where the child was registered.
  4. Get help at the appointed time. It will be marked "Duplicate".

As a rule, you must pay a transaction fee before submitting a recovery request. It is symbolic, but takes place. Typically, the cost of making a duplicate certificate is 100 rubles. It is better to specify more accurate information in a specific registry office.certificate from the registry office about the birth of a child is lost

About documentation

And what papers can come in handy when translating ideas into reality? Parents who have lost a birth certificate should try hard to restore it.

The following is required to be attached to the request for the issuance of duplicate paper:

  • passports
  • documents with registration of family members;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • certificates stating that neither mother nor father have yet issued childbirth benefits.

Usually these papers are enough. The latter type of certificate can be obtained from the employer, as well as from the Social Insurance Fund or the IFC. All of them must be attached in the originals.


How quickly is a birth certificate issued by a registry office? Ideally, it is issued immediately at the time of issuing the certificate of the established form. Just wait a few minutes.the registry office gave a birth certificate

Help duplicates are made in different ways. Once it is necessary to wait a week, in some cases 1-2 days. Nevertheless, most often, after studying the documents and the application, the registry office employees print out the relevant certificate and put a note “Duplicate” on it. It all depends on the rules of a particular institution. Indeed, in real life, the mentioned paper almost does not require recovery.

The form

The form of a certificate of birth of a child from the registry office has serial number 24. Previously, the registration authorities issued the form 24M specifically for processing benefits from the employer. It was slightly different from the paper we studied.

But now only form 24 is issued to citizens. Moreover, as their parents say, in a single copy. Because of this, sometimes problems arise when applying for child allowances and other payments. FSS and employers require only original paper, and they do not accept duplicates.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the presentation form of the paper under study is written. Electronic birth certificates are not issued. And if the registry office employees offer to send a duplicate of the document to e-mail, you should refuse.


We found out what the birth certificate from the registry office looks like. And now it’s clear how to restore it.

In real life, registry offices almost always refuse to restore birth certificates. And this despite the fact that each parent has the right to receive duplicates.

Also, the authorities issuing benefits do not accept copies of the certificate. All this is illegal, but such a practice, unfortunately, exists.

What should parents do? To insist on the restoration of the paper being studied, as well as on its adoption when making state payments for the birth of a child. This is the legal right of every parent. And they do not have the right to refuse support because the applicants restored the birth certificate.duplicate birth certificate from registry office

The main thing is to have a determined attitude.Despite the fact that duplicate birth certificates are required to be accepted, some parents simply refuse to apply for benefits if they lose the originals. Doing so is not recommended. Every citizen must be able to defend and protect their rights and interests!

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